For Mark.

This feeling is not unfamiliar.

Soon, the chill that permeated the heart and lungs faded.

In return, the breath in the body surged.

Calling the system panel, Mark was shocked by the fresh combat power.

[Name: Mark. ]

[Age: 18 years old. ]

[Combat power: 980,000. ]

[Martial arts: Omitted. ]

[Evaluation: Looking at the seventh universe, your strength can be ranked in the top 1,000. ]


Ranked in the top 1,000 in the seventh universe.

Mark was somewhat dazed when he saw such an evaluation.

You know, the universe is vast.

Even if the seventh universe is just a very small universe.

But the number of lives bred in it is also astronomical.

It can be ranked in the top 1,000 among so many lives.

Although Mark failed to become the strongest.

But at least he is a hegemon!

However, Mark is not sure what the system's evaluation criteria are.

Now I can adapt to the King-fist of Kaio-ken about 6 times!

Once it is used, the combat power will break through the 6 million mark in a minute!

If measured by the basic combat power of 980,000.

Then my strength ranking will probably be improved a lot!

If calculated according to the combat power after using the King-fist of Kaio-ken.

Then this seventh universe really has some crouching tigers, hidden dragons!

However, the combat power of only 980,000 at the moment.

Can't it still meet Mark's needs!

After a simple rest for a day, Mark once again began the process of getting familiar with the new power.

However, although this time there was no difficulty.

It took him a full twenty days!

Eat the fruit of the spirit tree, get familiar with the new power, and challenge the higher intensity of gravity!

This cycle repeats many times!

After Mark ate the fruit of the spirit tree for the fourth time.

The effect of the spirit tree fruit declined rapidly!

The first spirit tree fruit that Mark ate.

A total of 25,000 points of combat power were added to Mark.

After eating it for the second time, his combat power increased by nearly 300,000 points.

And by the third time, it increased by 450,000 points!

But when Mark ate the fourth one, his combat power only increased by 150,000 points!

This increase is not small for the current situation.

But for the future, it will be tens of billions or hundreds of billions of combat power.

It really doesn't matter!

After all, no matter how magical the spirit fruit is.

In essence, it is just a fruit eaten by gods.

This result is not surprising to Mark.

After all, in addition to it, Mark has other ways to become stronger.

Just like this, for the next four months.

Mark's three meals a day are all based on the spirit tree fruit!

Just like this, time flies.

Until there are only three spirit tree fruits left, Mark stopped eating fruit!

January 23, 754 A.E.

There is still an hour's flight to the destination.

Mark has discovered quite a few spaceships from various units of the Frieza Legion!

With the rapid improvement of his strength, Mark has become more and more calm!

[There are still thirty minutes to reach Camilla!]

[There are still twenty minutes to reach Camilla.]

[Warning, locked by an unknown detector!]

[Warning, received a warning from the Frieza Legion fleet!]

[Encountered an attack, the spaceship entered the automatic evasive navigation mode!]

Inside the spaceship, a series of electronic synthesized sounds rang out.

The performance of this spaceship designed by Pilaf is still impeccable!

Equipped with an auxiliary assistant with primary artificial intelligence.

Directly took over the control of the spaceship.

In the fierce artillery fire of the Frieza Legion battleship, it cleverly avoided damage!

It is no exaggeration to say that without it, this mission would not be so stable!

Fortunately, after four minutes of assault.

The spaceship still rushed into the atmosphere of Camilla safely!

However, the scene through the clouds surprised Mark!

The size of the entire Camilla planet is 1.5 times that of the Earth!

Among the life planets, it is already of medium to high volume.

However, after passing through the atmosphere, Mark saw the flashing of artillery fire everywhere.

Wherever he looked, there were violent explosions everywhere.

There was fighting everywhere, and the whole planet seemed to be crying.

Soon, the spaceship Mark was riding landed safely.

The hatch opened, and Mark stepped on the surface of Camilla with one foot.

[Select Confirm, the reward has been issued! ]

A small card appeared directly in Mark's hand.

On it, the number "50" was printed!

The 50-fold combat power enhancement card was obtained!

Mark has been hangingI feel relieved.

Next, I have to think about how to take Camilla for myself!

To put it bluntly, Mark is not the embodiment of justice.

If you don't make money, you will be finished sooner or later.

Camilla has been targeted by Frieza, and it is his fate!

Mark doesn't want to be a savior!

Looking around, it can be seen that this should be a very prosperous planet before the war broke out.

Unfortunately, now Mark can only vaguely see its prosperity in its heyday among the ruins on the ground!

The innocent man is guilty of possessing a treasure.

More than 90% of the broken limbs and arms on the ground are Camilla people with scales on their cheeks.

In the information provided by Jilo, there was specific information about Camilla people.

These Camilla people look a bit like lizard people.

When they were born, their combat power was more than ten points!

When they are young, their combat power will exceed 20 points.

When they enter adolescence, it will increase to 30-40 points.

When they enter the peak of adulthood, the weakest Camilla star has a combat power of about 60 points.

With a little training, it is not difficult to break through 100 points of combat power!

In the past, the Camilla star has always been the absolute overlord in this star field!

Unfortunately, they were targeted by the Frieza Army!

The battle has been going on for more than ten days since the beginning.

Among the Camilla star, except for a very few people who are still resisting.

The others have basically died in the battle!

In order to protect their home planet.

Every Camilla star warrior did not retreat.

They performed very bravely.

At least, Mark saw many dead soldiers of the Frieza Army.

They were all killed by Camilla star soldiers in a one-for-one, two-for-one, or even a dozen-for-one exchange.

Seeing this scene, Mark was stunned and fell into deep thought.

If it were me, would I treat Camilla like Frieza?

Although I had thought of all kinds of excuses in my mind.

But I knew in my heart that my final choice might not cause too much killing.

But in the end, I would still use force to oppress Camilla!

In essence, there is not much difference between me and Frieza!

Now, the only thing that makes me feel relieved is that Frieza has taken all the bad things alone.

As long as I can defeat Frieza next!

Don't think this is a fantasy!

After four months of training.

Mark's normal combat power value has reached an astonishing 10.88 million!

And after hard training, Mark can withstand 100 times gravity!

Now, he can already display 10 times Kaio-ken!

This means that even if the 50x amplification card is not used.

His combat power can still reach 108 million.

Compared with Frieza's 120 million, the difference is negligible!

Once he uses the booster card.

Frieza will be killed instantly!

Frieza, who doesn't know he has been targeted, is playing a cat-and-mouse game on Camilla!

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