Time flies, the world's first martial arts conference eight finalists have completed three games, midnight, Klin, Jackie Chan successfully advanced to the final four, and at this time it was Goku's turn to appear, and the fourth game also began.


" "Now start the fourth match

" "Please two players to appear"

As the referee's voice fell, Goku ran out of the backstage excitedly, and immediately greeted the audience!

"What a cute little friend

" "He can reach the final at this age?"

"Huh? This little ghost's clothes are exactly the same as that midnight and Klin

" "It really is!"

"It's great, finally waiting for Goku to appear

" "Come on Goku! Be sure to win!

Bulma shouted excitedly.

Immediately afterwards, the monster walked to the ring with heavy steps, its powerful body made people feel tight, and then look at Goku on the side, he looked very petite.

The monster stared at Goku in front of him, the corners of his mouth revealed disdain, clenched his fists and said coldly: "Little ghost, watch me beat you half to death" Goku

ignored the other party, but now moved his hands and feet in place!

"Hey, little ghost, show you something!" The monster clenched his fist and whispered to Goku.

Hearing this, he couldn't help but arouse Goku's curiosity, and looked over with a puzzled face!


"Just come and take a look!"

Then, Goku naively walked in front of the monster, and just as he was curiously looking at the things in the monster's hand, who would have thought that the other party suddenly punched him.



Goku was shot out in an instant and hit the wall behind him.

"This guy is still so naïve!"

Midnight patted his forehead and said helplessly.

"It's so despicable"

"It's too much, actually sneak attack!"

"Goku quickly stand up and knock this bastard down!"

Seeing this scene, Bulma immediately became furious and shouted at the stage.

"Damn it, you actually sneaked up on me! How despicable! Goku stroked his slightly red and swollen face, stood up and said.

"Haha, who made you an idiot!"

The monster said coldly.

"Abominable! I'm angry, look at the move"

Saying that, Goku jumped forward, his body began to move rapidly, and before the other party could see the action, he had already punched him in the face, and the monster crashed to the ground!

Immediately afterwards, Goku picked up the monster's tail with both hands, spun it around a few times, and threw it directly towards the outside of the ring!

"Great, win"

Just when Klin was excited, the monster's body suddenly stopped in mid-air outside the arena, and I saw its wings waving behind it, and then came to the ring again.

"Haha, there's no way I'll fall out of the field." The monster said with a proud look.

"In that case, then I can only beat you on your knees and beg for mercy!" Goku sneered, and then took up a fighting stance.

"Hehe, you have to have this ability too!"

The monster chewed its mouth, and the next second it directly spewed out a strange purple coil towards Goku, firmly entangled it!

"This... What is it?

After trying to break free for a moment without success, Goku couldn't help but ask suspiciously.

"Haha, you've been tied up by my rubber ring!"

"Don't work in vain, you can't break free"

Saying that, the monster rushed directly towards Goku, seeing this, Goku quickly jumped, but did not want to be caught by the other party.

"You lose"


The monster sneered, and then used all his strength to throw Goku hundreds of meters away!

"Goku! Wouldn't it be, it was actually defeated so easily? Seeing this scene, the turtle fairy's face was full of surprise, he thought that it would be midnight or himself who defeated Goku.


Klin also shouted anxiously.

In mid-air, Goku's body began to fall slowly, his face couldn't help but get anxious, and he subconsciously shouted, "Doudouyun" In

the next second, a golden light turned into a golden light in the sky, and the somersault cloud rushed to carry Goku on it, and then slowly sent Wukong back to the ring.

"Saved! Thank you, Douyun! Goku gasped lightly and said.

As simple as this, the monster's face completely darkened, and he shouted directly at the commentator: "Hey, you don't care about this referee?" Doesn't it mean that you are not allowed to use props?

"Didn't you yourself fly back from the sky?" And this ghost circle! Goku said with a look of disbelief.

"I flew back on my own body, and that rubber ring was also spit out of my mouth!" The monster scolded angrily.

The narrator wiped the cold sweat on his face, and then said: "Excuse me, everyone! We need to discuss this. A

moment later, the narrator's voice sounded again!

"After the unanimous decision of the judges, the Monkey King player is not a foul this time, but it is not an example!"

"Hmph, then I'll throw you out again! You're! Hearing this, the monster had to endure it, snorted coldly, and said.


Goku's face changed, and he quickly broke free of the rubber ring, but the monster did not intend to give him a chance, and directly roared and rushed forward.

"Go and die"


Immediately afterwards, the monster punched out, only to feel that his fist did not feel the feeling of strength, and Dingqing saw that Goku had already disappeared.

The monster looked around with a puzzled look, but saw that Goku at this time actually hooked the monster's arm with his tail!

"This is the tail, you're not human?"

The monster asked with a look of surprise.

"Tail? My tail is growing again! Goku said with a look of excitement.

Then he quickly jumped into the ring, and at the same time, using the strength of his whole body, he instantly broke the rubber ring!


" "When there is still a tail, the power is the strongest"

Goku jumped up in the ring excitedly, completely ignoring the shocked appearance of the people around him!

"Okay, now I'm going to start fighting back"

Saying that, Goku's expression froze, and the strength of his whole body was concentrated, this time he did not dare to be careless, and he was all out as soon as he struck.


Immediately afterwards, the monster was not to be outdone, clenched its fists and won, and the two punches faced each other! The monster only felt a powerful force attack, and the sharp pain extended through the skin all over the body, and in the next second, it flew out directly!

"Well... So powerful, is this stinky boy already powerful to this point? Plus this little guy at midnight, it's really a headache! Maybe I really could lose at their hands! Seeing this scene, the turtle immortal couldn't help but show a surprised look.

"In the fourth game, the Monkey King player wins!"

"Today's competition is here, welcome everyone to watch the final of the world's first martial arts conference tomorrow!"

"Whose hands will the 500,000 prize fall into!"

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