Planetary defense is Mark's biggest headache right now.

No matter what, Satan Star is now an industry that he actually controls.

Although the price of those Satan fruits is not too high.

But it is a long-term revenue project after all, so it really cannot be abandoned at will.

However, he cannot stay there all the time, after all, Mark usually stays on Earth most of the time.

But the actual situation is that Satan Star cannot be left unattended all the time.

For Mark, the best solution before was to recruit people on Earth to help take care of it.

But doing so also has safety risks. After all, without strong strength in the universe, everything is in vain.

Just when Mark was having a headache about this, he discovered the planetary defense system of the Zivl people.

Mark, who was very interested in this, paid a 10% deposit to the platform.

Quickly began to understand the details of this defense system!

To be precise, this system is divided into three modules.

The first module is the near-earth space defense system.

It is mainly based on large detectors around the planet.

Small unmanned warships controlled by intelligent computers are dispatched to defend in space.

The unmanned warships are equipped with powerful laser cannons!

The second module is the surface defense system.

It is operated by a monitoring system and intelligent armed robots throughout the planet.

If someone drives a spaceship and forcibly breaks into the planet.

This part of the module will be activated and started to fight back.

The combat effectiveness of these armed robots is equivalent to that of a warrior with 1,500 combat effectiveness points.

The third module is the super soldier module.

Once the enemy entering the planet is too strong.

The super soldier module will be activated to quickly annihilate the invading enemy.

The combat effectiveness of this super soldier is approximately equal to that of a warrior with 10,000 combat effectiveness points.

It can be said that a planet with this defense system can resist more than 95% of man-made dangers in the universe.

However, the only regret is that this super soldier is very expensive.

Ten minutes of action will consume 1 kilogram of blue crystal.

That is why, although this defense system is very useful, few people are willing to buy it.

Mark checked the transaction records and found that no orders had been completed in the past few decades!

After reading the transaction records, he took a look at the manufacturer of this system, whose name was Leki.

"Leki... Could he be the crazy scientist Dr. Leki among the Zivl people?"

Seeing this name, Mark suddenly realized.

The original name of the Zivl people's home planet was Plant Planet.

It was a highly civilized planet. The Zivl people at that time were very peace-loving and loved art very much.

Later, after the destruction of the Sarada planet, the Saiyans moved to the Plant Planet.

In this way, two nations with completely opposite personalities and lifestyles lived on the Plant Planet at the same time.

At the beginning, the Saiyans, a fighting nation, were ready to eliminate the Zivl people and dominate the entire Plant Planet.

As a result, the Tsiful people, with the help of a number of high-tech weapons, fought a tie with the powerful Saiyans.

The two sides were deadlocked for five or six years, and there was no winner.

The planet Plant also has satellites, which are called moons on Earth.

Of course, they are essentially satellites.

The satellites on Earth basically have a full moon once a month.

However, it takes seven or eight years for the satellites on the planet Plant to have a full moon!

When the Saiyans were fighting the Tsiful people at the most intense moment, they happened to encounter a rare full moon moment on the planet Plant.

So, the Saiyans, whose combat power increased tenfold, gradually gained the upper hand!

In the end, most of the Tsiful people were wiped out by the Saiyans, and only a few survivors escaped and wandered in the universe.

This Dr. Lecky was one of them, but he was already dead at that time. To be precise, only the resentment formed by mental power was still alive!

Later, he used scientific means to gather all the resentment of the Tsiful people into his body.

So there was the undead warrior - Hachiak!

At that time, Dr. Lecky wanted to take revenge on the Saiyans Son Goku and Vegeta who lived on Earth.

In the end, Goku was able to defeat this guy with the help of the Spirit Bomb.

The Ziffuls are a peace-loving race, but when the race was destroyed, they also became crazy.

In addition to Dr. Lecky, there is also Dr. Myu, who created the parasitic life form Baby, who is also a Zifful!This planetary defense system is one of Dr. Lecky's works before he went crazy.

The actual seller of this defense system is not a certain chamber of commerce, but the official Jilo Trade Star.

Because of this, it is still safe.

It has not been sold because too many blue crystals are consumed to maintain this system on a daily basis.

For important resource stars controlled by the Frieza Army, it is entirely possible to send generals with a combat power of 10,000 to guard them.

The salary paid to them is much less than the blue crystals consumed under the same conditions.

Therefore, this planetary defense system is very useless for large forces.

Some medium and small forces do not have abundant combat power, so the demand for it should be very high.

But the high cost of use makes them discouraged.

In this way, after this planetary defense system fell into Jilo's hands, it has not been sold!

From the initial price of 100 million points, it gradually dropped to 10 million points.

No one would be willing to buy it!

Others don't buy it because they are either poor or have cattle and horses that save more grass.

It's different for Mark now. He doesn't have any strong men to show off.

Satan Star is very important, and the most important thing is that it has made a lot of money by cheating recently!

Mark, who is not short of money, paid a deposit of 1 million points after a little consideration!

As soon as the deposit was paid, the communicator in the suite rang immediately.

Mark's heart moved, and he waited for a few seconds before answering the call.

"Dear Mr. Satan, hello, this is the Jilo Trade Star Administration! Sorry to bother you!"

"Excuse me, is the planetary defense system you ordered on the trade platform just now caused by an incorrect operation?"

"If so, we will cancel the order for you. If not, we will start production!"

"And, I hope you can provide the specific location where the system needs to be installed."

The staff asked seriously and respectfully on the other end of the phone.

This time Mark did not take advantage of it, and replied in a serious tone: "I confirm! The installation location is Satan Star, which is the previous Gulu Star, and the starry sky coordinates are..."

Mark confirmed the order and broke out the exact coordinates of the planet where the defense system was to be installed.

The staff only paused slightly when speaking, and soon returned to normal.

"Dear Mr. Satan, the project will be carried out immediately, and a special service staff will come to report the relevant progress to you! Please rest assured!"

After the staff said this, the call ended.

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