"Nothing! It was a fight with Gohan! "

Had a fight with Gohan-go?"


Vegeta nodded.

"Then Dad, who wins between you and Brother Gohan?"

"Didn't win!"

After Vegeta finished speaking, he immediately walked towards Friesha's spaceship.

"Didn't win?"

After hearing this, Duragus was stunned for a while.

Later, he understood what Vegeta meant.


The sixth universe, destroying the god realm.

Sun Wukong was cultivating with Xiangpa at this time.


..." "9999..." "

10000..." "10000..."

After the

two finished speaking, they fell to the ground at the same time, panting heavily.

"Master Xiangpa, I think you still don't want to cultivate, right?"

Sun Wukong looked at Xiangpa, who was panting more severely than him, and said.

"Nope! It is so beautiful that they have joined forces against me this time, and the next conference, I must take revenge back!

"But Lord Elephantpa, didn't Lord Quan Wang say that I should fight the destroyers of your twelve universes?"

Xiangpa smiled and said.

"Are you kid really ready to fight our twelve Destroyers alone?"


Sun Wukong nodded.

Seeing this, Xiangpa snorted coldly.

"Goku, I know that your strength is very strong now, but no matter how strong you are, you will tie with me! And after fighting with me, you should also have no physical strength!

When Bardos on the side heard this, he immediately laughed.

"Bardos, what are you laughing at?"

"Nothing! It just occurred to me that Goku and Lord Beerus were tied with each other! When

Xiangpa heard this, his face turned red.

Although he said that the fact that Sun Wukong tied with him was exaggerated, Bardos was too indifferent to him and actually demolished him in front of Sun Wukong.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong did not debunk it.

After all, Xiangpa is also a decent person.

"It's okay Elephant Pa-sama, I have Sendou!"


"Lord Xiangpa, Xian Bean is a magical bean that can quickly recover injuries and physical strength on the body!"

Bardos explained for Elephant Pa.

"Is it! In that case, you can help me beat them up!"

Xiangpa said, and took off his weight suit.

"Lord Xiangpa, what are you doing?"


Xiangpa coughed.

"I think today's cultivation is almost the same, so let's rest for half a day!"

Bardos smiled.

"But Master Xiangpa, you have only been practicing for three days today!"

"Less verbose, I said to rest for half a day and rest tomorrow, and tomorrow I will continue to practice with Wukong!"

After hearing this, Bardos nodded helplessly.


Time flickered, and in the blink of an eye, a month passed.

Seventh universe, the North Milky Way.

At this time, there is a Frisha's spaceship, traveling in space.

Inside the main control of this spaceship, at this moment, there was a short man with dark blue skin and wearing a Saiyan combat suit, carrying his hands on his back and walking around in place.

The man's name was Solbey, and he was Frieza's chief of staff.

Since the death of Friesha, the entire Friesha's army has been in chaos, and in recent years, many ruled planets have rebelled, which has made Friesha's army even more chaotic.

Therefore, in order to revive the Frieza army, Solbe decided to let people find the Dragon Ball and resurrect Frieza.

And the reason why he is walking back and forth in the same place now is that the people he sent out have never found out about the Dragon Ball.

"Lord Solbey, in fact, I think that even without King Friesha, we can revive Frieza's army!"

At this moment, a man with white skin and no hair on his head said.

The man's name was Tagma, and he was one of the stronger warriors in Friesha's army.

Solbe snorted coldly.

"You know what! We must rely on the great power of King Frieza to revive the army!

"Powerful force? But I saw that he was small, like... Not that good!

Solbe snorted coldly again.

"That's the power that you haven't seen King Friesha, and if you had seen King Friesha's power, you wouldn't say that!"

"Yes... Is it! When

Tagma heard this, he was hesitant.

At this moment, a minotaur with red skin walked in.

This minotaur was named Sisami, and he was also the stronger warrior in Friesha's army.

"I've seen Lord Solbey!"

Solbe nodded.

"What's going on?"

"Back to Lord Solbe, we have found the location of the planet Namek!"

"Is it! That lets the spacecraft go at full speed, targeting Namex!

"Yes, Lord Solbey!"



The Na'vi nemesis who are in the Na'me Nemesis are doing what they like in their tribe as usual.

At this moment, a Namex suddenly exclaimed towards the sky.

"What do you think that is?"

When the surrounding Namixers heard this, they looked up and saw a disk.

The disc grows larger and larger from far and near.

"Well... It seems to be a spaceship!

"You guys quickly report this matter to the Great Elder!"

A high-ranking Namex said.

"I'll report to the Great Elder!"


A moment later, Friesha's spaceship landed on an island on the planet Namek.

Solbay took Tagma and they disembarked from the spaceship.

"Is this the Namux Star?"

"Yes, Lord Solbey!"

Sisami replied.

When Solbe heard this, he immediately looked at the soldiers around him.

"You guys go find out the Namixers for me, and then come back and report to me!"

"It's Lord Solbey!"

Friesha's army answered.

Flisha then set out to find the accommodation of the Namixers.


The Nami Buster Tribe.

The current Grand Elder has now learned from the report of the Na'vi Nemesis that Solbe and their coming to Na'mes have come to Na'me.

"It seems that the people who came to Nami Buster this time are friends and foes, so I ordered them to go down and let Neru and them prepare for battle!"

"It's the Great Elder!"

After the Namixer in charge of the report finished speaking, he immediately conveyed the order of the Great Elder.

It was at this time that a soldier of Friesha's army found the tribe through a combat power detector.

"I found them!"

The soldier shouted loudly and summoned the nearby Frieza army.


The other side.

Solbe was still waiting for news outside the Frieza spaceship, when a soldier of the Frieza army suddenly appeared and flew over from a distance.

"So... Lord Solbe, the tribe of Namixi has found it! "

Found it?"


"Then you take us now!"

"It's Lord Solbey!"

The soldier said and took Solbe with them.

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