"Your exclusive whirlwind has been broken by me, if you don't have other powerful tricks, then this competition is my win!"

Son Gohan said with a smile to the ribs rice.

Ribs Rice smiled after hearing this.

"I'm really sorry to disappoint you! In fact, the exclusive whirlwind of platoon is not my strongest trick!

"It's not!"

Sun Gohan was taken aback.


Ribs Rice said, his body crouched down, and his hands quickly lifted forward.

Seeing this, Sun Gohan's eyes froze slightly.

"Lightning light stun cannon!"

At this time, the ribs suddenly shouted, and both hands emitted a huge flame shockwave towards Sun Gohan.

Because the range of this shock wave was too large, although Son Gohan dodged, he was still burned somewhat.


Seeing this, the King of the Northern Realm immediately became nervous.


Sun Gohan gritted his teeth tightly, and suddenly put his hands on his forehead.

"Sun Fist!"

As soon as the words fell, Sun Gohan's hands immediately emitted a fierce light.

After Sun Wu saw them, they all covered their eyes with their hands.

The King of the Northern Realm and the King of the Great Realm were not affected by the bright light because they wore sunglasses.

And the ribs rice standing on the stage did not expect that Sun Gohan still had this trick, so he immediately blocked his eyes with his hand.

At the moment when the strong light of the Sun Fist was about to dissipate, Sun Gohan's figure flashed, quickly came to the front of the rib rice, and hit his abdomen heavily with his right fist.


The ribs rice screamed loudly, and his body quickly flew upside down to the competition table.

King of the Great Realm: "Ribs rice fell off the competition table, and this match was won by Son Gohan!" "

Ribs rice!"

After hearing this, the King of the Western Realm looked disappointed.

His strongest subordinate actually lost at the hands of a child.

When the King of the Northern Realm saw this, he looked proud.

"How is it, King of the Western Realm? Didn't you say that your ribs rice will beat Gohan?

The King of the Western Realm snorted coldly.

"This time it was our rib rice that was careless, and next time, our rib rice will definitely win!"


When the King of the Northern Realm heard this, he immediately burst out laughing.

The King of the Western Realm snorted coldly.

"Ribs rice, let's go!"

When the ribs heard this, he immediately came to the stage, put on his martial arts uniform and hat, and left with the King of the Western Realm.

"Then Lord Daijie, if there is nothing else, I will go back with Gohan and them?"


The Great Realm King nodded.

Seeing this, the King of the Northern Realm took Sun Wuhan and they walked forward.

As the King of the Northern Realm walked, he kept praising Sun Gohan.

Sun Gohan today, but won back face for him.


The sixth universe, destroying the god realm.

Sun Wukong had finished cultivating at this time and was ready to say goodbye to Bardos and go back.

"Goku, have you been cultivating a little fast during this time? It seems that you have to increase the difficulty of your cultivation again!

Sun Wukong smiled and said.

"Sister Bardos, this is not long after my daughter was born, so do you want to go back to see her more?"

"Oh yes!"

Bardos smiled.

"I remember when Gokuten was born, it seems that you didn't go back so early?"

"Wutian they are boys, and at that time, your cultivation was still very difficult for me!"


Bardos laughed again after hearing this.

"That means that I still have to increase the difficulty of your cultivation!"

"Don't, Sister Bardos, if you increase the difficulty, I won't be able to go back to see the child so early!"

Bardos smiled.

"It seems that you like Xiaoli very much!"

"It's okay! Mainly she's a girl! "


"Yes, Gohan, they are all boys, and they are rare!"

Bardos smiled.

"You say so, I want to be Xiaoli's godmother!"

"Godmother? But didn't you say before, don't be my child's godmother?

"Then I can't change my mind now, mainly I also like girls!"

"Sister Bardos, are you kidding? Or seriously?

"Of course it's true!"

"Well, after I go back, I will tell Lazili that you want to be Xiaoli's godmother!"


Bardos nodded.

"Then Sister Bardos, I'll go back?"


After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he teleported and returned to the earth of the seventh universe.

Sidu, Boomer's house.

Kiqi was holding a bowl of gruel to feed Sun Xiaoli at this time.

A figure suddenly appeared in the courtyard.

This person is none other than Sun Wukong.

Kiki: "Goku, you're back!"

Sun Wukong nodded with a smile and looked at the cyan dish in Kiki's bowl.

"Kiki, what kind of dish is this?"

"This is the spinach that Lazili bought today!"

"Pineapple... Spinach!

"yes! What's wrong?


Sun Wukong said, looking at Sun Xiaolidao.

"Xiaoli, are you at home today?"

"Fight..." Sun

Xiaoli didn't know what Sun Wukong was saying, and there were vague words in her mouth.

Kiki: "Xiaoli, it's not a beating or a father!" Sun

Xiaoli was still unmoved after hearing this.

After Kiki saw it, she covered her head helplessly.

"It's okay Kiki, she'll call me daddy sooner or later anyway!"


Kiki nodded.

As soon as the words fell, two figures suddenly appeared in the courtyard.

These two people are Sun Gohan and Sun Go-myeon.

"Gohan, Gonoo!"

Sun Wukong greeted the two.

The two nodded.

"Dad, you're back!"


After Sun Wuhan finished speaking, he immediately took Sun Wu and walked towards the house.

After Sun Wukong saw it, he didn't care too much, but picked up Sun Xiaoli who was standing on the ground.



Sun Xiaoli heard Sun Wukong call her name and immediately laughed.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong also smiled.

After a while, Son Gohan and Son Go-mye came out with the Dragon Ball radar and left the house.

Although Sun Wukong was curious about what they were doing with the Dragon Ball radar, he didn't go to ask more.

Anyway, if they find the Dragon Ball, they will definitely bring the Dragon Ball back to make a wish.


In half an hour, Sun Gohan and Sun Wumian found seven dragon balls and returned home.

Lazili: "Gohan, what are you doing gathering the Dragon Balls?" "

Aunt Hui Laziri, we want to make the planet of Lord Realm King bigger!"

"King of the Realm? Do you mean, the realm king who is teaching you cultivation now? "


Son Gohan nodded.

The Northern Realm King, who had already returned to the Northern Realm King Star, was moved after hearing this.

"Gouregli, did you hear that? Gohan wants to make our planet bigger!

Guregoli nodded.

"I didn't expect Goku's child to be such a kind child!"


The King of the Northern Realm was already moved to tears at this time.

"Come out, Shenlong! Grant my wish! "

On Earth.

Son Gohan was now summoning the dragon according to the spell Boomer said.

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