"Ah??!" Son Goku was shocked by Beerus' words.

In order to break the ability of immortality, he had to become a god of destruction?

"Don't be so surprised. There is no such thing as immortality in front of the God of Destruction. I'm telling you this because you and I are so familiar with each other."The implication of Beerus' words was somewhat obvious.

Obviously, he wanted Son Goku to become the God of Destruction of this universe.

After all, he watched Son Goku grow up with his own eyes, and he was also a strong man trained by Whis himself.

In terms of strength, his strength is also obvious to all. No matter in which universe, he is always a super master who ranks among the top. Why not train such a suitable person to become the God of Destruction?

Moreover, Beerus also hopes that Son Goku will become the God of Destruction, because in this world, except for Dalot, only he and Vegeta are the most suitable to inherit the position of the God of Destruction.

If he agrees, he will have such a powerful trainee God of Destruction, and he will be more confident and have more face when facing other Gods of Destruction in the future.

"That... isn't that a bad idea?" Sun Wukong hesitated. He felt that the position of God of Destruction was not suitable for him.

He just wanted to become stronger, not to become a God of Destruction. Although this job was indeed quite easy, and it was just destroying planets occasionally, he still didn't want this position.

After all, destruction was not suitable for him at all.

"Brat! You don’t want to refuse, do you?! Humph! All the beings in the universe are eager to become the God of Destruction. The opportunity to sit in this position is right in front of you. Why are you hesitating?!"Noticing Son Goku's hesitation, Beerus grabbed his nose and cursed him.

He felt that his position as the God of Destruction was desecrated.

Looking at the entire seventh universe, countless creatures are eager to become the God of Destruction, but you are different. The opportunity is right in front of you, and you still dare to hesitate?

This kind of hesitation is a great disrespect to the position of the God of Destruction.

"It hurts, it hurts!!... Let go, Lord Beerus! I thought for a while... Is there any way to destroy the immortal body besides becoming the God of Destruction?"Sun Wukong asked with a look of fear.

Little did he know that his words made Beerus even angrier.

""No!!" Beerus's face darkened, and he grabbed the two fingers of Sun Wukong's nose and exerted force, directly throwing him out.

He had chosen the wrong person, and his kindness was taken for granted.

He originally wanted to let Sun Wukong take the position of the God of Destruction, because there was no one more suitable in the world except him.

But this brat directly refused, which made him lose face.

Sun Wukong, who was thrown away, rubbed his nose, and tears almost came out of the pain.

He didn't know what mistake he had made to make Beerus so angry.

Whis, who was on the side, saw this dramatic scene and couldn't help but cover his mouth and laugh.

Beerus wanted to make Sun Wukong his successor, but was rejected by this thick-skinned guy, which stimulated him.

"Damn you, you stinky boy, you don't even know my kindness!" Beerus became angrier and angrier, grimacing and ignoring Sun Wukong.

"Lord Beerus, please calm down. It is too early to let Goku be the God of Destruction. I think Vegeta is more suitable to be the God of Destruction than Goku. Goku-san has a sincere heart and is too kind. I am afraid that letting him take charge of the job of the God of Destruction is not as good as we expected."Whis stepped forward and persuaded him.

""Hmph~~!! I had thought about this a long time ago, but I was rejected by this guy, which made me feel very unhappy. After living for so many years, this is the first time that someone is not interested in the position of the God of Destruction." Beerus said sulkingly.

After spending billions of years with Beerus, how could Whis not understand what Beerus was thinking?

"Lord Beerus, is there really no other way to break the immortal body except to become the God of Destruction?"Rubbing his red nose, Sun Wukong walked up and asked innocently

""No! Forget about the position of God of Destruction. You are not fit for it. Get out of here!" Beerus yelled angrily.

Sun Wukong was stunned by the scolding. Until now, he still didn't understand why Beerus was so angry. Is the position of God of Destruction really that important?

"Goku-san, in fact, apart from becoming the God of Destruction, there may be other ways to break the immortal body. For example, sealing the immortal body is also a good choice."At this time, Weiss suddenly thought of something and suggested

"seal……"Muttering to himself, Sun Wukong suddenly had an idea in his mind.

"That's right! Seal! I have a solution!"Sun Wukong smiled and found a way to deal with Zamasu.

His sudden change surprised Beerus and Whis. What tricks did this kid come up with?

"Lord Kai, please send me back to Earth. I have a way to deal with Zamasu. All we need to do is seal him up!" Sun Wukong shouted impatiently to the East Kai King Shin.

"Mr. Goku, don't get excited, I will send you back to Earth right away."Eastern Kai King Shin nodded repeatedly.

Although he didn't know what Sun Wukong wanted to do.


Unknown Island.

In the Dark Forest.

For Dalot in the first stage of Super Saiyan, it is easy to deal with the phantoms of Super Baby and Super No. 17.

Even though these two phantoms will become more powerful due to countless defeats, it is just what he wants.

The stronger, the more challenging it is for him.

Seeing that Dalot can deal with the two copies easily, the magic of the Dark Forest reappeared. Based on Dalot's memory, he copied the opponent of the most brutal battle Dalot had ever experienced.

Demonized Super One-Star Dragon!

The moment this Demonized Super One-Star Dragon's copy appeared, its powerful momentum deeply attracted Dalot's attention.

He turned his head involuntarily and looked at the Demonized Super One-Star Dragon.

The Super One-Star Dragon, with lifeless eyes, stared at Dalot like a walking corpse.

""Finally, a decent opponent has arrived. Not bad, not bad, the Evil Dragon!" Seeing the Demonized Super One-Star Dragon that had died at his hands, Dalot's mouth rose and fell slightly, and the dormant blood in his body began to stir.

Back then, when the Evil Dragon was born, ordinary Super One-Star Dragons were not worth mentioning at all, and he could easily defeat them with all his strength.

But on the way to killing the Super One-Star Dragon, an accident occurred. A mysterious force from other time and space worlds demonized the Super One-Star Dragon, giving it a more evil and more powerful combat power.

That battle was also regarded by Dalot as the most dangerous battle. If it weren't for the assistance of Sun Wukong and Vegeta, even he would probably have been defeated by the Demonized Super One-Star Dragon!

And this laid the foundation for Dalot's inner belief.

This belief is that there must be other parallel time and space worlds.

Obviously, he has succeeded now.

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