"Son Goku, Vegeta... and that kid from the future!" Beerus was even more shocked when he saw the seriously injured people.

Especially, the one from the future world, Trunks, had been pierced through the chest, lost his vitality, and died!

"Trunks!!"As a mother, Bulma felt as if the whole world was overturned and destroyed when she saw Trunks being pierced through the body.

Although this Trunks came from the future, he was also her child. A surge of anger surged in her heart.

With it came endless sadness.

Whis also realized that something was wrong and immediately used his divine power to recover the seriously injured Son Goku and Vegeta.

As for Trunks... he did not treat him immediately.

After all, although the angel's ability can revive the dead, it cannot be used casually because it will violate the rules.

If you are not careful, If they break the rules, they will disappear. After recovering from their injuries, Goku and Vegeta returned to their peak state.

Because he had recovered from a serious injury, Goku's normal combat power increased again, and the limit was raised to 4500 Zi.

Since Vegeta had crawled back from the brink of death, more potential in his body was released, and his normal combat power was still stronger than Goku, reaching an astonishing 6000 Zi.

After the two recovered, their expressions were different. Goku's expression was gloomy, and Vegeta's face showed regret and anger.

Pain, despair, and multiple different negative emotions surrounded their heartstrings.

"Hey, what's going on in the future world? What's going on with this crack in the sky? Didn't Dalot go to the future world with you? Why is there such a big commotion?" Beerus asked.

What kind of unpredictable crisis has happened in the future world that has turned out like this?

The situation has become so serious that even he, as a god, can't just sit back and watch.

"Lord Beerus... Dalot... I'm afraid he's already dead.……"At this time, the East King God, Shin, came out and said.

Beerus and Whis were shocked when he said this.

Did they hear it right?

That Dalot, who was so powerful that he surpassed the God of Destruction... was dead?!!

"What is going on? With his strength, he can't even deal with BALCK from the future world? You know how strong that guy is. He can't just die like this.……"Beerus didn't believe in Dalot's death.

That guy was stronger than him.

If even he died at the hands of Black, then what was the God of Destruction?

"Beerus-sama... this is probably true... I can't win... I can't win at all... BLACK has become a special god... a god I've never seen before." Son Goku said with a helpless smile.

He witnessed with his own eyes the terrifying power of judgment of Super Masked Zamasu.

It was aimed at all life forms, all living beings. As long as they were alive, they could not be the opponent of that guy.

"Damn it! Why! Why is my power so weak?! I can't even protect Trunks... I didn't help at all at the last moment... I hate it!!!" Rage surged in his heart, and Vegeta roared hysterically.

At this moment, he was in sorrow and pain.

The death of Future Trunks dealt a great blow to his spirit and pride.

Seeing that the second young Saiyan was so frightened and surprised by the power of Super Masked Zamasu, and even Dalot had received news of his death, Beerus could not sit still.

As the strongest God of Destruction, this matter was also within his responsibility.

However, the God of Destruction was not allowed to travel through time and space, which also meant that he could not go to the future world together.

This rule was set by the King of All and the Great Priest, and even he could not violate it. Once violated, he would be punished by the King of All. It would be fine if he disappeared by himself, but if he disappeared with the Seventh Universe, it would be a sin. Unless

BLACK came from the future time and space to this time and space, he could take action.

Even if that guy endangered the survival of the universe, Whis could also take action

""Whis, do you have any solution?" Beerus shouted impatiently at Whis.

Since the strongest warriors in the universe have lost, it is time for the gods to take action.

When asked by Beerus, Whis shook his head, indicating that he was helpless.

Even the angels have no solution.

"Unless, Goku-san, Vegeta-san, can you bring BLACK here? If you can bring him here, I can help."Whis said.

The seriousness of the situation has threatened the world, and Whis has decided to take action himself.

He can feel a deep and boundless evil spirit from this space-time rift. That power is the power of God.

But he can't say what kind of power of God it is.

After living for billions of years, this is the first time he has seen such absolute, twisted, and weird divine power.

It is simply the power of the evil god who has fallen into the abyss.

Whis's words gave several people hope.

Whis has always been an unfathomable existence in their hearts, and he is also the master of the God of Destruction Beerus.

If he takes action... what a bullshit Super Masked Zamasu.

Isn't it easy to catch him?

"Lead him to this world... But... Whis, with our current strength, we are not even one millionth of that guy... He can kill me and Vegeta with just one look, I'm afraid... this won't work."Sun Wukong raised a question.

This is the most fatal problem.

Even if you go as bait, a bait with insufficient strength will be eaten in an instant.

"Perhaps there is someone who can take on the task of bringing BLACK here."At this time, East Kai King Shin suggested.

As soon as he said this, everyone's attention was focused on him.

"You said... there is a person who can attract Black to this world? Who is it?! Where is that person?!"Beerus asked anxiously

"That person is right here, and it is Goku-san and Vegeta-san."Xion said again, which made it clear that it was Son Goku and Vegeta, which made the others even more confused.

Until, Xion's next move made them suddenly realize.

Xion took off the Potara earrings.

The appearance of the Potara earrings made the two of them understand instantly.

They had once combined into one person through the Potara earrings many years ago.

Masked Black Goku and Black Goku also combined into one person through the Potara earrings.

If they also combined, even if they were not as good as Super Masked Zamasu, they would not be that bad.

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