"What!? You are from the Northern Galaxy?!"

General Lierde's metallic face showed a surprised expression.

There is no way, the Milky Way is too big!

Before mastering advanced spacecraft technology, it is difficult to cross the north and south or the east and west.

Compared with the Northern Galaxy, the Southern Galaxy has more contact with the center of the Milky Way and the Western Galaxy.

On the contrary, most civilizations in the Southern Galaxy have relatively less contact with the Eastern Galaxy and the Northern Galaxy.

The lack of contact with the Eastern Galaxy is because of the Gula Corps.

Gula is not a good bird either, and has always coveted the Southern Galaxy.

As for the lack of contact with the Northern Galaxy, it is entirely because of the distance.

For a while, even General Lierde, who is a big shot in the Southern Galaxy, couldn't figure out Mark's origins.

If Mark revealed his family name as Mr. Satan, General Lierde would have heard of it.

After all, Mr. Satan is now considered one of the most important figures in the entire galaxy.

But the name Mark is unknown in the galaxy.

Mark is going to meet Dr. Miu, and the topic he wants to talk about is related to Saiyans.

As the strongest man under Dr. Miu, Lild naturally knows the origin of Dr. Miu.

Dr. Miu has said countless times in front of Lild about the plan to eliminate Saiyans and dominate the universe!

Surprised, he asked Mark, and Mark naturally gave a positive answer: "I come from the planet Jilo in the Northern Galaxy, and I am a space explorer!"

"About a year ago, the Frieza Army was defeated by Prince Vegeta, a royal family of the Saiyans, in the Northern Galaxy."

"And this Prince Vegeta used a magical method to restore the destroyed Planet Vegeta and resurrect all the Saiyans!"

"After arduous efforts, I finally found his way to restore his homeland and resurrect his people!"

"I just don't know if Dr. Miao wants to know this method to resurrect the Tsiful people who were slaughtered by the Saiyans!"

"So, I want to meet Dr. Miao in person."

General Lierde didn't know who Mark was at all.

I'm afraid even Dr. Miao wouldn't know this.

But Mark knew who Lierde and Dr. Miao were, and what their current needs were.

Knowing himself and the enemy, Mark made this tempting request that Lierde couldn't refuse.

With his brows knitted together, General Liard did not immediately agree, nor did he refuse.

After a few minutes, after careful consideration, the general nodded.

However, he also stated his request: "I can take you to see Dr. Miao, but I need Dr. Miao's permission!"

"Please step aside now, I need to report to Dr. Miao about you!"

Spreading his palms, Liard made a gesture of invitation, asking Mark to leave the communication room.

With a kind smile on his face, Mark opened the door and walked out.

Seeing Mark leave, Liard quickly asked Dr. Miao to talk.

After a while, the call was connected, and Dr. Miao asked Lild in confusion: "What's going on? Lild, did you know the situation on Lude so quickly?"

"No! Doctor!"

Lild paused, sorted out his words in his mind, and then explained respectfully: "Just now, an explorer from the Northern Galaxy found me..."

"This guy calls himself Mark, and he is from Jilo in the Northern Galaxy. I used the most advanced combat power detector, and his combat power is about 60 million!"

"Yes, he brought an unexpected news - it has All the Saiyans who were exterminated by Frieza have been resurrected!"

"Even your hometown, Zifful, has returned to normal. He knows how the Saiyans did this, and said that this method can revive the dead Zifful people, so he hopes to meet you in person and ask for some benefits..."

"Okay! Please rest assured, with only 60 million combat power, I can easily kill him!"

"Okay! Then I will take him to you now! I believe you will hear good news!"

After respectfully ending the call with Dr. Miao, General Liard walked out of the communication room.

"Mr. Mark, please follow me!"

Opening the door, General Liard saw Mark standing there waiting without arrogance or impatience.

He was a little relieved and asked Mark to follow him.

"Stand here, this is a super-time and space teleportation device, remember not to move around!"

After instructing Mark on the matters to pay attention to during teleportation, General Liard directly turned on the teleportation device.

It is somewhat similar to teleportation, and the eyesAfter a patch of white in front of him, his vision was restored.

Mark's pupils returned to normal, and he looked around hurriedly.

The teleportation platform here was placed in the empty hall.

The whole building was cylindrical, with walls made of metal steel plates all around.

Metal spiral staircases were arranged around the walls.

Before he could observe clearly, Liard's voice sounded behind him: "This is Dr. Miao's experimental planet!"

"Follow me closely, don't walk around!"

After saying that, Liard took the lead to step down the teleportation platform and left the hall where the two were.

Mark followed closely behind, secretly observing the layout and environment here in his heart.

The two walked on the metal spiral staircase and soon arrived at the upper level of space.

The metal door opened, and there was also a corridor made of metal plates inside.

After a while, Liard stood in front of one of the extremely heavy metal doors.

After pressing the doorbell, the metal door slowly opened to both sides.

"Follow me, this is Dr. Miao's first laboratory! The doctor is waiting for you inside!"

After saying that, Lild stood in front of Mark and walked in first.

Mark didn't think much and followed him in.


Suspended on a metal chair more than ten centimeters above the ground, Dr. Miao turned around by controlling the mechanical flying chair.

"Welcome! Mr. Mark from the Northern Galaxy!"

"Speaking of which, we can be regarded as half fellow countrymen, because the hometown where we were born is also in the Northern Galaxy!"

After carefully observing Mark's appearance, he smiled and greeted Mark.

Without waiting for Mark to speak, Dr. Miao continued to ask: "I heard that you saw the planet Zivl restored to its original state and all the Saiyans resurrected?"

"As a scientist, I'm sorry that I can't think of any way to do all this..."

"Can you explain the reason for this to me, an old man? I know you are a cosmic explorer, don't worry, I will give you a fair price!"

"How about a life planet and a resource planet?"

The lofty Dr. Miao basically defined Mark as an explorer who was begging for food.

Dr. Miao was not interested in the explorer's experience.

He was most interested in judging the truth of the events Mark said!

If it was true, then using the same method, he could resurrect all the people of Zivl!

Unfortunately, Mark's mind was not on Dr. Miao at all.

When he saw the old man Dr. Miao, the system options appeared in front of Mark again.

[Option 1, kill Dr. Miao, destroy the baby embryo, and reward "Wes Diary". ]

[Option 2, capture Dr. Miao, seize the baby embryo, and reward the super brutz light wave launcher. 】

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