Lazili snorted coldly when she heard this.

"No, this name is too perfunctory! And the baby in my belly is not necessarily a boy!

"If it's not a boy, how about calling Xiaohong, Xiaoli, and Xiaolan?"

When Sun Wukong talked about Xiaoli, he suddenly remembered a female classmate in his previous life.

Although the female classmate had good appearance, her body was petite.

In his childhood, there was an anime called Popeye Patting that was very popular.

This Popeye loves spinach very much, and as soon as he eats spinach, his power will become great.

So the male classmates often teased her and made her eat spinach and become a strong man.

"Monkey King!"

Lazili glared angrily at Sun Wukong.

None of the names he says are good names.

Sun Wukong laughed dryly.

"Then since you don't like it, let's change the name!"

When Lazili heard this, the anger in her heart subsided slightly.


The other side.

After Dr. Leckie's death, he was sentenced to hell by the Hades.

At this point, Dr. Leckie came to hell.

Because the surroundings of hell were pitch black, Dr. Leckie looked around a little blankly.

"Where is this?"

As soon as the words fell, a figure suddenly appeared on a cliff behind him.

This man is Dr. Gro.

"You are?"

"My name is Dr. Gro!"

"Dr. Gro?"

"Good! I know that you, like us, died at the hands of the Saiyans, so I want to join forces with you against the Monkey King! "Good


Dr. Leckie thought for a moment and agreed.


Time flickered, and ten months passed in the blink of an eye.

After being ten months pregnant, Lazili finally gave birth to the baby in her belly.

The child born to Lazili is a girl named Xiaoli.

The girl's facial features and face are very beautiful, and the potential in the body is not weaker than that of Sun Gohan.

At this time, Sun Wukong was holding Xiaoli in the house, and from time to time he teased Xiaoli with his fingers.

Xiaoli saw that Sun Wukong's fingers were like flexible dolls, and immediately raised her hand and grabbed Sun Wukong's fingers, while Sun Wukong deliberately withdrew his fingers to prevent her from catching them.

Standing on the side, Vic watched and was silent.

He originally came to see Sun Wuhan today, but he happened to see Sun Xiaoli born.

"That Bike, do you want to hug Xiaoli too?"


Vic pointed to himself with his right index finger.

Sun Xiaoli has just been born now, and the first to hold her is Weiss, who delivered the baby for Lazili, and the second is Sun Wukong.

Now that Sun Wukong asked him to hold him, he became the third person to hold Sun Xiaoli.

"I... May I? "

Why not?"

Sun Wukong looked at him suspiciously.

"Okay then!"

Under everyone's gaze, Bick slowly took Sun Xiaoli from Sun Wukong's hand.

As soon as Sun Xiaoli reached Bike's hand, she immediately laughed at him.

Vic also smiled when he saw this.


Kiqi and they saw that Vic actually smiled at Sun Xiaoli, and a surprised expression immediately appeared on their faces.

Because when Bikpin sees them, most of them are expressionless.

"How... What's wrong? Being

stared at by Kiki suddenly, Bick's face immediately became a little shy.

"Nothing! Just because you rarely laugh, we thought you wouldn't laugh!

When Vic heard this, he immediately looked serious.

Then, he returned the Sun Xiaoli in his hand to Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong was stunned when he saw this, and then handed Sun Xiaoli to Boomer and they hugged.

I don't know if it's because Sun Xiaoli is a Saiyan, she basically doesn't cry much except for crying for a while when she was born.

"That Weis, thank you so much today!"

Sun Wukong walked up to Weiss and thanked him.

"It's nothing, and your Boomer often helps me buy food!"

Sun Wukong smiled, but it was not much.

"By the way, Goku, my sister should have told you about the Ultimate Skill by now, right?"

"Comfortable Extreme Skill?"

Weiss nodded.

"I said it, but that is difficult for even the God of Destruction to comprehend, how can I comprehend it so quickly?"

"It is! But Goku, I think you can comprehend it!





Time flickered, and two months passed in the blink of an eye.

Sun Xiaoli has learned to walk, and is playing with Sun Wutian and Sun Wuyun in the yard at this time.

And of course next to them are Vic and Lazili.

Otherwise, these three naughty eggs will definitely make a mess of the entire yard.

As for Sun Gohan and Sun Wumian at this time, they were learning the Northern Realm King's Realm King Fist and Yuan Qi Bullet on the Northern Realm King Star.

After more than a year, they have long learned to teleport.

If it weren't for Sun Wukong not letting them run around, they would be playing in the universe right now.


At this time, the King of the Northern Realm was sitting on a chair with a sigh.

This Sun Wukong is really too pitted, and he obviously asked him to teach their son.

But teaching them is not the most critical, the key is that Sun Wukong has five children.

If Sun Wukong had three or four more children, he would not be allowed to teach each for a few years.

"Nope! I have to make it clear with Gohan and let the two of them teach their younger brothers and sisters after learning the Realm King Fist!" After

thinking for a while, the King of the Northern Realm slowly walked in front of Sun Wuhan and Sun Wumian .

"Gohan, Gomen, I have something I want to tell you!"

"What is Lord King?"

Sun Wuhan stopped cultivating.


The King of the Northern Realm coughed.

"Gohan, it's actually nothing, I just hope that after you two learn the Realm King Fist, you can teach your younger brothers and sisters!"

Sun Gohan smiled and said.



When the King of the Northern Realm heard this, his face immediately showed joy.

As soon as the words fell, two figures suddenly flew down from the sky.

One wears a pair of glasses on his right eye and wears the clothes of a realm king.

One person has green skin, no nose on his face, square ears, a halo on his head, a white martial arts uniform on his body, and a long black hat on his head.

These two are the King of the Western Realm of the Western Galaxy and his subordinate Ribs Rice.


..." "Step..."

Soon, the two of them fell from mid-air and came to the Northern Realm King.

"King of the Western Realm!"

The King of the Western Realm smiled and said.

"Long time no see, King of the Northern Realm!"

When the King of the Northern Realm heard this, he snorted coldly.

"Why did you suddenly come over today?"

"Actually, it's nothing, I just heard the King of the Southern Realm say, you seem to have accepted two apprentices, so I specially came to take a look!"


After hearing this, the King of the Northern Realm immediately looked at Sun Wuhan and Sun Wumien.

"How? Do I have to report to you as well?

The King of the Western Realm smiled and said.

"King of the Northern Realm, don't get me wrong, in fact, I came today to let my ribs rice compete with your disciples!"

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