"Your Highness Vegeta!"

said Raditz with a respectful look.

Vegeta nodded.

"Raditz, so you're still alive

!" "Yes, Your

Highness Vegeta, I'm staying in Kakarot's house right now!" "Yes, His Highness Vegeta!"

"So what else do you do?

Seeing this, Vegeta didn't care too much and continued to cultivate.


Sidu, Boomer's house.

Sun Wukong was looking through the Heavenly Mirror at this time to see what the king was doing.

Inside the palace of the king.

The Great Priest was now reporting to the king on the situation in the twelve universes.

"Lord Quan Wang, there are currently twelve universes, only the first universe, the fifth universe, the eighth universe, and the twelfth universe, and the human survival level of these four universes is up to standard!" "Are there only four universes


"Then in that case, how about removing the other unqualified

universes?" "Do you want to get rid of them?" "

Yes, there are too many universes, and it is also troublesome to manage!"

If the king clears these unqualified universes, his children in these universes will fall into eternal slumber.

"Lord Quanwang, do you want to stop thinking about it?"

After hearing this, Quan Wang glanced at the Great God and said.


, I just hope you can give them another chance!"

"Then in that case, I'll give them some more time

!" "Thank you, Lord Quanwang!" "

Clear!" Sun

Wukong, who overheard the conversation between the two through the Heavenly Mirror, was secretly shocked.

It turned out that Quan Wang had planned to clear the eight universes so early.

However, the king said to give the eight universes some time, and he did not know how long this time was.

But even if he knew this now, he couldn't change anything.

After thinking for a moment, Sun Wukong used the Babel Mirror to see what Ji Lian was doing now.

Eleventh universe, destroying the god realm.


Ji Lian was rapidly shaking his fist to cultivate at this time.

When he was cultivating, he would sometimes say the name of Sun Wukong.

Hearing Gillian call his name, Monkey King immediately thought of Vegeta, who targeted him.

"Does this Gillian want to be the second Vegeta?"

thought to himself to himself.

Later, Sun Wukong used the Babel Mirror to see what Frost was doing.

On a cyan planet in the sixth universe.

Frost was sitting on the throne at this time, tasting the red wine of his subordinates' filial piety.

"Frost, are you doing well in your little life?"

"Who else, of course it's your Grandpa Friesha!"

"That's right, it's you Grandpa Frieza!" "


Frost shouted angrily, crushing the wine glass in his hand.

"Friesha, you kind of give me out, see if I don't crush your corpse into ten thousand pieces!" "

You tell your grandfather to come out, I will come out, then won't I be very faceless?"

Seeing this, Sun Wukong chuckled, and a teleportation black hole suddenly appeared next to the Babel Mirror.

Sun Wukong's right hand condensed a wave of qi and hit the black hole.

The black hole instantly transmitted Sun Wukong's gas waves to Frost's palace.

Because the air wave suddenly appeared in the sky.

Before Frost's body could react, he was hit by a gas wave.

The entire palace instantly emitted a violent explosion.


roared Frost.

I hated "Friesha" in my heart, and gritted my teeth.

After teaching Frost a lesson, Sun Wukong suddenly thought of the killer Hitt that Frost had invited back then.

So I used the Babel again to see where Hitt was.

Through the Babel Mirror, Sun Wukong soon saw Hitt.

Hitt was cultivating in front of a waterfall with his eyes closed at the moment.


Sun Wukong chuckled, and his right hand fired several qi waves towards the teleportation black hole.

Hit, who was cultivating, felt the "danger" and immediately got up to avoid Sun Wukong's attack.

Boom! Boom! Boom!!

Sun Wukong's gas wave fell to the ground.

"Who is it?"

said Hitt with a wary look around.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong was not too surprised.

After all, Hitt is a killer, and his vigilance is definitely stronger than that of ordinary people.

After thinking for a while, Sun Wukong put away the Babel Mirror, got up and walked out.

Soon, Sun Wukong came to the courtyard and saw Lazili wearing a pink long dress.

And the reason why Lazili wears a long dress today is mainly because Sun Wukong likes her and was discovered by Boomer.

Originally, Sun Wukong thought that Boomer would be very emotional.

But she is not only calm, but also asks him to take Lazili to the movies.

One of the reasons for this is because she accepted Kiki at the beginning, and the second reason is that she has a good relationship with Lazili, so there is not too much obstruction.

"Lazili!" Sun

Wukong saw Lazili and immediately walked over with a smile on his face.

Lazili nodded.

"So where are we going to watch a movie today?"

"Later, you'll know when we get to the place!" said

Monkey King, picking up Lazili's hand and flying towards the sky.

Lazili's hand was held by Sun Wukong, and she immediately blushed a little, and the speed of her heartbeat suddenly accelerated a lot.

After a while, the two came to a movie theater in Xidu.

After Sun Wukong bought popcorn Coke, he took Lazili into the movie theater.

The movie that Monkey King bought today is a horror movie.

He originally thought that Lazili might be afraid of watching horror movies, but he didn't expect that she not only looked calm, but also watched with relish.

"What's wrong, Goku!"

said Lazili blushing when she saw that Monkey King had been staring at her.

"It's nothing, I just feel that you are very beautiful today

!" "Yes!" said

Lazili, and suddenly Sun Wukong kissed her face.

Sun Wukong was unprepared, and his face instantly turned red.

When people sitting in the cinema saw this scene, they turned their faces away.

They obviously saw horror movies, and they ended up eating dog food like this.

This dog food is really everywhere.

After watching the movie, Sun Wukong took Lazili to lunch at a nearby restaurant.

After that, he returned to Sun Wukong's house.

After this date, the relationship between the two was basically confirmed.


Time flickered, and another week passed.

After a week of practice, Bidili was finally able to use the air dance skillfully.

At this time, she was in front of Mr. Satan, demonstrating the art of dancing.

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