"Don't worry!"

After seeing Reina nodding and committing, the two demons gave thousands of instructions again before they let go and left the place.

Reina suddenly turned around, took Midnight, who was lying on the ground, in her arms, and after warning around her, she quickly left this place of right and wrong.


After a long time, Midnight coughed violently, his eyes slowly opened, and he found that he had come to a clean and tidy, antique room, and a faint aroma came to his face!

"Where is this?"

Midnight's brows furrowed slightly, and he couldn't help but muttered a little doubtfully.

"You're awake!"

At this time, Reyna walked over wearing a black tights, showing his bumpy figure to the fullest, and couldn't help but attract the eyes of midnight!

"You men are really interesting, hurt like this and in the mood to stare at my body!"

Hearing Rena's words, Midnight's face turned red, and he quickly withdrew his gaze, just about to explain back, but felt a sharp pain in his chest!

"I'm curious, you are obviously dead, but the moment I carried you back, the vitality in your body actually recovered, are you really human?"

In the face of Rena's doubts, Midnight did not answer, he knew that this luck did not die because of the reason for making a wish with Dragon Balls in the first place.

"Reina, can you do me a favor?" Midnight suddenly spoke.

"If you want me to do something dangerous, don't say it, I have already taken a big risk to save you!" Reyna shook her head and said in refusal.

"Don't worry, it's just a show of hands! I have a green bean in my pocket, you can just help me put it in my mouth, I can't lift my arm in my current state! Listening

to Midnight's explanation, Rena's brows couldn't help but wrinkle slightly, and said suspiciously: "It's really that simple!" Seeing

Midnight's serious look, Reyna nodded suspiciously, then fumbled in the pocket of his pants, and then fed the fairy beans in Midnight's mouth.

The squeaky

fairy bean quickly crushed and swallowed it in the night, and the broken bones in the body returned to their original appearance in the blink of an eye, and the wounds on the body disappeared.

"This... How is this possible? Seeing

this scene, Rena's mouth opened into an O-shape, how could she not believe that a small bean could actually have such a great effect, resurrecting a person on the verge of death.

"This Asura can actually transform, much stronger than I thought!"

Midnight stood up, moved his hands and feet, and said with a cold face.

"He can rule the Demon Realm for so many years, he must have his hole card!" Reyna chuckled and responded.

"I can't wait to fight him a second time!" Midnight clenched his fists and said with an excited look.

"You still want to fight him? Are you crazy? I advise you to leave the Demon Realm quickly! Reina frowned slightly, and said with some surprise.

"I came here to find a strong opponent, how can I leave easily!" Hearing this, Midnight said disapprovingly.


Reyna was just about to say something, but was ruthlessly interrupted by midnight.

"Don't worry, his injury is not light now!"

"Next, I may have to trouble you to show me the way!" Midnight touched his head and said with a smile.

"This... Okay"

Reina sighed, and in desperation could only agree to Midnight's request, and then walked out of the room under her guidance and walked towards the palace of Asura again.

After walking out of Rena's room, the demon world has returned to its original gloomy environment, and a terrifying picture is presented in sight, and the patrolling demons are still walking away from time to time halfway, but under the cover of Rena, the two walk quite smoothly.

Soon midnight came to the door of Asura palace again, and his eyes were cheap, and he saw a few soft rays of light emanating from the palace, and walked in at midnight.

At this time, the entire hall was empty, there were not even patrolling demons around, and midnight couldn't help but nod with satisfaction, this is exactly what he wanted, otherwise it would take a lot of effort.

Then midnight came to the center of the square, and at this time, the ground was still stained with the blood stains of the midnight demon killing, and the disgusting stench was emitted on it! Immediately afterwards, Midnight's eyes searched carefully in the hall, and finally found the light mass he had been looking for in a corner!

"Huh? How is

this light mass red" Midnight touched his chin, his face showed a puzzled expression, the light mass he had seen all this time was cyan, which couldn't help but surprise him!

After walking into the light group, I saw that the number displayed on the light group this time was actually "× 2", and midnight immediately understood the meaning of it, to be honest, this made him more excited than directly adding combat effectiveness.

Without the slightest hesitation, Midnight directly placed his hand in the red light mass, and as the palm gently squeezed at the number, the red energy instantly flowed into the body.

Suddenly, midnight only felt that there were several warm currents in the body, the body was extremely relaxed and comfortable, even more drunk and dreamy than the ritual of the week, with the warm current, midnight only felt that the power in his body soared wildly, and the combat effectiveness was simply not the same as before.

"Ghost... There are ghosts"

suddenly a crisp voice sounded, and Midnight turned around with a dangerous brow, and saw a beautiful girl sitting on the ground, pointing at herself with a look of horror.

"I'm not a ghost, I'm not dead at all!" Midnight rolled her eyes and explained.

Hearing this, the girl stood up in shock, slowly leaned over, and then asked in a low voice: "Are you sent by my father to save me?"

"Father? Are you still a princess? Midnight couldn't help but be stunned when he heard this, and asked suspiciously.

"Don't worry, when I defeat Asura, I'll take you out!" Tell me, where is the Asura now? Hearing

this, the girl stretched out her finger and pointed to the place of the Asura Palace, and then whispered: "He is healing his injuries in the blood pool now, send me out to clean up here!"

"I know!"

Hearing this, Midnight directly brought the girl to Rena's front and asked her to help take care of it for a while, while he walked towards the Asura Dormitory with great fanfare!

At this time, the midnight that did not deliberately hide his whereabouts was quickly discovered by the patrolling demons, and the originally dead and silent demon world was shaken again because of the appearance of midnight, and Asura who was healing at this time heard the movement outside and suddenly woke up!


Asura combat power: 180

combat power after transformation: 360

midnight combat power: 204 combat power

after absorbing the red light group: 408

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