"So shall we begin?"


Sun Wukong said, and immediately stepped back and kept a certain distance from Beerus.

When they saw it, they immediately retreated to the side.

At this time, Sun Wukong shouted loudly and transformed into Super Saiyan Four.

"Super Saiyan Four!"

Seeing this, Xiangpa wanted to say something.

The figure of Sun Wukong had already rushed towards Beerus.

Soon, Sun Wukong came to Beerus, his fists and feet like light, and attacked Beerus.

Out of temptation, Beerus did not launch an attack on Sun Wukong, but only used his hands to resist Sun Wukong's attack.


Seeing that Beerus was also testing himself, Sun Wukong kicked forward with his right foot.

However, his kick was blocked by Beerus's hands.

Beerus's body also took a few steps backwards.

"Do you only have this little power?"

Beerus looked at Sun Wukong with an indifferent expression.

"Of course not, I just want to see how strong Lord Beerus really is!"

"So what do you think of my strength now?"

"Very strong!"

"I heard Weiss say, you will be comfortable with the effort?"

Sun Wukong nodded.

"In that case, you will use your Freedom Extreme Skill for me to see!"

At this time, Xiangpa, who was standing in the distance watching the battle, suddenly shouted.

"Wukong, since Beerus has let you use the Free Extreme Skill, then you use the Free Extreme Skill for him to see!"

When Sun Wukong heard this, he was speechless.

Now it was clear that he was fighting Beerus, and this was like how Pa was more excited than him.

It was as if he was fighting Beerus.

And if he directly used the Freedom Extreme Skill, he would not have the kind of pretense that constantly shocked Beerus!

Beerus looked at the shouting elephant and always felt that he was a little abnormal today.

"Did you say... This Monkey King's strength has surpassed Xiangpa? "


Just as Beerus was thinking, Sun Wukong clenched his fists violently, and his whole body exuded an incomparably amazing aura, quickly ascending upward.


The entire ground of the Destruction God Realm shook violently under the influence of Sun Wu's breath.

The ground where Sun Wukong's feet stepped cracked, and a huge ravine appeared.

Bardos lifted the staff in his hand and restored the ravine.


At this moment, the hair on Sun Wukong's whole body turned white, the originally golden pupils turned blood red, and the hair on his head grew to his waist.

This is exactly the Super Saiyan V.

Beerus was taken aback.

Sun Wukong actually controlled a transformation that was stronger than him, and now he finally understood why Xiangpa just let Sun Wukong use the Freedom Extreme Skill.

"Is he my nightmare?"

Beerus muttered.

"Let you wait for Lord Beerus for a long time, because this transformation is not yet proficient, so it took some time!"

"Didn't... It's okay!

"Then Lord Beerus, shall we keep fighting?"

When Beerus heard this, he nodded with a serious face.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong's body turned into a white light and rushed towards Beerus.

Soon, Sun Wukong came to Beerus, his fists and feet were like light, and he attacked Beerus.

Beerus clenched his fists hard and also attacked towards Sun Wukong.


With the sound of earth-shattering fights, the two fists and feet were like light, constantly fighting together.

Because the attack speed of the two was too fast, a violent wind soon arose around the two of them, and wherever the two passed, the ground would be lifted with a layer of ground.


After a while, the two turned into white and purple lights and fought in the sky.

In the sky, a large number of white and purple circles soon appeared.

These circles are created when two people fight or collide.

"Sister, what is Goku's transformation called?"

Weiss looked at the battle between the two and said.

"Super Saiyan Five!"

"Super Saiyan Five?"

Bardos nodded.

"His transformation should be a transformation that takes the Super Saiyan route!"


While the two were chatting, Sun Wukong's body was like a ray and fell heavily on the ground.

The ground soon raised a lot of sand.

As soon as Sun Wukong's body landed, a large amount of destructive energy immediately appeared in the sky and smashed towards Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong's body quickly got up, and in an instant, he came behind Beerus.

Beerus turned around as if perceiving, and his right fist was like purple light, striking towards Sun Wukong.


Sun Wukong raised his left hand and blocked this punch.

A huge strong wind emanated from Beerus's hand and blew into Sun Wukong's face.

Beerus raised his right foot hard, and the speed was like a light towards Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong's left hand loosened, and his body quickly retreated.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!!

At this time, the destructive energy that Beerus hit the ground exploded on the ground one after another.

Seeing this, a cold sweat immediately broke out on Beerus's forehead.

This Monkey King's strength was indeed as tricky as he imagined.


Just as Beerus was thinking, Sun Wukong suddenly plucked a few hairs from his body and became his own doppelganger.


Beerus didn't know what Sun Wukong wanted to do, but he still rushed towards Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong's body retreated, and in an instant, he appeared below Beerus.


Beerus shouted angrily, and shot several lines of destructive energy towards Sun Wukong's doppelganger with both hands.


Just as Beerus attacked, Sun Wukong's body turned into a white light and rushed towards Beerus.

As soon as Beerus lowered his head and looked down, Sun Wukong's figure suddenly disappeared.


Beerus's expression changed.

In the next second, the figure of Sun Wukong appeared next to Beerus and punched him heavily in the face.


Beerus's body was like a ray and was sent out.


Sun Wukong shouted loudly, and his hands emitted a large number of energy waves like arrows.

Beerus raised his arms forward to block the energy waves of the Monkey King.


Seeing this, Sun Wukong immediately stopped his qi wave attack, and his body turned into a white light and rushed towards Beerus.

Sun Wukong rushed to Beerus's body and hit Beerus with all his right fist.

Beerus, whose hands were still in a defensive posture, did not know that Sun Wukong would rush and was directly punched by Sun Wukong, flying thousands of meters away.


Beerus's body fell heavily on a large mountain.


Beerus shouted angrily, and soon climbed up from the mountain and rushed towards Sun Wukong.


Soon, Beerus came to Sun Wukong's body, and the two raised their fists at the same time and hit each other, looking at each other from a distance, the two seemed to have dozens of hands fighting together.


Just when the two were fighting fiercely, Beerus's tail flicked behind him, like a rope, binding Sun Wukong's body.

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