[Option 1, destroy the evil civilization - the Guru people, and reward immunity potion. ]

[Option 2, forgive the Guru people, meet their needs, and reward the title - Universal Peace Ambassador! ]

[Note 1: There are deadly viruses on many planets. The immunity potion is developed by the Galactic Patrol Organization, which can enhance the immune system of carbon-based life and thus be immune to 99.97% of biological viruses, bacteria, and fungi. ]

[Note 2: Universal Peace Ambassadors will gain a certain degree of favor from all cosmic people, including kind, neutral, and evil cosmic people. ]

The system option appeared again, and Mark was secretly happy that leaving the earth was the right choice.

However, he was facing two choices at the moment.

It was not difficult to eliminate the Guru people.

The total combat power response that could be detected on the entire Guru planet was only more than 10,000 points.

The most powerful Guru leader only had 7,800 combat power points, which was not worth mentioning.

There were not many of these Guru people.

Only more than 10,000 energy reaction sources were displayed on the detector.

Most of the combat power is not strong.

Whether to kill or keep depends on the choice of rewards.

The title of the Universal Peace Ambassador can improve Mark's favorability in the hearts of aliens.

And the immune agent is very useful for Mark now.

After making a decision in his heart, Mark disappeared from the spot the next moment!

The figure appeared again, and appeared behind the head of the golden dragonfly man!

"Super Kamehameha!"

Without mercy, Mark chose to take action.

The Super Kamehameha was activated, and the Gulu leader did not react at all, and he got the lunch box directly!

"Ha! Ah da da da da da!"

Instantly killing the golden dragonfly man, Mark did not stop and used the prince's tactics.

The dense Qigong bombs instantly covered the surroundings.

The Gulu dragonfly man, whose general combat power was only a few dozen or a hundred, was not Mark's opponent at all.

In less than five minutes, the surroundings fell into a dead silence.

Including the red dragonfly who questioned Mark at the beginning, all the Gulu people were turned into broken limbs.

The green blood flowed and gathered together, dyeing the nearby stream dark green.

This was not the first time Mark killed people.

However, it was the first time to kill hundreds of people at a time.

Then again, after scanning the battlefield, Mark really didn't feel any discomfort.

To some extent, the sense of guilt brought by the cross-race massacre was not deep.

What's more, it was these guys who blackmailed him first.

After searching on the battlefield, Mark found some blue crystal particles in the body of the golden dragonfly.

The remaining spoils were worth almost nothing.

Mark deduced from this that the Gulu people were not a wealthy civilization.

"The reward has not been issued? Oh, it seems that all the Gulu people must be eliminated!"

"Fortunately, they are a group society, which saves a lot of time!"

After searching the battlefield, Mark did not hear the sound of the system reward arriving.

He turned on the combat power detector while muttering.

On the detector, most of the Gulu people gathered at three coordinate points.

Mark thought in his heart that this should be the city where the Gulu people live!

Since the target was locked, Mark did not waste any more time.

Turning the spacecraft into a capsule and carrying it with him, the man took off directly on the spot and flew to the largest settlement at high speed!

Ten minutes later, Mark floated in the air, looking at the green lake in front of him.

Tough vines grow by the lake.

These dragonfly people placed their nests made of mud here.

On the lake, a dragonfly man about one meter in size would occasionally jump out of the water.

Turning off the combat power detector, Mark tried to sense the breath.

As a result, he found countless subtle breaths under the lake!

In other words, these subtle breaths are even lower than the combat power of ordinary people on Earth.

No wonder the combat power detector can't capture it.

Mark estimated that the combat power value converted from this breath is probably only a few tenths, not even a little combat power!

If you don't feel it carefully, you may really ignore it!

"This is trouble..." Mark frowned and muttered to himself.

If you want to get the system, you can only kill all these dragonflies now.

Only killing more than 10,000 adult dragonflies is not a big problem.

But there are hundreds of millions of eggs and young dragonflies hiding in this lake.

It is still very difficult to kill them all.

The green lake in front of you is very large.

There are several towering active volcanoes around.

If Mark wants to kill all these guys alone, it will waste a lot of energy.Time.

This is something Mark cannot tolerate.

Floating in the air, Mark's eyes kept sweeping around.

In the end, his eyes were still on several active volcanoes nearby!

Want to kill all the Gulu dragonflies at once.

The best way is to use the power of nature.

Mark plans to blast several volcanoes and let the magma flow into the lake.

After the temperature of the lake water rises, it will naturally kill the eggs and young dragonflies!

However, before that, Mark decided to eliminate all the adult dragonflies first!

Here, nearly 6,000 dragonflies gathered.

The strongest guy has a combat power of 1,400 points.

Mark went straight to the point and flew in front of the red-gold dragonfly man in an instant.

There was no chance for him to talk nonsense, and he punched him in the head!

Green blood burst out, and this guy didn't even have the ability to resist, and he died directly!

This scene was also discovered by many dragonflies.

Seeing their leader being killed, these guys also flew into the air in panic.

For a moment, the sunlight was blocked by these guys.

In order to prevent these guys from running everywhere.

Mark continuously used Qigong cannons at the densest place in the sky!

Under the violent Qigong cannons, these dragonflies were completely destroyed.

Even Mark felt a little exhausted by the high-power Qigong cannon attack.

However, the effect was still very good.

Eighty percent of the dragonflies were eliminated, and the remaining dragonflies fled in all directions.

Turning on the combat power detector again, Mark found that they were fleeing in the direction of two other settlements.

"The monk can run away, but the temple cannot. Let you live a few more days!"

"It's a big project to open the volcano!"

Looking at several volcanoes in the distance, Mark began to calculate how to drain the magma.

After several estimates, Mark finally flew to the center of the lake.

Facing the volcano farthest from the lake, Mark clasped his hands together and shouted, "Super Kamehameha! Drink!"

The air bomb rushed towards the middle of the volcano with great momentum.

In an instant, it hit the designated area.


A violent explosion sounded, and the ground shook all around!

Mark's estimate was right.

When the dust settled, a big hole was blown directly on the side of the active volcano!

The surging and boiling magma rolled out.

Wherever it passed, all the trees in the forest were swallowed and burned!

Seeing this, Mark quickly launched Super Kamehameha at several other active volcanoes!

After a while, several magmas slowly poured into the lake!

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