Just as Son Gohan and Trunks were rejoicing that today's training was over, something strange happened.

The sky was suddenly torn apart by a huge crack, and the originally bright and sunny sky became dim at this moment.

""Huh?! What's going on?!" Son Gohan was surprised.

The sudden dark sky and the appearance of the space-time rift made him feel uneasy.

Years of fighting made him very sensitive to dangerous auras, and he could sense any kind of danger.

Deep in the rift, an evil spirit that could overturn the entire world was spreading at an alarming speed.

Feeling the spread of this evil spirit, Trunks was shocked. He subconsciously raised his head and looked up at the sky. His instinct made him feel scared, especially the evil spirit that kept overflowing, which made him shudder.

Only GT Vegeta remained calm, but now he also frowned.

"You two stay here, I'll go check what's going on." Without the slightest hesitation, GT Vegeta instantly transformed into a fourth-level Super Saiyan Red Hair and went to investigate.

In an instant, he teleported to the front of the space-time rift.

The strong evil energy emerging from inside made him feel uneasy, but in addition to the evil energy, he also felt a familiar breath... Is this breath from Dalot?

"Dalot? Is he at the end of this crack?"GT Vegeta guessed.

Looking at the endless abyss crack, he subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch it.

But the lightning attack that emerged from inside ruthlessly repelled him.

His five fingers were numb, and some wounds appeared on his hands.

"Tsk~! This energy blocks the tunnel. I can only come from the other end. I can't enter from here." GT Vegeta understood what was going on.

At the same time, his fear grew deeper and deeper.

What kind of terrifying opponent is Dalot facing now?

The power is so strong.

Judging from the strength of the evil aura, this heaven-defying aura is definitely several times stronger than him, much more terrifying than the demonized Super One-Star Dragon he faced back then.

That other world full of dangers... Is Dalot facing an enemy beyond imagination?

"Don't lose, you promised me that you would not lose any battle in that world."Muttering to himself, GT Vegeta closed his eyes. Since he couldn't go over to find out, he used his perception to sense the situation on the battlefield.

After all, he hadn't seen Dalot go all out to face a strong enemy for a long time.


Another future space-time world.

On the battlefield.

Dalot, who was already serious, exerted the power of the fourth stage of Super Saiyan, the ultimate sublimation of bloodline to the extreme.

Facing the overwhelming combat power, Super Masked Black Goku was beaten back step by step.

Even though Super Masked Kong's transformation has reached the pinnacle and entered the peak of the second stage of Super Saiyan Rose, he is just a chicken and a dog in front of Dalot at this time.

How terrifying is the power of mortals, pure strength and violence, showing on the surface.

On the other hand, Super Masked Black Goku's aura is obscure and dark, and every move is implicated in the evil of the abyss.

Because Dalot's powerful aura collided with Super Masked Black Goku's aura and completely suppressed it, this dark world, which was originally shrouded in the evil aura of Super Masked Black Goku that fell into darkness, now regains light because of Dalot's aura, and the earth once again welcomes the sunshine.

Super Masked Black Goku is covered in wounds, his arms are broken, his clothes are torn, and his mask is covered in cracks.

"Is this your power? I am so disappointed, BLACK! Even if you have the power of this mask to enhance yourself, you are still not my opponent. You will never be able to defeat me by relying on external objects."The effect of Dalot's indifferent words can be seen from the surface.

Super Masked Black Goku's face is already shrouded in fear and horror.

"Impossible... I am a god!!! As a mortal, no matter how strong you are, your limits and realm are fixed below those of gods... You have surpassed the limits of gods and have the same power as me?! I am the god!! Only I should have this power that surpasses everything!!"Shocked by the overwhelming power displayed by Dalot, Super Masked Black Goku was unwilling to believe the facts in front of him and shouted in disbelief

"You are still stubborn and talking about the issue of gods and mortals. You are hopelessly stupid. Take a good look at your ugly and twisted appearance. You are swallowed by anger and darkness. Can you still be called a god? Oh, that's right! You are indeed a god, but you are just an evil god."Dalot looked down at the embarrassed Masked Black Goku from above and said arrogantly.

The momentum of looking down on all living beings and despising everything is so huge and unmatched.

Stimulated by the words, Super Masked Black Goku was furious and roared

"Nonsense!! God is the creator of this world, God is unique, God! Is the origin of all things! And you are just a failed product created by the gods, Saiyan! As a god, I should be above you!!"Super Masked Black Goku was unwilling to accept this cruel fact, and he was even more unwilling to believe that after absorbing the power of another self, Dalot was still stronger than himself.

The fusion of Potara earrings allowed him to reach his current level.

It also made him begin to be conceited, rash, deny everything, and think that he is the ultimate god.

What he doesn't know is that with his current combat power, he is only the bottom existence among the gods of destruction. He has initially stabilized the combat power of the realm of the gods of destruction. How can he be the strongest? However,

Dalot defeated the strongest god of destruction in the twelve universes, Beerus, by himself.

On the other hand, Super Masked Black Goku blindly believes that his strength is the strongest. Although his combat power is It is at the level of Qiangou, but it is hard to say how much of this power can be exerted.

Even if the brother of the God of Destruction Beerus, the God of Destruction of the sixth universe, Champa, is here, he can probably kill him.

This is the gap. Even Champa, the most useless, least popular, and most cowardly God of Destruction, has the capital to destroy him.

After all, he is Beerus's brother and has lived for 10 billion years. He has not lived in vain.

The reason why Dalot was able to defeat Beerus before was not only because of the power of the fourth stage of Super Saiyan, the extreme sublimation of blood, but also the twenty-fold power increase brought by the explosive power. He burned his blood, burned his soul, and burned his potential to get the powerful power, so that he had the capital to defeat Beerus.

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