Half a year after leaving, when Mark walked out of the spaceship, he took a deep breath of the air of his hometown.

However, listening to the sirens coming from afar.

Mark finally turned the spaceship into a capsule and quickly left the landing site.

The Nandu police officers who rushed over at the fastest speed finally found only a deep pit with a diameter of about 30 meters outside the suburbs.

How this deep pit was formed made them confused.

After calling in trace experts for a careful investigation, nothing was found, and the final result was nothing.

Mark, who flew to Satan Technology Company at high speed, had no idea how much trouble his unintentional actions had brought to others.

After flying at super high speed for a while, Mark came directly to the outside of Pilaf's laboratory.

He pressed the communicator, but no one answered for a long time.

Mark, who noticed something strange in his heart, broke into the door directly.

Mark forced his way into the laboratory, but found that there was no one here.

"Oh! Five dragon balls are gathered together, and the other one is in Nandu!"

Looking at the dusty and messy laboratory, Mark took out the dragon ball radar thoughtfully.

The result was almost the same as he expected - Pilaf, the bastard, took advantage of his absence from Earth and dreamed of collecting dragon balls again!

Fortunately, he took a dragon ball with him before leaving!

Moreover, the four-star dragon ball on Xiao Wukong is still in Nandu.

Fortunately, he left a hand before leaving, otherwise, it is hard to say what kind of moths Pilaf, the bastard, will toss again!

This guy has a rebellious mind. After standing in the laboratory and thinking for a while, Mark immediately returned to the villa.

Through the breath, Mark can sense that everything is fine on Xiao Wukong's side.

At least, the combat power shown by this guy now is much stronger than half a year ago!

This time back to Earth, Mark still has a lot of things to do.

If Pilaf and the other two were not here, these things would be really tricky!

One minute later, Mark, flying at high speed, landed in the courtyard of his luxurious villa.

March in Nandu is the hottest time of the year.

Under the lush shade of trees, the gravity training room stands quietly in the green.

Mark was about to knock on the door, but the door opened directly. The sweaty little Wukong looked at Mark and said in surprise: "Mark! You are back?!"

The words were still so meaningless, but the words revealed the deep concern, which Mark could still feel.

"I'm back! Little Wukong, you look stronger again!"

"Come on! Release all your energy, let me see how strong you are now!"

Pilaf and the other three guys want to collect dragon balls, which is not a big deal.

What Mark cares most about right now is how much Wukong's combat power has improved in the past six months.

The training conditions he provided for him should be the best at present!

Mark was very curious about how much progress Little Goku would make under such training conditions!

Little Goku naturally had no reason to refuse Mark's request.

With his fists clenched and placed on both sides of his waist, Little Goku gritted his teeth and released all his energy!


The surging air flow surged and sprayed out from his body, and Little Goku's unique hairstyle floated with it.

Mark, who had been staring at the data changes on the detector, couldn't help but sigh: "Combat power 3168! He is really one of the best combat geniuses in the seventh universe!"

"Seventh universe?"

Seeing that Mark felt the results of his recent training, Little Goku directly withdrew his magical powers.

However, the term "seventh universe" was still too unfamiliar to Little Goku.

After repeating it in his mouth, he was careless and threw it out of his mind!

"Mark! I want to compete with you!"

Little Goku has basically rarely communicated with others in the past six months.

On weekdays, apart from eating and sleeping, he basically spends the whole day in the gravity training room.

This gravity training room was made by Pilaf for Mark.

Although the upper limit of gravity is only 100 times, it is enough for Goku at the moment.

In fact, it is different from Mark's foundation as an earthling.

As a Saiyan, Goku quickly adapted to double gravity.

After careful attempts, Goku began to try ten times gravity!

This is why Goku's combat power will exceed 3,000 in just half a year!

You know, in the history that Mark is familiar with, Goku should be receiving training from the gods in the temple at this time.

Even after three years, his usual combat power is only more than 400.

In another five years, when Raditz comes to EarthAt that time, Goku, who had already married and had children, had just broken through a thousand combat power!

After going to King Kai's planet, he finally adapted to the ten times gravity and reached a combat power of about 8000 under the teachings of King Kai!

It took Goku a full year to go from a combat power of more than 1000 to a combat power of 8000.

Of course, half of this time was spent on the journey to King Kai's planet!

In this way, it is actually reasonable for Goku to have such a result now.

It is also reasonable that this guy came up and wanted to compete with him!

This point was beyond Mark's expectations, but it was indeed reasonable.

As a martial arts fanatic, Goku's personality has always been like this!

Mark did not disappoint, and smiled and set up his posture!

However, the so-called competition is actually a test of Goku's training results.

Mark, wearing the combat uniform of the Frieza Legion, adjusted his breath to about 3,000.

In this way, Xiao Wukong would not be accidentally injured by his own attack!


With a whoosh, Xiao Wukong rushed straight towards Mark!

Mark was naturally not afraid of Xiao Wukong's attack, but he noticed something wrong between his eyebrows!

Xiao Wukong's moves did not seem to have changed much from before!

To be precise, the moves he used were still the moves of the Kame-ryu.

Although there was nothing wrong with this, there were still too many redundant movements.

Take the moment when he rushed towards him. From Mark's current perspective, there were flaws everywhere!

If he caught any point, he could instantly defeat Xiao Wukong's seemingly fierce attack!

With this in mind, Mark was naturally in a state of distraction.


Xiao Wukong punched Mark in the cheek, but it was Xiao Wukong himself who cried out in pain.

Instinctively, Mark naturally raised the hidden breath in his body the moment he was hit.

The backlash of more than 83,000 combat power almost broke Xiao Wukong's arm!

"Are you okay?"

Mark came back to his senses and asked Xiao Wukong.

Xiao Wukong shook his head and said with emotion: "Mark, you have become so powerful! It seems that I can't catch up with you in this life!"

There was a little bleak taste in his tone. Mark noticed the change in Xiao Wukong's tone and hurriedly began to cheer up: "People who practice martial arts, in addition to fighting and killing, must also understand what they are pursuing!"

"Everyone's circumstances are different, so there is no need to regard others as the goal of your life!"

"Xiao Wukong, your current strength has indeed improved a lot, but there are defects in your foundation. I want to find a new teacher for you who can help you solve the current problem. Are you willing?"

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