“Okay, now let’s start the statistics!”

The Great Priest was not in the mood to care about the lives or deaths of others, even if it was a priest, as long as it was not his own child, he did not care.

As soon as the words of the great priest fell, there was an additional picture in the center of the large round table.

In the picture are twelve huge balls of light.

The ball of light is formed in a circle.

“I will show the remaining undestroyed planets in each universe above their respective universes, and then you will have a number in your own hearts.”

The words of the Great Priest made everyone sweat slightly.

After all, no one knows if the other gods of destruction are working hard.

In the anxious eyes of everyone, numbers were displayed on each cosmic ball of light.

Beerus looked at the seventh universe in front of him and showed 58, and his heart was slightly relieved.

“I didn’t expect to grow so many planets in just one day, and the profession of destroying gods is not so easy to do!”

However, Beerus can say exactly that if he recognizes the second, I am afraid that no God of Destruction dares to recognize the first.

“Hahaha, mine only has a thousand planets, so I’ll ask you who will compare with me.”

At this moment, the elephant Pahaha on the side laughed loudly, pointing to the 1086 written on his sixth universe and laughing.

And the destruction gods of the first universe, the twelfth universe, and the eleventh universe all looked at him with contempt, and then pointed to the hundreds of planets displayed above his universe and sneered.

Xiangpa, who just wanted to pretend, was immediately slapped in the face, but he was not afraid, because he deliberately glanced at Chitera’s fourth universe.

The number shown above is probably tens of millions.

At this time, Chitera was already in a cold sweat.

“Alas! It seems that this time, it is I who is going to say goodbye to everyone!! ”

At this moment, the God of Destruction of the Ninth Universe sighed.

Everyone turned their heads and looked at the billions displayed above the ninth universe and fell silent.

Billions of planets are almost negligible for a universe.

But so many planets that have reached the level of destruction but have not been destroyed are a bit much.

“Sitara, you……”

The taste on the side sighed.

The reason why Sitara didn’t destroy these planets, he knew best.

One of the two of them cannot tolerate any evil, and the other cannot bear to hurt any goodness.

If the thinking is the same, it stands to reason that the work ability of two people should be similar.

But the two approached it very differently.

In the universe where Weimeide is located, as long as there is an evil person on a planet that needs to be destroyed, it will be destroyed by him immediately.

It is some planets that do not need to be destroyed, as long as there are too many evils, he will also destroy them, because of this, he has not clashed with the realm king god of the eleventh universe.

And the ninth universe is six, and these planets that still exist are all because there are good people on them.

It is precisely because of a part of good people that he will let this planet go.

Over time, these planets accumulated for hundreds of thousands of years and became so many.

“Hmph, I told you a long time ago that your indecision will definitely harm the ninth universe in the end.”

The priest of the ninth universe is a proud person, and he is also ugly when he sees that he is now being dragged to death by this indecisive god of destruction.

“Alas, I thought that as long as I was punished by then, I didn’t expect it to drag down the entire ninth universe.”

The bearded Sitara sighed, and his lonely expression silenced all the gods of destruction.

If the other Destroyers were to be destroyed, they would be too late to be happy, but in the case of Sitara, many Destroyers were still more respectful.

Of course, some people think he is pedantic, and Chitera is one of them.

As two opposing universes, Chiterra has always regarded Sitara as the biggest obstacle to his growth.

“Hmph, when Sitara dies, then my fourth universe will be able to grow rapidly.

I don’t know how this waste came to the throne of destroying God. ”

Chitera didn’t show it, after all, he seemed to be second to last. If the whole king is angry and brings himself, there will be no reason at that time.

“Oh, have you been chosen? That’s the ninth universe of Sitara! ”

Quan Wang also recovered from his daze at this time.

Looking at his innocent appearance, Beerus was slightly speechless.

Maybe this kid doesn’t know what it means to others to destroy the ninth universe, maybe it’s just fun for him!

“Yes, Lord Quanwang, this time it is indeed Sitara who is working more slackly.”

The Grand Priest responded with a smile.

“Then the ninth universe disappears!!”

The king stood up with his little hands on his back.

The twelve gods of destruction also stood up with solemn faces.

Quan Wang raised his right hand, and his fingertips flashed with dazzling white light.

The white light instantly spread from the All-King Divine Temple to the All-King Realm, and then spread to the twelve universes.

At the same time, the ball of light representing the ninth universe on the large round table slowly became transparent.

Every time it passed, it completely disappeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

“Everyone, farewell!!!! goodbye”

Sidara smiled and said to everyone, and then slowly disappeared in front of everyone.

“Lord Grand Priest, I’m going back.”

And the priest of the ninth universe glanced coldly at the place where Sitara disappeared, and then said to the great priest.

“Well, there you go!!!”

The Great Priest smiled slightly, and then the Ninth Universe Priest also disappeared.

But Beerus frowned.

“Weiss, the priest of the ninth universe doesn’t seem to be dead! Where did he go? ”

Beerus asked suspiciously.

“Lord Beerus does not know that if the universe under our priest’s jurisdiction disappears, he will return to the place where the priest came from, until a new universe is born, or the universe is resurrected.”

Weiss explained to Beerus with a smile.

“No wonder the other priests of the universe that were destroyed in the early years have never appeared.”

Beerus nodded slightly.

“Okay, that’s it for today’s meeting, let’s go back! By the way, remember to work hard! ”

(End of chapter).

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