"Have you chosen your own grave?" Dalot said disdainfully behind the Masked Black Goku.

"Don't get too complacent, human."With his eyes narrowed, Masked Black Goku stopped and fell from the sky to an island below.

Dalot also fell.

Both of them landed on an island at the same time.

"Is this the grave you chose for yourself? Not bad, quite spacious."Dalot sneered.

Being looked down upon one after another, Masked Black Goku was furious. He shouted loudly, and the energy in his body surged. He raised his hand and condensed a huge destructive bomb and threw it at Dalot.

"You can't hold your temper anymore?" With a sneer on his lips, Dalot caught the powerful destructive bomb with one hand.

The energy bomb bounced at a high speed in Dalot's palm, trying to break free from Dalot's breath, but was blocked by Dalot's powerful breath, and compressed and annihilated with unimaginable power.

The attack was blocked so easily, and Masked Black Goku was even more afraid of Dalot.

He has crossed so many parallel time and space, and has never encountered such an outrageous existence as Dalot.

It's just that the strength of the breath is so outrageous.

But this is not a bad thing.

He has always traveled through time and space to defeat Sun Wukong's original body and make his own power more perfect. Now it's different. An unexpected person has appeared.

As long as he can put pressure on himself, maybe he can bring out the true power hidden in this body.

"Is that the only trick you have left? Since you don't attack, it's my turn."Seeing that Masked Black Goku didn't move, Dalot gathered strength in his legs, and in a blink of an eye, he turned into an aurora and attacked Masked Black Goku.

But in a blink of an eye, Dalot teleported in front of Masked Black Goku.

Such a fast speed made Masked Black Goku's mind tense, and all the cells in his body sent dangerous signals. Without time to think, he leaned back subconsciously.

Dalot's iron fist tore through the space and attacked Masked Black Goku's face, but was dodged in time.

Turning from defense to offense, Masked Black Goku condensed a sharp energy sword in his hand, turned around and chopped it at Dalot's neck.

Dalot was not in a hurry, and raised his left hand in time to block the sharp breath slash.

"how come……!!!"The attack was blocked, and Masked Black Goku exclaimed in disbelief.

Because his sword of energy could not even cut through the energy on Dalot's hand, and was blocked by this strong energy.

This was the first time he encountered an energy that was strong enough to ignore all attacks after traveling to countless parallel time and space.

Seizing the opportunity, Dalot punched heavily in the face under the surprised eyes of Masked Black Goku.

‘"Bang!!!!" With a loud bang, the heavy punch knocked the Masked Black Goku back.

At the same time, a tiny crack appeared on the mask on his face.

The Masked Black Goku retreated ten meters in pain and finally stabilized his body. The stinging pain on his face made him feel aggrieved.

"I thought the masked man who could defeat Kakarot and Vegeta would have some ability, but I didn't expect that this was all he could do. It's really disappointing, or did I expect too much?"Dalot deliberately showed a disappointed expression and deliberately provoked the Masked Black Goku.

As a god, the Masked Black Goku didn't expect that one day he would be ridiculed by a mere human. He was furious, and a huge anger surged in his heart.

""He is just a mortal... If you offend the gods, you will be punished by death!!!" The angry Masked Black Goku dispersed the Qi Sword in his hand and rushed towards Dalot.

The fists and feet were added, and the hand-to-hand combat officially started.

The fists and feet attacks continued to accelerate, and each move contained enough destructive power to overwhelm the mountains and seas.

Every punch contained his anger towards humans.

Dalot was not panicked at all, and easily dodged all the attacks of Masked Black Goku.

This ghostly figure seemed to have activated the Ultra Instinct.

Every time Masked Black Goku attacked, Dalot dodged it easily, and even the corner of his clothes was not touched.

The attack did not hit, and Masked Black Goku became more angry. He kept speeding up his attack, and shouted the"da da da" sound that Sun Wukong launched when fighting.

In just a few seconds, Masked Black Goku launched hundreds of fierce attacks.

Without exception, they were all easily resolved by Dalot

"Is that all?" Dalot muttered to himself with a gleam of brilliance in his eyes.

The next second, time seemed to freeze. Masked Black Goku's pupils shook violently, his mouth opened wide, and cold sweat broke out.

His full-strength attack missed, and Dalot's figure appeared behind him like a ghost, and an energy bullet in his hand gathered and stuck to the back of Masked Black Goku.

‘BANG!!!!!!!' There was a loud noise.

Energy exploded, thick smoke billowed, and Masked Black Goku's body was blown away.

Thick smoke billowed out of his back, his clothes were torn, and the wound on his back had dried up due to the explosion. The piercing pain spread throughout his body.

【It hurts... this guy... how did he appear behind me in an instant? 】 Enduring the severe pain, Masked Black Wukong stood up tremblingly.

In his heart, he was more and more afraid of Dalot's existence.

He should have obtained the strongest mortal body in the world, but Dalot's appearance gave him a slap in the face.

In his eyes, the body of Sun Wukong, the strongest warrior of the fighting nation, was incomparable to the powerful man in front of him.

""Every move you make was honed through the battle with Sun Wukong. Others can't see it, but I can. You are not from this time and space, nor do you belong to any time and space. If I guess correctly, you must have used some special method to travel through multiple parallel time and space, and fought with Sun Wukong several times, and finally formed this set of fighting methods that perfectly restrain Sun Wukong." Dalot analyzed with his arms crossed.

Masked Black Wukong didn't care that his fighting method was seen through.

"It's really surprising. I have traveled through dozens of parallel time and space, defeated countless Sun Wukongs, but I have never seen your existence. You should not belong to this time and space, this world, right? An alien Saiyan!"Turning around, the energy rhythm in the Masked Black Goku's body pulsated, and the injuries he suffered were repaired in the blink of an eye.

The scarlet eyes behind his mask stared at Dalot, as if he wanted to see through this man.

But facing Dalot, let alone seeing through him, even his ability as a Kai King God to listen to the inner thoughts of others was invalid.

This also made the Masked Black Goku more suspicious.

Which parallel time and space did this unknown Saiyan come from?

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