Hearing midnight's words, Bulma couldn't help but choke a little, she didn't expect that the two teenagers in front of her were actually orphans, and their backgrounds were so pitiful!

Bulma then took two dragon balls out of her pocket and placed them on the table.


" "How can you have two grandfathers"

Goku shouted in surprise.

"This is not grandpa, this thing is called Dragon Ball, as long as you collect seven Dragon Balls, you can summon the Divine Dragon and fulfill any wish!"

Bulma explained lightly.

"So you came out looking for Dragon Ball?"

Hearing this, Bulma nodded lightly.

"Why don't you go with me to find the Dragon Ball, with your back and my Dragon Ball radar, you will definitely be able to collect it easily!"

Bulma suddenly suggested.

"And you guys who have been living in the mountains must not like it, there are many monsters outside, all kinds of humans and cities, you will definitely like the life outside after you go out!"

Hearing Bulma's proposal, Goku walked up to Midnight and whispered in his ear, "Midnight, what do you think of her proposal?"

"I think she said quite reasonably, we can't stay in the mountains forever, and she said that Dragon Ball can grant any wish, don't you miss your grandfather very much?" Maybe this thing can be resurrected? Midnight said lightly.

"Resurrect Grandpa? Are you sure? Hearing

this, Goku's eyes couldn't help but moisturize.

"That's right, legend has it that Dragon Ball can grant any wish, and resurrecting your grandfather will definitely be fine!" Bulma said quickly.

"In that case, let's set out tomorrow to find the Dragon Balls!" Goku said excitedly.

Gradually, the night approached, and because Bulma was a girl, Midnight had to give up his room to the other party, and he slept in a room.

"Midnight, did you sleep?"

Goku's voice suddenly sounded, making Midnight feel a little puzzled, Goku usually falls asleep while lying in bed.

"Goku, what's wrong with you?"

"You say, can Dragon Ball really resurrect Grandpa!"

Goku asked with some concern.

"Don't worry, Goku, Dragon Ball is absolutely fine, I promise!"

"Well, I believe you!"

In the next second, Goku slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep.


the next morning, the three packed their bags, rode in Bulma's car, and set off on their real journey!


The three followed the guidance of the Dragon Ball radar and walked all the way, and suddenly Bulma stopped when she was able to step on the brakes!

"Why did you stop here?"

Goku asked suspiciously.

"I'm sorry, I have something, you guys wait here for a while, I'll go back!"

Bulma got out of the car and said a little embarrassed.

"What are you going to do?"

Goku asked with a puzzled look.

"It's okay with you!"

Bulma pouted and said.

"Don't run too far, there are often wild beasts here!" Midnight kindly reminded.

"Don't worry! Thank you for caring,"

Bulma left quickly!


"Midnight, what did Bulma do? Why haven't you come back yet? Goku asked a little anxiously.

Hearing this, midnight can't help but feel a little puzzled, even if girls go to the toilet hard, it doesn't take so long ah!

"Goku, I'll go over and take a look!"

With that, the two got out of the car at the same time and walked in the direction of Bulma.

"Help, help

" "Midnight, Goku, you guys come and save me!"

The sudden shout attracted the attention of the two at the same time, and when they looked up, they saw a huge flying beast, and above its sharp claws, it was Bulma who was crying for help.

"Goku, borrow your golden hoop rod and use it!"

Hearing this, Goku nodded, and then untied the red stick behind him, and in the next second, the golden hoop rod began to grow infinitely, and midnight also came to the air.

"Midnight, come and save me"

Seeing the midnight flying up, Bulma's terrified little face flattened a little, and then Midnight transported enough strength in her whole body, and with the impact of this golden hoop rod, she hit the flying beast's face fiercely.


The flying beast didn't seem to expect that the other party's small body could actually erupt with such great power, and instantly foamed at the mouth and fell heavily to the ground.


" "Save me"

flying beast landed, Bulma also began to land quickly from mid-air, saw this in the middle of the night and quickly rushed up, picked her up, and then fell smoothly to the ground.

"Midnight, thank you for saving me!"

Bulma blushed slightly and glanced at Midnight, and thanked her shyly.

"How long are you going to climb on me!" Midnight asked directly.

"Hmph, you big straight man!"

Bulma snorted coldly and jumped down from midnight angrily.

"Hey, are you all right?"

At this time, Goku also ran over and asked about the situation of the two.


" "What a big flying beast

" "It seems that our dinner has fallen"

Hearing Goku's words, Midnight also nodded seriously.

"Strange, why does Bulma look angry?"

Goku looked at Bulma, who was silent next to him, and asked with some doubt.

"Maybe I'm scared!"

Midnight said casually.

Night soon fell, and the three of them raised a huge fire around them, and the barbecue on it was naturally the flying beast that was killed today.

After dinner, Bulma took a capsule from her pocket, and the next second, a luxurious house appeared in front of her.

"It's amazing!"

Midnight and Goku said in surprise at the same time.

"Cut, two hillbillies!"

Bulma said proudly, and then walked into the room.

This can't be blamed on Midnight's surprise, after all, he had never seen such advanced technology in his previous life!

After a night without words

, the morning sun fell down, and Midnight stretched out, pushed open the door, and saw that Wukong had already started cultivating outside at this time.

"Goku, got up so early?"

Midnight yawned and asked lightly.


" "I want to practice well, I must surpass you"

Goku said with a serious face.

Hearing this, midnight couldn't help but shake his head, with a faint smile on his face, you do work harder than me, you have more talent than me, but there is no way, I have a plug-in You will never be able to surpass me.


" "What are you going to do?"

Suddenly, a strange sound sounded, and when I saw Midnight Dingqing, I saw that Goku was holding a huge turtle at this time!


"How is it a big turtle, I thought it was a rock?"

After putting down the turtle, Goku said with a puzzled look.

"May you give me a glass of salt water?"

The turtle glanced at Night and Goku and pleaded.

"Come in with me!"

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