This demon Buu is in front of Sun Wukong, I am afraid that he is not even an ant.

Ironically, he was also worried that Majin Buu would destroy the earth.

Now it seems that Majin Buu can survive in the hands of Sun Wukong, which is already good.

Thinking about it again, he had just been absorbed by the demon Buu, and he felt that he was too nosy.

"Sun Wukong, if there is nothing else, I will go back!"

The King God of the Eastern Realm bid farewell to Sun Wukong.

"Oh, good!"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he immediately changed his body back to normal.


The Eastern King God shouted to Jebbit.

Jebit quickly came to the Eastern Realm King God, and in a teleportation, left the earth with the Eastern Realm King God.

Seeing this, Vegeta snorted coldly, turned around and flew towards the western capital.

After Sun Gohan and Sun Wu looked at each other, they immediately flew in front of Sun Wukong.


Sun Wukong nodded and took out two fairy beans to the two.

After the two saw it, they immediately took the fairy beans.

After the two took the fairy beans, the injuries and physical strength on their bodies quickly recovered.

Sun Wumian said: "Dad, can I still fight with Majin Buu tomorrow?"

"Of course!"

"Is it! That's great!

"Then shall we go back?"



Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

For the past three days, Sun Wukong released Majin Buu every day and let him fight Gohan and them.

Sun Wukong also began to have some thoughts of subduing Majin Buu.

At this time, Sun Wukong is negotiating terms with Majin Buu, hoping that he can submit to him.

If he really didn't want to, he had to let him exchange bodies with the turtle.

"Majin Buu, as long as you promise to submit to me, candy cakes, I will give you as much as you want!"

"Eat as much as you want!"

After Majin Buu heard this, he looked gluttonous.

Sun Wukong nodded.

"But there is a premise, and that is that you have to listen to me!"

"Listen to you!"

Majin Buu bit his finger after hearing this.

"Yes, you must follow the rules of the earth, you can't kill people and so on!"

"Then if I listen to you, won't you seal me in the mirror?"


Monkey King nodded.

"Well, I'll listen to you!"

When Sun Wukong heard this, a smile immediately appeared on his face.


Babidi spacecraft.

Sun Wutian and Sun Wuyun heard from Sun Wukong that there are very powerful guys in Babidi's spaceship, so they took Vegeta's son Dulagus to Babidi's spaceship.

At this time, the three of them had reached the first floor of the spaceship and knocked all the soldiers here to the ground.

"What! There are no great guys here!

Duragus said, looking at the fallen soldiers.

"Goten, isn't your dad lying to you guys here?"

"Impossible! My dad never lied to me! As

soon as the words fell, a man with black skin and a white armor on his upper body appeared.

This man's name is Bah Bah, and he is a subordinate of Babidi in the universe.

After Babidi died, he did not leave Earth, but continued to stay here.

"You are?"

Sun Wutian looked at Bah Bah with a curious look.

Bah sneered.

"My name is Blah, who are you little ghosts? Dare to break into Lord Babidi's spaceship? "

Lord Babidi? It turns out that you are Babidi's subordinate!

"That's right! Who are you little ghosts?

"My name is Monkey Heaven!"

Sun Wutian said with a shyan face.

"Sun Wutian?"

"By the way, Babidi he is dead now, don't you know?"

"Ba... Lord Babidi is dead? Bah

was shocked after hearing this.

Before, he thought that Babidi was going out to do things, so he was not in the universe.

"yes! Don't you know? Bah

snorted coldly.

"Whether Lord Babidi is dead or alive, this is definitely not your wild place!"

After saying that, he immediately rushed towards Sun Wutian.

Sun Wutian stood motionless in place.


As soon as the words fell, Bah's abdomen immediately received a heavy blow.

Bah screamed, and his body took a few steps back.

"But... Abominable stinky imp!

"Oh, I didn't actually fall!"

Sun Wutian's face showed a hint of surprise.

Before this, the guys they ran into almost fell with one punch.


Just when Sun Wutian was surprised, Bah Bah was already angrily rushing towards him.

"Huh..." Soon

, Bah came to Sun Wutian's body, his fists were like the wind, and he quickly struck towards Sun Wutian.

Sun Wutian's body swayed from side to side, and he easily dodged away.

"Blah! In the next layer of this spaceship, is there a more powerful guy? Bah

snorted coldly.



After Sun Wutian heard this, he was a little disappointed.

Immediately, his right fist was clenched sharply and hit Bah Bah his abdomen.


Bah Bah screamed loudly, spitting out a large mouthful of bitter water.


At this time, Sun Wutian's right hand launched a golden qi wave and hit Bah.


With a huge explosion, Bah Bah was wiped out.

Duragus: "Let me just say, there are no powerful masters here!"

"Wuyun, do you think what Bah said is credible?"

"I don't know!"

Sun Wuyun shook his head.

"In that case, let's go to the next floor and take a look, we are all here anyway!"


Sun Wuyun nodded.

After seeing it, Duragus had to go together.

Soon, the three of them came to the second floor, and quickly knocked down all the soldiers guarding the second floor.

Just when Sun Wutian thought that there were no powerful guys on the second layer, a roar like a beast came from a distance.

Sun Wutian They looked in the direction of the roar and saw a monster with green skin all over and looked like a praying mantis.

This monster is named Yego, and it is also a monster that Babidi has taken in the universe.

"Well... What a big insect! "


When Ye Ge heard this, he immediately became angry.

"I'm not an insect, I'm a monster of the dark planet!"

"Warcraft Yego!"

After Sun Wuyun heard this, he immediately laughed.

"Goten, this guy is quite interesting, how about capturing him alive and playing with us?"


Sun Wutian nodded.


When Ye Ge saw Sun Wutian underestimating him, his heart immediately became angry.

"Abominable stinky little devil, see if I don't eat you all!"

Yego said, drooling.

Sun Wutian, several of them have fine skin and tender meat, and the taste should be good.

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