Entering the deep forest of the nameless island,

Dalot looked around and didn't see anything strange.

The surroundings were full of dark and strange plants, and wherever Dalot walked, it would be blocked by these plants, causing him to lose his way.

Dalot headed towards the depths of the forest, and suddenly, a sinister evil laugh came from behind him.

"huh huh huh huh~~~!!!"A treacherous and very familiar voice sounded, which made Dalot subconsciously turn his head with a thoughtful look on his face.

""Hmm?! So that's why you're the first one to show up." Dalot said with a little interest, his eyes also showed a teasing look.

The first person that Dalot saw was a white-haired, yellow-armored Tsifru.

He was one of Dalot's enemies many years ago.

Many years ago, after Vegeta achieved the fourth-stage Super Saiyan transformation, he was invaded by Tsifru Baby and his body was controlled.

Even the fourth-stage Super Saiyan Son Goku was no match for him. Baby took away his energy and implanted a living egg in his body, turning him into a puppet.

Even Dalot took a lot of effort to get rid of this guy.

"As my former opponent, it's a good opportunity to exercise. At least, you are much more difficult to deal with than Sun Wukong and Vegeta in this time and space. Just treat it as a warm-up exercise."With a slight rise and fall in the corner of his mouth, Dalot moved his wrist and looked at the Super Baby in front of him.

Facing Dalot's words, Super Baby did not say a word and took the initiative to attack him.

The terrifying speed broke through the sound barrier in an instant. This outrageous speed was almost the same as the original.


Dalot easily took the punch from Super Baby. Feeling the weight of the punch, Dalot was shocked.

This power and this feeling were exactly the same as the one he had fought against before! No, maybe even stronger!

Facing Super Baby's relentless pressure, even he felt the pressure under normal circumstances.

The offensive continued, and Dalot could only resist under normal circumstances.

"It's been a long time since I last saw this opponent. It's a pity that you've already been defeated by me once. Now you're just a fake. Do you still want to defeat me? Ridiculous!"After saying that, Dalot suddenly exerted his strength and punched Super Baby in the chest, piercing through it.

The next second, he kicked him again and sent him flying.

He raised his hand, and a compressed gas bullet was condensed to the extreme, bursting out from his palm and hitting Super Baby.

‘Boom!!! There was a loud noise.

Energy exploded, layers of smoke bloomed, and suddenly there was a gust of wind. The smoke dissipated, and the Super Baby who was repelled by Dalot was unharmed and kept an expressionless look.

"I almost forgot that you are immortal. You will disappear only if I can be as calm as water, but that's just what I want."After a moment of surprise, Dalot understood the principle.

Everything he saw in this place was an illusion, and it was an illusion with extremely strong combat power and close to the real person. It was immortal.

Moreover, the more fearful, the stronger the illusion.

Under normal circumstances, Dalot would be worried, but now, it just met his needs.

Suddenly, a chill spread from Dalot's back, making Dalot subconsciously look behind him.

The person who came into view was Super No. 17.

""Yo~! Isn't this No. 17? Long time no see, how are you doing recently?" Dalot teased.

Super No. 17 is the product of the combination of No. 17 created in hell and the android No. 17 in reality. It has the ability to open the passage to hell.

Its strength is also very strong. In the GT time and space, the overwhelming combat power it displayed once forced Super Four Sun Wukong into a desperate situation.

Moreover, there is no upper limit to this guy's growth. The more energy he absorbs, the stronger his combat power will be.

Now thinking carefully about the battle of that year, Dalot couldn't help but smile bitterly.

Super No. 17 was originally a disaster for the earth. He even thought that the one who dominated the consciousness of Super No. 17 was the evil No. 17 created by Dr. Gro, but he never thought that the one who really dominated the consciousness was No. 17 on Earth.

This also created a farce. At that time, after fighting for a long time, they found that they were all playing with their own people.

Back to reality

"In the original world, since you got this body, we haven't really fought each other. This time, maybe we can make up for the regret. Let me see how powerful the so-called ultimate android is."As soon as the voice fell, Dalot raised his hand and shot an energy bullet at Super 17.

Facing the attack of the energy bullet, Super 17 did not dodge or evade, just letting the energy bullet fall on him.

The next second, something surprising happened. The energy bullet did not explode the moment it touched his body, but was sucked into his body as expected.

"It seems that what I thought is the same. You, the fake, have even copied the original's ability." Dalot said excitedly.

This fake, except that he can't speak, is more real than the real person.

After absorbing the energy, Super No. 17 patted the part hit by the energy. The next second, he kicked his legs and rushed towards Dalot at a terrifying speed.

As he took the initiative to attack, Super Baby, who had been silent for a long time, also rushed towards Dalot.

Attacked from both sides, Dalot was forced to go on the defensive.

‘Bang! Bang! Bang! Two consecutive muffled explosions sounded.

Super Baby and Super No. 17 attacked from both sides, launching a fierce and fierce, airtight and terrifying attack.���

The terrifying attack that was invisible to the naked eye was like a fierce and fierce attack on Dalot.

After all, there were only two opponents, especially when the difference in combat power was not big, Dalot soon fell into a disadvantage.

Under this fierce attack, Dalot revealed a flaw, and was caught by the super 17, who hit him hard in the abdomen

‘puff~!!!’Dalot, who was hit hard, spat out a mouthful of acid, and his body flew backwards like a cannonball.

Super Baby and Super 17 caught up with him furiously. Not far away, a burst of golden light bloomed, followed by a wave of extremely terrifying breath bombardment.

Super 17 and Super Baby were caught off guard and blown away by this heaven-defying breath. In the center of the golden light, Dalot's figure was looming. The dazzling light slowly dissipated. At this moment, Dalot was no longer in his normal state, but in the full power state of the first stage of Super Saiyan. His normal combat power was increased by 80 times, raising his normal combat power limit of 150 jin to 12000 jin.

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