Transformed into Super Saiyan Rose 2, Masked Black Goku's eyes flashed scarlet light, and the next second, he took the initiative to attack

‘boom~~!!!!’There was a loud bang.

The thrilling sound of flesh-penetrating explosions violently, and the powerful collapse fist hit Dalot's abdomen mercilessly. The terrifying force made Dalot spurt acid water from his mouth.

Dalot's pupils shrank suddenly after being hit hard, and the piercing pain spread from his abdomen to his whole body.

This kind of pain is not something that everyone can give.

You know, since coming to this world, the only person who has given Dalot severe pain is the God of Destruction Beerus, the strongest of the Twelve Gods of Destruction.

Now, this Masked Black Goku, who has been fused through the Potara Earrings, actually has the power to hurt him.

Thanks to this severe pain, the belligerent factor in Dalot's body has been completely activated.

He was not in a hurry to counterattack, but was enjoying this moment.

The body of the fourth-stage red-haired Super Saiyan strengthened his defense beyond imagination. Even though the power of Masked Black Goku surged and his combat power data reached the level of Qiansheng, he could not cause fatal damage to him for a while.

The dense attack like raindrops poured all on Dalot.

For a while, Dalot was defeated step by step, and the attack of Masked Black Goku became more and more fierce. Similarly, the arrogant and arrogant smile on his face became more and more proud.

"Hum hum~~~!!! Do you feel the gap between us? Human beings, after all, are just wild monkeys that have not evolved completely. No matter how powerful a mortal is, he is still just a mortal and can never stand in front of God!"The conceited Masked Black Goku is extremely arrogant.

Now he seems to think that Dalot is a fish on a sticky board, allowing him to slaughter him at will.

With Dalot's current strength, there is no way he can be his opponent.

He has even thought about how to be elegant and graceful, and execute the other party after making all humans on the earth despair.

This battle is still going on in an almost crazy situation. Dalot seems to be ruthlessly destroyed by the Masked Black Goku and has no power to fight back.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Dalot is suppressed and the Masked Black Goku has taken all the advantage. Advantage.

On the outskirts of the battlefield not far away, the seriously injured Son Goku and Vegeta saw this scene and were not worried about Dalot.

Because they already knew how strong Dalot was. When he fought against the God of Destruction Beerus, Dalot showed a new power. If Dalot used all his strength at this moment, the battle would be over in an instant.

He was still playing and had not yet used all his strength.

Unfortunately, Masked Black Goku did not know this.

He had been blinded by the power and could not tell how terrible the man in front of him was.

"Drink~~!!!"With a roar, Masked Black Goku gathered all his strength into his fist and mercilessly hit Dalot in the abdomen, instantly knocking Dalot out and smashing several damaged high-rise buildings.

"It's over, Saiyan, I should praise you, you are the strongest warrior I have ever met, even the Monkey King from other time and space is not even one percent as strong as you, it's a pity that the outcome remains unchanged, from the beginning the outcome of this battle has been in suspense, no matter how powerful, gods are still gods, mortals are still just mortals!!"With a sneer, Masked Black Goku already had the idea of ending the battle.

He didn't want to continue playing with Dalot.

This combat material could no longer arouse his desire to fight. After the battle with Dalot, he had initially mastered the full power of this body. Now, he is already an invincible existence in the world.

Dalot's value has been drained, and now it's time to end it.

The energy of his whole body gathered in the sword in his hand, and after forging with his own breath, he created a weapon for himself.


A rose-red light was released, and a huge scarlet sickle was held in the hand of Masked Black Goku.

This sickle was the sickle of death that cut the connection between time and space in the original work!

""Disappear! Saiyans! Disappear from this world completely! This way, no one can stop me!" Masked Black Goku roared loudly.

He swung his hand suddenly, and the huge sickle of death drew a graceful arc in the air, forming an unstoppable slash, carrying the power of destroying the world, and attacked Dalot's position.

Dalot, who was in the ruins, was about to be hit by this terrifying blow.

"Hehehe~~~!!!"A disdainful and cold laugh came from the ruins, and then, a terrifying aura suddenly rose from the ground, as if it was going to tear everything apart.

The slash of the death sickle was dispersed by the impact of this aura.

"Nani?!!"The attack was dispersed, and Masked Black Goku's mind tightened. For some reason, he suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

As he watched, a strong and sturdy body was looming in the thick smoke, and the deep red light became more and more intense and creepy.

In an instant, the overwhelming pressure spread in all directions like a tide. The entire earth, and even the entire universe, was swept by this terrifying power and trembled slightly.

"How is this possible?" The crazy Masked Black Goku finally came to his senses at this moment. He sensed a fatal crisis.

Not only that, he also found that his body was trembling slowly under this overwhelming pressure.

【My body... is actually afraid? How could this be possible?! He is just a humble mortal, how could he make a god like me feel afraid?���?】Masked Black Goku couldn't believe this scene, his body trembled under this power.

Doesn't this mean that Dalot's power is stronger than his?!

"The attacks just now were good and had some effect on me, but you think you can defeat me like this, aren't you underestimating me? Lord God, I won't let you go next time.~!"Dalot's teasing voice rang in Masked Black Goku's ears.

The next second, a burst of red light rose from the ground, blowing away all the thick smoke. The impact of this terrifying aura made Masked Black Goku step back half a step.

The pupil of his left eye that was not blocked by the mask was trembling violently.

This scene scared Masked Black Goku, and also stunned Zamasu who was watching the battle in secret.

Humans, can actually possess this kind of power?

Even the God of Destruction may not be so outrageously strong, right?

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