Mark never thought that the effect of Satan Fruit would be so good!

According to the data of Jiluo Star.

Satan Fruit has the effect of optimizing genes.

Most of the known cosmic people are carbon-based life.

The core of life is the deoxyribonucleic acid in the cell nucleus, which is DNA in earth science terms.

In human DNA, 95%-98% of genes are invalid junk genes.

These genes are replicating and inheriting invalid cells every moment.

They waste a lot of energy, but they have no effect on life at all.

The higher the percentage of junk genes.

It means that the potential of a group is lower.

This point is most intuitive in the two points of life span and combat effectiveness, which can best reflect the difference.

In the database of Jiluo Star, the proportion of junk genes in Jiluo's group is only 89%!

Therefore, as long as Jiluo's people are adults.

They usually have a combat effectiveness of about 60 points!

After the popularization of national cultivation, this average value can reach about 110 points!

The average lifespan of the Jilo people is about 120 years old, which is the age of the Earth.

At the beginning, the proportion of junk genes of the Jilo people was about the same as that of the Earthlings.

The lifespan is even lower than the average lifespan of the Earthlings now!

About fifty years ago, after Jilo suddenly became rich.

The talents of Jilo have greatly improved their genetic strength and average lifespan!

The more junk genes are eliminated from the body, the higher the foundation for the warriors.

Mark increased his combat power by 15,000 points this time.

This is not because the Satan Fruit contains huge energy.

It is because the defects in the genes of the Earthlings have been repaired and enhanced!

"Three can do this, what if I keep eating? Will I become a Superman wearing his pants outside?"

Mark muttered to himself, rubbing his slightly prickly chin with his index finger.

On Jilo, the Satan Fruit is not really a hit.

After all, three Mr. Satans have the best effect.

It can probably clean up about 10% of the junk genes.

The effect dropped sharply to less than one percent.

The effect dropped, but the price would not drop.

Therefore, this is not a necessity.

Moreover, gene enhancement technology has been studied in many civilizations.

The results are also varied, and there is no need to spend a lot of money on Satan Fruit.

But Mark's situation is different.

This time, more than 40,000 Satan Fruits were harvested.

Even if he ate Satan Fruits to satisfy his hunger, Mark had more than enough stock on hand!

With this in mind, Mark did not hesitate at all - just eat it!

In one night, Mark ate 143 Satan Fruits.

As a result, at dawn the next day.

Mark was so full that he couldn't eat anymore, so he stopped!

He took another look at the panel data - combat power 125,000 points!

Three Satan Fruits increased combat power by 15,000 points.

One hundred and forty Satan Fruits only increased combat power by 27,000 points.

After more than three, the effect plummets!

However, the effect is also very obvious.

"The eyesight seems to have become better! I can see things clearly one thousand meters away!"

"The body feels very relaxed and full of energy!"

"It seems that the brain is also much clearer. That's right, brain cells are also cells!"

"Oh! My second brother has grown up a little!"

Feeling the changes in his body, Mark was ecstatic.

These more than one hundred fruits were not eaten in vain, they are very useful!

After eating so many fruits in a row, Mark's body surface discharged a lot of black secretions.

These are all junk genes that have been removed from the body.

It's not much different from the hair removal and marrow washing in fairy novels.

After getting into the bathtub again, it took Mark a while to wash off the dirt on his body.

125,000 combat power.

With the five times Kaio-ken, Mark's combat power now exceeds that of Frieza in the first form.

Moreover, as the body becomes stronger, the gravity that can be tolerated can also be appropriately strengthened.

After a period of training, Mark estimated that he would soon be able to withstand 100 times the gravity!

In that case, his body would be able to withstand 10 times the Kaio-ken!

In the future, as he continued to practice, his combat power would continue to improve.

Although, he might not be as abnormal as a Super Saiyan.

But in the universe, he would definitely be considered a hegemon!

Mark was in a very good mood and was not sleepy at all.

After a little thought, he flew to Pilaf alone.

After two or three days of rest, Mark thought that this guy should have recovered almost completely.

After entering the experiment easily,After entering the laboratory, Mark heard Pilaf's exclamations!

"Oh my God! This nanomaterial can actually block high temperatures of 6000℃?"

"Huh? There is even fifth-generation vector engine technology?"

"Oh my God, this kind of cultivated people can be mass-produced into an army!"

"Bakana?! This energy cannon can actually be used on the hand?!"

"Huh? Why are you here, Lord Satan?"

Pilaf, who was talking to himself, found a figure standing behind him.

The lights in the laboratory were blocked.

Looking back, he found that it was Mark and he breathed a sigh of relief!

Once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of the rope for ten years.

"I say Pilaf, don't you have any security measures in this laboratory?"

Mark walked all the way unimpeded.

If someone with ulterior motives came, it would basically be unguarded.

"No way, it takes time to transform it after just coming back!"

"Lord Satan, I plan to upgrade this place in a while. The information you brought back contains the technology for making intelligent robots!"

"These technologies are not difficult to master. I can use them to build a robot guard!"

When it comes to technical matters, Pilaf's eyes shine.

For a scientific and technological talent, the technology Mark brought back made him unable to stop.

Although he was talking to Mark at the moment, his mind was not here at all.

Seeing this guy so fascinated, Mark was too lazy to say hello to him.

Taking a capsule from his arms, Mark placed it on the metal workbench.

"There are ten Satan fruits in here, all of which are treasures I took from other planets in the universe!"

"Each of you three eat three, and the last one will be used for experiments!"

"This fruit should contain substances that can improve genes. Try to extract it."

"It would be great if we could make a drug that strengthens genes!"

Although the output of Satan fruits is not low, it is still a drop in the bucket based on the total number of people on Earth.

When Mark had nothing to do, he looked up a lot of information.

Many alien races have developed gene-enhancing drugs.

The results of each race's research are different.

No one trades this stuff in interstellar trade, and even if someone sells it, Mark dare not buy it.

They are not from the same race, so who knows what will happen after taking it!

If you want to develop a gene-enhancing drug for Earthlings, you can only rely on yourself.

Mark will never be able to do science in this life, but if Pilaf works hard, he can still fulfill Mark's dream!

Ignoring Pilaf's stunned look, Mark threw the capsule to him and then started to eat.

Targeting Xidu, Mark flew at full speed!

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