The future world.

The seventh universe.

On Earth.

Dalot, who thought he had solved Super Masked Black Goku, returned to Earth to fight against Son Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks.

To be honest, he was a little disappointed. Even a strong man like Super Masked Black Goku was not his opponent.

The harvest from this trip to the future world was not very rich, but made him feel a little bored.

However, because of the death of Super Masked Black Goku, the earth in the future world also regained its light, and the dawn of hope shone on the earth again.

Although only one in ten humans on Earth survived, they also saw the hope of survival. I believe that with their efforts, the earth will regain a bright future and the population will increase at an astonishing rate.

Dalot, Son Goku and Vegeta are ready to return to the past time and space, and the future world will be handed over to Trunks. I believe that after this bloody lesson, he will not make the same mistake again and can grow into a warrior who can stand on his own.

However, at this moment, something strange happened.

A strange and unfathomable divine aura appeared in their perception, and the earth was once again shrouded in darkness. A huge purple lightning bolt fell from the sky, bypassing Dalot, Son Goku and Vegeta, and hit Trunks directly.

‘Boom!!!!' There was a loud noise.

Trunks, who was unprepared, was immediately hit by the terrifying lightning, and his body was ruthlessly pierced. Even he himself did not expect that death would come so suddenly.

When Trunks fell, everyone was shocked, including Dalot.

This attack is... Absolute Thunder? BLACK is still alive!!!

Dalot's heart tightened, and he suddenly turned his head to look at the source of this strange divine power.

What came into view was a god that looked like nothing.

This god was no longer Super Masked Black Goku, but looked like Zamasu, and he was still wearing a mask!

"This guy!! How is it possible?! He should be dead!" Dalot was shocked. He was 100% sure that he had killed Super Masked Black Goku in the previous attack.

Then, who is this guy in front of him?!

After watching for a while, Dalot already had the answer in his mind. Super Masked Black Goku and the Immortal God Zamasu merged again through the Potara Earrings.

However, the effect of the Potara Earrings should not be so exaggerated.

This guy is not at the same level as before!

Even Dalot's ability can't tell how much combat power the opponent has...

This guy! It's definitely at the level of a unit!

"Who was hit by the judgment lightning just now? It seems to be the sinner Trunks, hehehe~~!! Foolish and ignorant human beings, wait for God to judge one by one."Super Masked Zamasu's sinister sneer sounded in the ears of several people.

Such arrogant words made everyone come back to their senses.

Especially Vegeta, he was engulfed by anger at this moment, because, just now, his son was pierced through the body by lightning and died!

"Bastard!!!!"Anger filled Vegeta's heartstrings, angry shouts resounded through the sky, and tremendous energy surged wildly under his will.

The power of God burst out, and he once again entered the realm of Super Saiyan Blue full power.

And it was even stronger than before, but it was just such a tiny increase in power. Compared with the Super Masked Zamasu who had completely transformed in the air, there was still an unspeakable gap.

Now, he couldn't care so much.

Anger swallowed his emotions, and Vegeta now just wanted to crush Super Masked Zamasu to death.

Leaping up, Vegeta burst out with all his strength, turning into a blue streamer and rushing towards Super Masked Zamasu.

"Humph! Ridiculous Saiyan, do you think you can hinder God's justice?" Super Masked Black Goku looked down on the furious Vegeta. It was ridiculous for such an ant's strength to want to shake him who had the power of immortality.

"Drink~!!!"The angry Vegeta didn't care about that. He waved his hand suddenly, and golden energy burst out from his palm, directly attacking Super Masked Zamasu's face.

Facing this energy attack, Super Masked Zamasu did not dodge or evade. The energy was destroyed by the breath when it was half a meter away from him.

Vegeta, unwilling to give up, waved his hands quickly, and the dense energy like a rain of pear blossoms poured down on Super Masked Zamasu's body.

‘BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!! BANG!!!……’The thrilling explosions continued, and Vegeta angrily vented his emotions and strength, and each blow contained the determination to kill.

This continuous bombardment lasted for about half a minute.

After half a minute of madness, Vegeta was already exhausted and gasping for air, and the energy in his body was almost exhausted.

"ha~~~ha~~~~ha~~~~!!!"Gasping for breath, cold sweat dripped down Vegeta's forehead, his eyes fixed on the center of the explosion.

""Ridiculous Saiyan, do you really think you can shake the gods with your weak power? It is the luck of you sinners to die in the hands of God, Judgment Blade!" Super Masked Zamasu snorted contemptuously from the thick smoke.

The next second, Super Masked Zamasu surged with power, and the thick smoke around him dissipated. He entered everyone's sight in an intact posture.

"Nani?!"The attack was ineffective, and Vegeta was shocked. At this moment, he realized how stupid his move was. He could not defeat this guy by a rash outburst of anger.

This impulsive move would only ruin his life.

From behind Super Masked Black Goku, a scarlet light attacked and hit him.

In an instant, the armor on his body exploded, Super Masked Black Goku spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person fell to the ground uncontrollably like a meteor.

"Vegeta!!"Sun Wukong rushed forward in a rage and caught the dying Vegeta.

At this moment, Vegeta's life was dim.

After being hit by the Judgment Blade of Super Masked Zamasu, he still had a breath left, which was a blessing in disguise.

"This scenery is really sad. But I can see that the earth is free from human pests, and her future is blooming with beautiful light. The construction of the Peach Blossom Spring world is just around the corner. Foolish humans, wait for your judgment."Super Masked Zamasu sneered.

The next second, colorful streams of light surged around his body, and the majestic energy even caused the space to distort and shake.

This power is still increasing, and it has reached a level that even Dalot feels shocked and difficult.

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