"In that case, go inside! Be careful, don't die inside! Hearing

this, Midnight glanced at Reina and asked suspiciously, "Aren't you going in with me?"

"I won't go, otherwise I can't explain to Lord Asura that the little one wishes you all the best!" Reyna shook her head and said with a smile.


Turning around, midnight came to the door of the palace, and at this time the dark environment gradually became brighter, and the recovery of sight also made midnight relax and boldly walked in.

Before reaching the door, there was a noisy sound in the palace, midnight gaze, I saw tens of thousands of demons gathered inside, each of them exuded a terrifying momentum, the demons inside sat together in groups at this time, drinking and eating meat like the world, but most of what they ate was human flesh, and the bloody picture made people feel disgusting.

On the high platform of the palace, sat a pale young man, his face was seven points like a human and three points like a ghost, and next to him was a young and beautiful human woman, the girl was pale and her face was full of horror.

"What a disgusting bunch of creatures!" Looking at the group of monsters that feed on living people in front of him, Midnight frowned slightly, and his face muttered ugly.

His voice is not very loud, if he can't break this noisy environment at all in normal times, but almost all the masters of the demon world have gathered here, and the sensitive ears and ears instantly discovered the existence of midnight.

"There are actually humans who dare to break into our demon world? That's fun!

As the voice of the Asura at the high platform sounded, the hall instantly fell silent, and all eyes were focused on Midnight.

"Where's the little ghost? The long one is really fine skin and tender meat, just now the uncle just happened to be full, just take your current wine and dish! As

midnight was exposed to everyone's field of vision, some demons under the hall licked their lips, and in an instant, dozens of monsters of different shapes swarmed up.

"Originally, I just wanted to come here to brush up on experience, but now you guys make me very unhappy, so you all die!"

Midnight's face was solemn, his eyes looked at this group of demons coldly, as if he was looking at a dead person, looking at a group of fierce and fierce monsters, Midnight was not afraid at all, and he stepped hard with his footsteps and rushed in.

Immediately, Midnight's petite body was surrounded by the huge bodies of this group of demons, and in an instant, several violent qi shot out, and powerful power surged out from the demons' bodies, forming a huge black vortex as if it was about to tear Midnight to pieces.

"Turtle ~ Pai ~ Qi ~ Gong"

With a loud drink in the middle of the night, the white dazzling light completely submerged the black vortex, and the surrounding demons instantly collapsed and scattered.


hey! Shout! In

the face of this group of defeated demons, midnight did not intend to let them go at all, and a series of golden energy waves shot out from the heart of his fingers, penetrating the body of the demon in an instant, and dozens of demons all left bloody caves.

"What a ruthless boy!"

Seeing this scene, all the demons couldn't help but gasp, killing so many demon masters in just an instant, and the demons who were just about to start fell in an instant.

The monsters of the demon world are not stupid, the strength of the little ghosts in front of them is not at all what they can handle, if they go up is undoubtedly sent to death in vain, the atmosphere can't help but become weird for a while, and all the demons' eyes have turned to the ashura on the high platform.

"Interesting human imp! It seems that I can't do it if I don't shoot today! Feeling

the embarrassment of the atmosphere, Asura said coldly, and then laughed from his seat, and at this time, all the demons knelt down in unison!

"You are the Lord of the Demon Realm, Asuras?" After scanning the Asura for a while, Midnight's lips moved slightly, and he asked.

Hearing this, Asura ignored Midnight, and after sneering, said in an icy tone: "Human imp! Do you know what happened to trespassing?

"I'm here to defeat you, do you think I'll still care about the end?" Midnight said lightly.

"Beat me?"


Hearing this, Asura couldn't help but sneer, his face showed disdain, and the demons in the audience couldn't close their mouths even more when they heard this!

"Boy, you'll pay for what you say?"

Asura had a cold face, raised his hands slightly, and when he squeezed his palms hard, two gray tornado vortexes several meters long appeared around his body, and then the whirlpools collided with each other, emitting a piercing collision sound, moving towards the direction where midnight was, and all the demons in the past looked frightened and retreated, and the wounded and dead demons on the ground were directly chewed into bloody pieces of meat because they could not dodge, and with the roar of the tornado, they directly turned into blood mist.

Seeing this scene, Ziye's face froze and did not dare to be careless, his legs were slightly bent, his palms were coiled around his waist, and the white pillar of light shot out in an instant.


The white turtle qi function wave collided with the roaring tornado vortex, and in the next second, midnight's face changed greatly, and I saw that the qigong wave that was caught in the middle was actually directly cut into a point of light by it, and there was no slightest danger!

"Go and die, little ghost"

As Asura shouted, his hands pushed hard, and the speed of the two tornado vortexes suddenly increased, flying towards midnight.

Seeing this, Midnight did not dare to be careless, and quickly used the strength of his whole body to defend, only to see that a barrier was formed around it, isolating the opponent's vortex!

Immediately afterwards, the real strength competition between the two began, and the strength of midnight, who had just experienced a big battle, was obviously weak, and then quickly detonated the energy around the body, and the huge power explosion made the other demons who were about to move change their tones and tremble!

With the sound of explosions, midnight was buried in many broken stones and smoke, and then the breath burst out, and the figure of midnight appeared in front of everyone again.

"This trick is indeed interesting!"

At this time, the clothes on Midnight's body had been scratched, and there were many small scratches on his arms and neck!

"Next, it's up to me!"

Midnight's gaze froze, and the cold tone came out of his throat, and then a green bean suddenly appeared in his hand, which was directly stuffed into his mouth, and the next second, Midnight's pale face instantly recovered as before, and the scratches on his body disappeared.

"Nani! What's going on? Seeing

this scene, Asura became ugly, the competition just now had used most of his strength, and his back was already wet with sweat.

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