"Hey, Vegeta!"

"You've been fighting for so long, it's my turn!"

Sun Wukong said with some dissatisfaction.


"Kakarot, get out of my way!"

"Frieza is Lao Tzu's prey, no one wants to touch it today!"

Vegeta snorted coldly and retorted.


"You dead monkeys actually dare to despise King Ben so much, really damn it!"

Frisha's green tendons burst out, his eyes glaring angrily at the two, and a fierce murderous aura filled the air.

In the next second, Foley raised his palm, and a burning aura emanated from his five fingers, just in the blink of an eye, a golden dazzling energy, like a balloon, constantly expanded, on the surface it was just an ordinary energy ball, but the energy inside it was rapidly compressing, and the full energy had reached the limit.

"Go and die!"

Frieza snorted coldly, and the dazzling golden energy ball in his hand was like a falling meteor, towards the Monkey King and Vegeta not far away, and smashed it fiercely!

The two who realized the crisis quickly reacted, not daring to be careless, and the blue energy defense cover suddenly formed.


With an earth-shattering explosion, the earth trembled, the wind was fierce, and around the area where several people were fighting, thick smoke swept up, and the entire sky seemed to change color.


What shit super Saiyan blue, in the eyes of this king is a group of lowly ants, all damn it!"

Seeing the fragmented scene in front of him, Frieza laughed viciously.

Just as Frieza was proud of his victory, two dazzling blue rays broke through the smoke that filled the sky.

"This is..."

Frieza's eyes widened in disbelief, his face suddenly became ugly, the corners of his mouth squirmed slightly, and he muttered in surprise: "How is it possible?" Are you two guys actually okay?

"Frieza, are you good at that?"

"Your physical strength has been exhausted, and today you are destined to die at the hands of Lao Tzu Vegeta."

Vegeta taunted in a rather dismissive tone.

"Damn it, you actually dare to provoke King Ben! Death to the king! A

hideous look appeared on Foley's face, and then he shouted, and he threw a punch, slashing through the air like lightning and thunder, and smashed towards Vegeta!

"Huh..." A

sneer crossed the corner of Vegeta's mouth, his pupils contracted slightly, and Frieza's fierce attack, at this moment, in Vegeta's eyes, it was like a TV that was slowed down, and it did not pose any threat to him at all.

One can imagine how weak Frieza's physical strength has reached now.

Vegeta did not hesitate too much, drank lightly, his arm suddenly exerted power, and the fist containing terrifying power burst out in an instant.


Vegeta collided head-on with Frieza's fists, emitting strong fluctuations that distorted the surrounding air!

However, at the moment when the two fists touched, Frieza flew out uncontrollably upside down like a kite with a broken line.

The figure fell to the ground and kept rolling, and the dirt stained the whole body, looking embarrassed to the extreme.

"Damn, this is absolutely impossible!"

"How could King Ben lose to this group of wild monkeys!"

Frieza's eyes were bloodshot, his face was extremely gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and said.

Vegeta floated in mid-air, her whole body steaming with this blue flame, like an unrivaled god of war, looking down on Frieza condescendingly.

"Frieza, your life is going to be decided today!"


Before Frieza could react, a golden light fell from the sky. With a violent roar, Frieza screamed in pain, spewing out a large mouthful of blood, and his body collapsed uncontrollably towards the ground.

In the dusty pit, Frieza climbed out of it with difficulty, wiped off the remaining blood stains at the corners of his mouth with his palm, and a pair of unusually cold eyes were mixed with incredible mood swings!

"Nope... No way! "

How can a garbage race like the Saiyans defeat King Ben, I am the master of the universe, Frieza!"

Frieza could no longer suppress the anger in his heart and roared loudly!

The hoarse voice was mixed with a thick unwillingness, thinking that he was the emperor of the universe, Frieza, who first died at the hands of the earthlings, and now lost to the Saiyans who once did not even have the qualifications to let him look at it squarely, which he could not accept anyway.

Vegeta quickly came to Frieza, without any expression on his face, but his eyes were full of teasing, and he stomped the boss who once dominated him under his feet, which greatly satisfied his vanity.

"Frieza, you have today too!"

Vegeta mocked coldly, his fists and feet were like cannonballs, and they hit Frieza's body wildly, and Friesha's face began to become fierce and distorted, and his eyes stared fiercely at Vegeta in front of him, but he did not have the slightest ability to resist.

Vegeta's attack came to an abrupt end, Frieza was stained, his broken tail was still bleeding, his physical strength was exhausted, and he was seriously injured so that he could no longer maintain the state of Golden Frieza, and the whole person was embarrassed to the extreme, and he no longer had the demeanor of a grand universe emperor.

"Frieza, do you have any last words to say?"

Vegeta looked down at each other and said coldly.

At this moment, a figure sneaked up behind a rock behind Vegeta, this person was Sobel, the only survivor of the Frieza Legion, and the ring on his hand was aimed at Vegeta's heart.


Suddenly, Vegeta suddenly turned around, and a golden light burst out from his palm, and the sudden fiery energy directly shattered the rock in front of Sobel and penetrated his body directly.


Sobel's eyes widened and he pointed at Vegeta in disbelief.

"Hmph, trash..." "

Do you think Prince Ben didn't notice you?"

Vegeta said coldly.

Then, Sobel plopped, falling in a pool of blood.

"Frieza, now it's your turn!"

Vegeta turned around again and said.


"You and this planet, give King Ben death!"

Frieza's face was serious, and the remaining energy in his body instantly condensed in his right fist, and then he was about to smash towards the ground.


Just as Frieza's fist was about to fall, his wrist was suddenly firmly grasped, and he raised his head, his eyes full of surprise.

"Midnight, it's you guy again!"

Frieza scolded the other with his eyes angry.


Frieza, show you something familiar!"

Midnight chuckled, and a vortex air knife instantly condensed in his hand and fell on Frieza's body.


Frieza roared with all his strength, and in the gaze of unwillingness and fear, his body was once again cut into several pieces.

Cosmic Emperor Frieza fell again!!


"You guy actually robbed my head!"

Vegeta clenched his fists, extremely dissatisfied.

"Little Beizi, you should thank me, otherwise you will now become cannon fodder in the universe!"

Midnight patted Vegeta's shoulder and soothed.


Suddenly, Zi Xin's eyes flashed and he quickly ran forward.

Under the fragments of Frieza's body, a cyan light mass with "13 trillion" combat power slowly emerged.


"Get rich!"

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