Taking a deep breath, Dalot stabilized his strength to the most basic limit.

Just as he was about to leave, he unexpectedly found a strangely colored grass.

This grass was undoubtedly the bliss grass.

"So that's how it is. It is rumored that after eating it, a person's life span will be extended by hundreds of years, or even immortal... I didn't expect this thing to really exist! The old guy Master Roshi in the original work must have lived for hundreds of years after eating this grass."Dalot bent down and lowered his head to look at this plant of paradise grass. He picked it off and looked at it in front of his eyes.

This kind of thing has no effect on him. His life has evolved to the current level. Longevity is not a problem for him. Living for a thousand years is not impossible.

It's just that the function and appearance of this paradise grass aroused his curiosity.

You know, in his world, there has never been such a thing, and even the Nameless Island does not exist.

As for the reason for Master Roshi's longevity, he never knew it, because only Dragon Ball Super Time and Space gave this simple answer.

"Just this little thing, after eating it, you can live a hundred years longer. The more you eat, the longer your life will be. I don't know what it tastes like." Dalot muttered to himself, throwing the bliss grass into his mouth.

Now that he has it, it would be a waste not to eat it.

Perhaps, it will have special miraculous effects.

Chewing slowly and tasting carefully, a fragrance like tea spread in his mouth, and a burst of coolness rushed straight to the top of his head. The energy he lost in the battle in the environment was restored in an instant.

"This paradise grass really has a unique taste. I didn't expect it to be refreshing." Dalot muttered to himself.

Turning his eyes, Dalot noticed a large patch of paradise grass not far ahead.

"Since I'm here, I can't leave empty-handed. I'll take something with me."It has an effect on improving the spirit. Dalot walked towards the location of the bliss grass.

In less than half a minute, this large area of bliss grass was swept away by him.

With a thought, Dalot's index finger slightly crossed the space, and a tiny space crack emerged.

"It seems that the part of the space power I learned from the high priest can be used simply after this experience."After successfully exerting the power of space, Dalot used this mysterious power to open up a small space of his own.

This is also his own private space.

Whatever he wants, he only needs a thought to get it.

The bliss grass he looted was also put into this storage space.

"Done!" Clapping his hands, Dalot began to plan his next move.

It's too early to go find Broly now.

Moreover, he is not a pure battle maniac. As a warrior, he is in battle all year round, and he will be tired physically and mentally and need rest.

Stretching lazily, Dalot said casually:"Forget it, just relax for a while, and then go find Broly's whereabouts. The breakthrough of the fifth level of Super Saiyan is only the last step. At this time, I can't be anxious. Combining work and rest is the most appropriate"


At the same time, in the Destroyer Realm of Universe 7, the Destroyer God Beerus was leisurely fishing by the lake.

From a distance, it looked very pleasant.

But in fact, he was very worried at the moment.

Fishing was just a way for him to divert his attention. Although he appeared to be indifferent to what happened on Earth, he was actually very concerned about such things.

His true side was covered up by his identity as the Destroyer God and his cold appearance.

In particular, since he met the silly Saiyan Son Goku, he seemed to have become a different person. He was no longer the Destroyer God who occasionally moved for a while and then went to sleep, and slept for decades. Now he only sleeps occasionally, and the time will not exceed one month at most.

On the one hand, it was because of the delicious food on Earth, and on the other hand, he wanted to train the two Saiyans Son Goku and Vegeta to be his successors to the Destroyer God.

The strongest of the two of them would be qualified to become the Destroyer God.

Although it is still too early, there is nothing wrong with preparing early.

"emmmmmm~~~~!! I don't know why, but I feel a stinging pain on my skin, as if something unpleasant is about to happen. It's really strange. I haven't felt this kind of subtle stinging pain for millions of years."At this time, Weiss rubbed his cheek and said to himself

"Is it because of Zamasu?……"Beerus replied

"Huh?! Lord Beerus, do you think that Zamasu's problem is still not that easy to solve?"After hearing this, Whis looked up and asked in confusion.

Before Son Goku left, he had taught him a little trick. If this still couldn't solve Zamasu and the Dark Man, it meant that the seriousness of the situation was far beyond imagination.

"Things in the future world are very complicated this time... I'm afraid it's not as simple as we thought. I hope they can solve it successfully... I always feel that... in addition to the dark man and Zamasu, there are some people plotting something."While Beerus was speaking, he threw away the fishing rod in his hand and planned to catch fish with the most primitive method, using his hands!

"I hope that Master Beerus's guess this time is wrong. If it is true, then our universe will probably never be at peace again.……"Weiss narrowed his eyes slightly and muttered to himself


In the future world.

In the base of the Dark Man.

Seven days ago, Sun Wukong and Vegeta were defeated. Black Wukong knew his own shortcomings, so he had been fighting with Masked Black Wukong to learn from him what he lacked.

He was a god himself, with extraordinary mental power. Even if he didn't sleep for a month or two, it wouldn't have much effect on him.

After finishing a new round of training, Black Wukong washed off the stains on his body, walked out of the wooden house, leaned on the chair, and looked at the sky.

"After the battle with the mask, have you learned the secret of the new transformation?"At this time, Zamasu brought a cup of tea and asked

"not at all……"After pondering for a moment, Black Goku took a sip of tea and said,"My current limit is only Super Saiyan Rose. As for deeper transformations, I still haven't found the direction. However, I can't be impatient. After all, I have only reached the Super Saiyan Rose state not long ago. I just need to settle down for a while. With my talent, I will soon be able to reach the same level as him."

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