
That's right, Kakarot, I heard Paragas say that you are the strongest of our Saiyans!"

Paragas saw Sun Wukong's gaze, and his body subconsciously wanted to dodge Sun Wukong's gaze, and lowered his head.

"Paragas, you're still alive!" "

Kakarot!" When

Paragas heard this, he immediately glared angrily at Sun Wukong.

"So you came to me today?"

asked Monkey King.

"No, we are mainly here to find Vegeta today, but since you are here today, I will destroy the two together

!" "Yes!"

said Monkey King, looking at Vegeta who had fallen on the ground in the distance.

Vegeta saw Sun Wukong looking at him, and his body quickly got up from the ground.

"Kakarot, this guy is my opponent, I won't allow you to meddle in the battle between us!" "

Vegeta, it's all this time, are you still stubborn?"

said Monkey King a little speechless after hearing this.

When Vegeta heard this, he snorted coldly and looked proud.

In ordinary battles, he can give it to Sun Wukong, but this concerns the dignity of his Saiyan prince, and even if he dies, he cannot ask Sun Wukong for help.

Reg smiled.

"Vegeta, don't you still understand the gap between us?"

"Ha!" When

Vegeta heard this, he didn't answer, but rushed towards Reg in mid-air again.

Reg's figure flashed, and in the blink of an eye, he came behind Vegeta.

Vegeta was taken aback.

In the next second, Reg stunned Vegeta with a blade in his right hand.

Vegeta's body fell vertically from mid-air.

"Daddy!" Seeing

this, Duragus immediately rushed over from a distance and caught Vegeta, who was about to fall to the ground.

"Okay Kakarot, let me see how strong you, the supposedly strongest Saiyan, really are!" "


said Sun Wukong, his fists clenched violently, and his whole body exuded an incomparably astonishing qi.

"Ha!" With

a loud gulp, Sun Wukong transformed into Super Saiyan Five.


startled Subari.

She didn't expect that besides Reg, there were people in this world who could transform into Super Saiyan Five.

Reg was also a little surprised by this, although he knew that Sun Wukong's strength was very strong, but he did not expect that he also controlled the transformation of Super Saiyan Five like him.


Reg was surprised for a moment, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and a faint smile appeared on his face.


And at this moment, Sun Wukong clenched his hands into fists and rushed towards Reg.

Seeing this, Reg's body immediately turned into a white light and greeted him.


one after another earth-shattering sounds, the two people were like white light, constantly entangled in the sky.

Because the two moved too fast, when the breath of the two collided, a large amount of white light suddenly formed in the sky, and the breath on the two people was like a wave of qi, sweeping towards the surroundings.

Seeing this, Sun Gohan and them immediately rushed towards Oren and them.

"Bang bang


BoomBecause there were so many people fighting, the sound of their battle was everywhere in the sky and on the ground.

However, Klin's main attention is still on Sun Wukong and Reg.

With an extremely violent sound, Sun Wukong's left fist and Reg's right fist hit together hard, and an incomparably powerful wave of qi emanated from the hands of the two and spread to the surroundings.

"Ha!" At

this moment, Sun Wukong suddenly shouted loudly and knocked Reg He back with a punch.

"Reg!" Seeing

this, Supari immediately became a little worried in his heart.

"Abominable!" Reg

immediately felt a little angry in his heart after his body was repelled.

His dignified Saiyan prince was actually repelled by the son of a low-ranking warrior.

Thinking of this, Reg's fists immediately clenched, and the aura of his whole body quickly rose upwards again.

Under the influence of Reg's breath, the entire earth's ground shook again.

Realm King God Realm.

The Eastern Realm King God was immediately a little shocked in his heart after feeling Reg's ascensed qi.

"Well... Such a powerful qi, is this guy named Reg as strong as Goku

?" "Just as strong?"

"I said where do your eyes

see?" "Where do you see?" "

You didn't notice that Goku was calm from beginning to end, but that Goku guy, he didn't even feel at ease!"

Goku just playing with him?" "

Hmm!" the

Old Realm King God nodded.

On Earth.

After Reg raised his breath for a while, the aura on his body gradually calmed down.

Now Reg has raised the qi in his body to the strongest.

"Is this your strongest strength now?"

said Monkey King as he looked at Reg.

"That's right, Kakarot, now I am much stronger than I was just now!"

"Yes, then in that case, I will also show my true ability to fight with you!"

said Sun Wukong, his hands shook fiercely, and his whole body exuded an incomparably amazing qi, quickly ascending.

Under the influence of Sun Wu's breath, the ground of the entire earth immediately shook violently.

And the earth's shaking this time is far more severe than the shock just now.

"What... What!"

Reg was immediately shocked when he saw that Sun Wukong could even raise his qi.


this moment, Sun Wukong raised the aura on his body to Super Saiyan Five full power.

"Well... What a powerful gas!" Vic


Reg smiled.

"Kakarot, is this your strongest strength?"

"Forget it, I don't like people calling me Kakarot, my name is Monkey King

!" "Then let me see, is it your strength or mine

!" "Good!" Sun

Wukong nodded, his body turned into a white light, and rushed towards Reg.

Seeing this, Reg clenched his hands into fists and greeted him.


, the two came to each other at the same time, fighting fiercely together.

After a while, Sun Wukong's right fist clenched hard, and he knocked Reg out with one punch.

Reg clenched his hands into fists and quickly stopped.

At this time, the figure of the Monkey King suddenly appeared in front of Reg, and kicked Reg hard with his right foot.

Reg was shocked, and before his body could react, he was kicked out by Sun Wukong.

Immediately, Sun Wukong's figure disappeared and appeared above Reg.

Sun Wukong clasped his hammer with both hands and hit Reg hard.

With a violent sound, Reg's body was like a ray and fell to the ground hard.

The ground was immediately kicked up by a large cloud of sand.

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