"Yes, but this needs to be confirmed. I need to go to the Destroyer Realm to meet Lord Beerus." Sheen nodded. Without staying for long, he moved his mind and used instant teleportation again to disappear on the spot. As soon as he left, a colorful stream of light descended from the sky.

When the light faded, Dalot and Whis appeared.

When he came back, he saw the embarrassed appearance of Son Goku and Vegeta. Without thinking too much, they must have lost.

This was also within his expectations.

"Goku-san, Vegeta-san, the things in the future world... It seems that you haven't settled them. Things are not going smoothly." Seeing the two people in such a mess, Whis knew the result at a glance.

At the same time, he was also a little curious.

What kind of changes have happened in the future time and space?

If it was just the dark man, he might not be able to defeat the two of them together.

"Haha... We lost. We just escaped from the future world. Lord Kai said he had made a new discovery, so he went to the Destroyer God Realm to find Lord Beerus."With a helpless bitter smile, Sun Wukong did not hide his failure.

If you lose, you lose. You can win it back in the next battle.

"Really?"Whis replied in surprise.

I don't know what the future world is like now.

However, since King Kai took the initiative to look for Lord Beerus, he should have found something.

At this moment, Vegeta, who had experienced a setback, bypassed Whis and came to Dalot. His resolute eyes stared straight at Dalot.

"Hum?! Do you have anything to say?"Noticing the change in Vegeta's eyes, Dalot asked with some interest.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Vegeta, feeling puzzled.

What will this Saiyan prince do next?

Vegeta's next question was beyond everyone's expectations.

"Please... please tell me! How can I master the fourth stage of Super Saiyan!"Determined, Vegeta put aside his dignity and asked Dalot how to become the fourth stage of Super Saiyan.

This statement shocked everyone.

The arrogant Saiyan prince actually lowered his posture and asked Dalot how to transform into the fourth stage of Super Saiyan?

Even Dalot himself was surprised that Vegeta would be interested in the fourth stage of Super Saiyan.

"You want to give up the power of Super Saiyan God and practice Super Saiyan 4. Isn't it too late?" Dalot joked with a smile.

"I have no intention of giving up my current power. Please tell me how to transform into a Super Saiyan 4. I have my own ideas!" Vegeta, with a firm gaze, bowed deeply to Dalot, putting aside his dignity and arrogance as a prince.

It can be seen that he is obsessed with the Super Saiyan 4.

Whis, who stepped aside, remained silent, with the corners of his mouth slightly rising and falling, as if he was happy with Vegeta's changes.

When you learn to put down your pride and seek guidance from others, it means growth.

Seeing Vegeta's sincere attitude, Dalot couldn't refuse him.

Even though he knew that he had no possibility of becoming a Super Saiyan 4 yet, he still told him how to transform into a Super Saiyan 4.

"Since you want to know so much, I will tell you. Don't have too high expectations. You don't have the conditions to become a Super Saiyan 4 now." Dalot pondered for a moment and said,"Super Saiyan 4, also known as Super Ape Saiyan, is a new state developed by Saiyans who transform into great apes at the full moon and further evolve into golden great apes. It is also the state after the Saiyan bloodline returns to its ancestral state, so it is called Super Saiyan 4."

"Giant ape? Golden giant ape... Could it be... tail?!!"After Dalot's explanation, Vegeta suddenly realized.


A long time ago, his father had said that the tail was the source of Saiyan power.

Because they would show the real terrifying side of Saiyans at the full moon.

Now after hearing what Dalot said, Vegeta regretted it.

And he was angry at a certain"Meat Suit Yasuo".

When he invaded the earth for the first time, his tail was cut off by a fat man who suddenly appeared. Then, after a series of battles, even he himself thought that the tail did not have much effect, so he used his strength to forcibly block the wound so that the tail would not grow out.

It was also regarded as abandoning this weakness.

Now, so many years have passed.

The empty space has long been filled with flesh and blood, and the tail has disappeared.

"It seems that you have understood that, as you thought, the tail is the source of Saiyan power, and you have already abandoned your tail. Even if I tell you how to transform into a Super Saiyan 4, you will not be able to do so, because your tail will never grow again."Dalot explained.

"Damn it~~!!! I didn't expect that from the beginning, it was me who stupidly made such a wrong decision!!!" After getting the answer, Vegeta was unwilling to accept it.

How could he have thought so much back then?!

Originally, he planned to learn the fourth stage of Super Saiyan, with Super Saiyan 4 as an auxiliary and Super Saiyan God as the main, and the power of the two forms combined with each other. In this way, Black Goku or that invincible guy could not be his opponent.

Now, because he can no longer grow a tail, this plan has been completely abandoned.

If Yajirobe, who cut off his tail that year, was here, he would definitely beat him up.

It was because of him that he had the idea of not having a tail.

"Vegeta-san, remember what I said before? The power of Super Saiyan God or Super Saiyan Blue is not worse than Super Saiyan 4, it's just that your training is far from enough. And, you haven't found your own problem yet?"Whis suddenly interrupted

"What did you say? Do I have a problem?!"Vegeta was puzzled. Whis actually said

"This question has been bothering you for a long time. Moreover, I reminded you a long time ago not to blindly pursue your own strength. The power of God needs to be tempered. Only by taking steady steps and adding external stimulation can the strength be improved by leaps and bounds. If you are so eager to pursue powerful strength, you will eventually go astray. Now that I have said this, you should understand what I am saying, right? Vegeta."Faced with Whis's question, Vegeta was silent.

As Whis said, he was too obsessed with the power in front of him. Every time he practiced, he was just a meager power in exchange for roughly digging the potential of his body.

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