"Right in hell! Die, little ghost! The

humanoid monster sneered, waved its wings behind him at any time, quickly landed from the sky, and rushed towards Goku!


Goku chuckled, and then stepped on his feet, and the power in his body instantly exploded, and suddenly a punch hit the humanoid monster's abdomen, and the other party was instantly knocked out.

"Well... Hurry up!

Klin glanced at Goku in surprise and said.

"Damn, how can this little devil be so powerful?" The diviner frowned and said angrily.

"You don't look strong at all,"

Goku said with a look of disdain

, "Abominable little ghost, you actually dare to speak wildly to the demon master, it's simply unforgivable!"

"Now I'm going to show my true strength!"

Saying that, the wings behind the demon suddenly spread, emitting white starlight, and then put his hands together, aimed at Wukong, and said coldly: "No matter how good a person is, there will be evil thoughts hidden in his heart, and I will slowly amplify your evil thoughts and finally explode in your body!" "

Demon Ray!"

Saying that, the demon man kept his hands, and the purple light instantly shot out, wrapped around Goku, and then bloomed with dazzling light!

"Blast me!"

The demon man roared loudly.

"What kind of light are you?"


I saw that the light gradually faded, but Goku, who was entangled in light, stood in place unharmed, touching the door of confusion in his head.

"Nani? This... That's impossible! The

demon man looked at the scene in front of him in horror, and his mouth couldn't close in shock!

"I don't believe anyone can be without evil thoughts! Pick me up again, Demon Ray! The

demon man asked frantically, and then the light in his hand shot out towards Goku again, but nothing changed, and Goku was still standing in place unscathed!

"You... You... Actually didn't... Evil Heart! The demon's face changed drastically, and he pointed at Goku tremblingly and said.

"You're done with your tricks! Now it's my turn! Goku said a little impatiently.

Saying that, Goku did not have the slightest hesitation, his body jumped and rushed up, who knew that the other party actually took out a trident at this time and stabbed towards Goku.


Wukong's figure flashed, and he quickly dodged the sharp blade, and then his body quickly took a few steps back and stabilized his figure!

"Despicable fellow, actually use weapons! In that case, I won't show mercy to my subordinates!

Saying that, Goku's gaze froze, jumped into the sky, and then after rolling in the sky a few times, he clenched his fists and rushed down!

"Idiot little ghost, just use me as a target!"

The demon man laughed loudly, then held the trident in his hand and stabbed fiercely towards the descending Goku.


At this moment, Goku burst into drink, his body actually stayed in the air, and the demon man pierced the air with a halberd, and his face suddenly changed greatly! Immediately afterwards, Goku kicked the other party in the face! Immediately after falling to the ground, with the help of the power under his feet, he kicked it again!


The demon man was instantly kicked out and flew out, and the whole person was directly embedded in the stone statue of the demon man, fainting over.


"It seems to be too heavy!"

Goku touched his nose and said awkwardly.

"It's amazing to be able to defeat my four warriors! But next, my fifth warrior is a very powerful martial arts master"

As the voice of the diviner fell, a mysterious figure came out of the darkness, only to see his hands on his back, wearing an earthy yellow cotton jacket, and even more strange was that he had a strange mask on his face, for fear that others would know who he was.

"Mother-in-law, I have a reluctant request! It's too cramped here, and I hope to compete with this little guy in an open space! The mysterious man said to the divination mother-in-law.

"Of course it's fine!"

Subsequently, under the leadership of the divination mother-in-law, several people left this eerie room and came to the venue outside the palace!

"Come on, I will definitely defeat you!" Goku took a fighting stance

, "Haha, I'm looking forward to it"


Saying that, the figure of the mysterious man moved quickly, and in the blink of an eye, he came to Goku's side, and his fist attacked like the wind!

Goku's face did not change color, his body quickly defended, blocking the opponent's attack, and then the two started a fierce battle!

The mysterious face froze, seeing that he couldn't take advantage of anything, he quickly distanced himself from Goku, and then jumped into mid-air, and kicked towards Goku fiercely with the help of the power of descending.

"Goku, what are you doing, quickly dodge!" Klin shouted anxiously.

I saw that at this time, Goku stood in place dumbfounded, and in the face of the mysterious man's attack, he directly straightened his chest and let the other party kick up.


The mysterious man hit the blow and then landed smoothly on the ground.


The face under the mask of the mysterious man suddenly changed, and he muttered incredulously, "How the hell did this little guy exercise?" In the face of his all-out blow, he actually escaped unscathed?

"Hehe, you're really strong! I'm going to be serious! Goku chuckled and said lightly.

"In that case, let you try this trick!"

Say it. The mysterious man's legs are slightly bent, and his hands are gathered around his waist to form a calyx!

"Nope... No way!

Goku's face changed and he said in surprise.

"Turtle ~ Pai ~ Qi ~ Gong"


As the mysterious man's voice fell, a white pillar of energy light shot towards Goku with a dazzling light.

"What about people"

As the light faded, Goku's figure disappeared in place!

"I'm here!"

Suddenly, Goku's voice came, and everyone heard the prestige, only to see that Goku at this time had come to a place tens of meters high in the sky.

"This... When was he... I didn't even see his movements! The

mysterious man sighed with a surprised look.

"Next, eat my move

" "Turtle ~ pie ~ qi ~ gong"

Goku chuckled, and then used the turtle school qigong in the air, a powerful shock wave landed, the mysterious man saw this and quickly wanted to escape, but was still affected by Goku's attack, rolled a few times and lay on the ground.

Then Goku descended from the sky, kicked the mysterious man's chest fiercely, and then fell to the ground again.

"I'm sorry, it's a bit heavy this time!"

"But I have to win!"

Goku looked at the mysterious man lying on the ground and said with an apologetic face.

"If you still don't admit defeat, I'm welcome..."

Before Goku could finish speaking, the mysterious man actually sneaked up and grabbed his tail!


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