Enduring the severe pain that almost shattered his bones, Black Goku stood up tremblingly.

"Impossible... There shouldn't be such a huge gap between us.……"Black Goku said in disbelief.

Vegeta didn't care and rushed out again, appearing in front of Black Goku in an instant. Under Black Goku's horrified and terrified gaze, he punched out again.

‘BANG!!!!' With a loud bang, an unrivaled force erupted in an instant, and the powerful impact sent Black Goku flying.

Black Goku flew backwards and pierced through several ruins again, this time with more serious injuries.

There was obviously a huge gap in the strength of the two sides. Although the combat power was not obvious, it could be seen in the battle that the power of God that had been tempered could exert a stronger power, comprehensively increasing Vegeta's combat power to a level that was enough to easily crush Black Goku.

On the other hand, Black Goku, although the power he mastered was also perfect, Super Saiyan Rose was a transformation of the same level as Super Saiyan Blue, and even because of his spirit���It was because of God that he was able to quickly and perfectly bring this state to full power.

Unfortunately, he was not tempered enough, and even if his strength was strong, he could not bring out the true power of God.

"Impossible... God is defeated by humans... How could such an unprecedented thing... happen?……"Trembling all over, Black Goku endured the severe pain and wanted to fight again.

Unfortunately, his injuries were too severe and his broken body could no longer support the fight.

"It seems that you are doomed to fail."At this time, Vegeta teleported to Black Goku like a ghost.

When he looked at Vegeta again, Black Goku's face changed drastically, and it was obviously different from before. At this moment, he felt a deep fear.

"You think you can control Kakarot's body? You are just a fake. Your strength is not even one tenth of Kakarot's real strength. You are ridiculous."With a sneer, Vegeta grabbed Black Goku's neck with one hand and lifted him up.

Black Goku, who was seriously injured, could only struggle with all his strength, but no matter how he struggled, he could not get rid of Vegeta's restraints.

""Okay, fake, this day next year will be your death anniversary, now you can die in peace." Laughing evilly, Vegeta was as cold and ruthless as an evil villain. With the five fingers of his right hand spread out, energy slowly surged in his palm and condensed into substance.

Feeling this fatal crisis, Black Goku panicked, he was completely panicked, his plan had just begun, he didn't want to die in Vegeta's hands like this

【Damn it! Why hasn't Zamasu come over yet? If I don't take action... I'm doomed!……】Black Goku first used telepathy to communicate with Zamasu, but found that telepathy was useless.

In the aura sensing, Zamasu's aura also turned into nothingness and disappeared from this world. This strange phenomenon made Black Goku nervous, and he realized something.

Zamasu, something happened!

Son Goku did it!!!

"Now, let me take you to atone for your sins." After the energy was gathered, Vegeta planned to kill Black Goku in one fell swoop.

At the critical moment, something strange happened.

"The farce ends here, Saiyans!"A voice exactly like Black Goku's suddenly came from the sky.

Vegeta was shocked when he heard the voice, and subconsciously looked up at the sky.

The scene that came into his eyes made him completely stunned.

Because in the sky, a masked man was holding the dying Son Goku in his hands!

"How could it be... He is... Kakarot? ?!!"The half-dead Sun Wukong was held in the hands of the Masked Black Wukong, who was holding a clay pot in his hand.

"The boring farce ends here. Vegeta, I'll give this guy back to you."Masked Black Goku mercilessly threw the dying Son Goku in his hand like garbage.

Vegeta subconsciously tried to catch Son Goku, but was hit head-on by the energy bullet that Masked Black Goku secretly condensed.

‘Boom!!!!' There was a loud noise.

Energy exploded, and the shock wave spread in all directions. In the thick smoke, Vegeta completely lost his fighting ability because of this blow, and he was released from the Super Saiyan Blue state and returned to normal.

At this moment, his nerves were extremely tense.

The masked Black Goku in the sky knocked out his Super Saiyan Blue state with just one move, and made him lose his fighting ability.

【Who is this guy? Pink hair... Could it be that... he is also BLACK?!! 】 Vegeta noticed that the pink hair of Masked Black Goku was exactly the same as Black Goku, and he couldn't help but guess.

This energy is exactly the same as Black Goku's, but it is stronger and more evil.

Vegeta was severely injured, and the seriously injured Black Goku also took the opportunity to fly to the side of Masked Black Goku.

"At the last moment, I still have to rely on you, Mask." Black Wukong said with a smile

"You take this." Masked Black Wukong handed the clay pot in his hand to Black Wukong, and didn't pay much attention to him.

"Huh?! What is this?……"Before he finished speaking, Black Goku suddenly felt a very familiar energy from the jar.

This power is... Zamasu?!

"Zamasu was sealed in this clay pot by Son Goku because of his carelessness. It is temporarily handed over to you for safekeeping. Don't be too anxious to release him. You have to let him reflect on himself. He was careless in front of Son Goku. It would be good for him to learn a lesson." Masked Black Goku scolded Black Goku at the side.

Knowing that his other self was sealed, Black Goku was stunned for a moment, but after thinking about it, he realized that it was Son Goku who cast the seal, and Zamasu was careless, so he did not refute. That was Son Goku, he had to go all out and take it seriously. The Zamasu of this time and space thought he was immortal and dared to be arrogant.

Isn't this courting death?

Turning his eyes, Masked Black Goku's attention fell on Vegeta who was seriously injured again.

"Do you still want to resist now? The Saiyan prince... Vegeta."Masked Black Goku looked down at Vegeta with a godly tone, looking like a judge.

"You... who are you?! Are you another Kakarot created by that guy through the Super Dragon Ball?!"Vegeta asked loudly

""I am... God!!" Masked Black Goku shouted, and a pressure like a tidal wave surged out of his body, pressing down on Vegeta who was seriously injured on the ground.

Vegeta, who was already weak, was so oppressed that his body could not be controlled and he fell to the ground.

"This is more reasonable. When a mortal pays respect to a god, the first step is to offer your sincerity and kneel down before the god!" The masked Black Wukong said with a self-righteous attitude.

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