"Goku, hurry up and make a wish!"


" Goku nodded seriously, then turned to Shenlong and said

, "Shenlong, please let my grandfather Sun Gohan be resurrected!"

"I'm sorry, I can't fulfill this wish!"

Hearing Shenlong's words, Goku's face suddenly darkened, his eyes gradually became moist, and he slowly lowered his head.

"Why? Shenlong"

Ziye frowned slightly, and asked suspiciously, in his impression, Shenlong can obviously resurrect people.

"Son Gohan refuses to be resurrected, I can't change his will!"

Shenlong explained lightly.

Hearing this, Goku's expression eased a lot and returned to his previous demeanor.

"Goku, it seems that your grandfather is doing well over there, so don't worry!"

Midnight patted Goku's shoulder and said comfortingly.


" "Thank you, Midnight"

Goku smiled and nodded.

"Name your other wishes!"

The majestic voice of the divine dragon sounded again.

"Since everyone has no wishes, then I'm welcome!" Looking at everyone's hesitant appearance, Midnight said unceremoniously.

"Shenlong! Can you let me have an immortal body?

Hearing this, Shenlong couldn't help but hesitate a little, and only after a moment did he speak again: "This... I'm afraid not, there is no absolute immortal body in this world, at least my ability can't do it, if it's just immortality or resurrection of a person, I may be able to"

Hearing this, midnight touched my chin and thought again.

"Shenlong, then trouble me to have the ability to recover quickly!" Midnight spoke.

"I can satisfy you as much as I can!"

In the next second, midnight only felt that a mysterious power flowed into his body, and after circulating around his body, he disappeared.

"Your wish has been fulfilled, goodbye"

After saying that, the figure of the divine dragon slowly disappeared, and the dragon ball also scattered in all directions.

"Why did the Dragon Balls fly away?"

Goku asked with a puzzled look.

"Because after the dragon fulfills its wish, the dragon balls will be scattered around the world, and it will not be restored until a year later,"

Bulma explained lightly.

"Then I have to wait a year before I find my grandfather's relics?" Goku asked lightly.

"Theoretically, that's it!" Bulma nodded and said.

Then, he looked at Midnight on the side, slowly leaned to his side, his face became blushing, and asked in a low voice: "I plan to return to the Western Capital at midnight, do you want to join me?" Hearing

this, Midnight shook his head and said, "Goku and I have promised the Turtle Immortal that we will go to him to cultivate after the matter is completed!" Although

it understands Bulma's intentions, but now he just wants to become stronger, after all, this world is very dangerous, not to mention that the heavens gave him the opportunity to cross and gave him a golden finger, naturally he should not continue to do nothing!

"Yes, I still want to be stronger!" Goku also nodded and said with a smile.

"You still don't think you're strong enough?"

Oolong asked with a look of disdain.

"Martial arts never ends, there is no strongest, only stronger,"

Midnight immediately interjected.

"That's right,"

Goku smiled and nodded.

"What two cultivation madmen, whatever you want!"

Bulma couldn't help but roll her eyes and said

, "Oolong, what about you? Where are you going? Hearing

Bulma's inquiry, Oolong couldn't help but ask

, "Hey, didn't you promise to take me to Xidu and introduce kind girls to me?"

"What about this? No girl like you will like it!

Bulma covered her mouth and said with a snicker.

"Hmph, you don't need to worry about this!"

Oolong hugged his chest with his hands and said unconvinced.

"By the way, Bulma, can you leave your Dragon Ball radar to Goku so that he can go looking for his grandfather's relics in a year's time!"

Midnight suddenly spoke.

"Of course"

Bulma nodded with a smile, then took the radar out of her pocket and handed it to Goku's hands.

"Thank you, Bulma! Midnight, or as thoughtful as you think! Goku said with a grateful look.

"Midnight, Goku! I plan to go to the Western Capital with Bulma, and I hope you can become masters like Teacher Wutian!"

Yamucha said as he hugged his fist towards the two.

"Okay, then let's part with that!"

Watching the figures of Midnight and Goku gradually disappear into the distance, Bulma's face couldn't help but show a trace of loneliness, and then after running a few steps, she shouted loudly

, "Midnight, when you have time, you must come to Xidu to find me!"


After separating from Bulma and the others, Midnight and Goku began to move towards the place where the Turtle Immortal was, and after traveling for nearly three days, the two finally came to the island where the Turtle Immortal was.

"Grandpa, we're coming!"

Goku raised his voice and shouted at the house in front of him.

However, after half a ring, there was never the slightest movement inside.

"Is there no one inside?"

Midnight said with a puzzled face.

"Let's go inside and take a look!"

After that, the two pushed open the door alone and walked in, only to see the turtle immortal sitting cross-knee in front of the TV at this time, watching intently, the woman doing calisthenics in the video, saliva fell on the floor drop by drop.

"Grandpa, we came to see you!" Goku walked up to the turtle immortal and roared loudly.

"Goku, why are you here at midnight?" The turtle immortal then asked.

"The Dragon Ball has been found, according to the agreement, we will come here to practice!" Midnight said lightly.

"So that's the case, you guys go and sit on the side first, don't disturb me watching TV!"

"But Grandpa, I'm hungry,"

Goku said as he covered his face with unhappiness covering his face.

"There's food in the fridge, don't bother me!" With that, the turtle fairy stopped paying attention to Goku and continued to watch the TV intently.

And Goku rushed into the kitchen excitedly, chuckled at midnight, and then sat alone on the sofa, casually picked up a magazine on the table, who knew that just opened it, a variety of swimsuit beauties came into view, shook his head helplessly, and casually put the magazine back!

After about thirty minutes, the beautiful gymnastics on the TV finally ended, and the turtle fairy stood up with hesitation, and when he saw that there was only midnight on the sofa, he couldn't help but ask suspiciously: "Where did that guy run away from Goku?"

Midnight chuckled and said meaningfully: "He went to the kitchen and hasn't come out yet!" Seeing

the strange smile of midnight, the turtle immortal curiously entered the kitchen again, but the scene in front of him completely shocked him, and an inexplicable annoyance surged in his heart!

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