“Captain, there are islands ahead.” After a few days by sea, Liu Xuan and others finally found the island, these days have been too miserable, these guys are big stomach kings, how much food is not enough to eat, the food was eaten a day ago.

“Finally something to eat.” Liu Xuan said with tears in his eyes.

“Well, why is this island so familiar, by the way, isn’t this the Chambord Islands.” When he arrived on the island, Liu Xuan recognized the island.

The Chambord Islands are located in front of the Red Earth continent in the middle of the Great Shipping Route. The biggest feature of the Chambordi Islands is that the roots of the mangrove tree secrete a special natural resin due to respiration, and the resin expands into bubbles due to the air, and then flies into the sky. Since the bubble is only suitable in the climatic range of the argentine mangrove, once the bubble leaves the climatic domain of the Chambord Islands, the resin component will blow up because it cannot fully use its power.

Bubble cars, bubble Ferris wheels, houses built on bubbles… Bubble culture permeates every part of Chambordi Island!

The whole island is made up of 79 trees (all numbered), each with towns and facilities, and people call the archipelago of these 79 islands “Chambord Islands”.

The regional division of the Chambord Islands is also very clear to the numbers on the tree.

No. 1 to 29: Mainly human trafficking shops, human auctions, illegal zones, etc.

No. 30 to 39: There are mainly soap bubble parks, etc.

No. 40 to No. 49: There are mainly sightseeing areas and souvenir shops.

No. 50 to No. 59: There are mainly shipyards, coating craftsmen, etc.

No. 60 to No. 69: There are mainly naval garrisons, government entrances and exits, etc.

No. 70 to 79: Mainly hotel streets, etc.

“I didn’t expect to come here.”

“Captain, do you know this place?” Hearing Liu Xuan’s words, Klin next to him asked.

“That’s right, this is the Chambord Islands.” Afterwards, Liu Xuan told everyone about the situation of the Chambordi Islands.

“Isn’t there a navy for human trafficking? Don’t they care? Boomer couldn’t help but say.

“There are often Draco buying slaves here, so the navy won’t care.” “Who is Draco?”

“Draco are the descendants of the 20 kings who established the world government 800 years ago, and they regard themselves as “descendants of the Creator” and are arrogant and arrogant because they regard themselves as great, disdain to breathe the same air as ordinary people, wear bubble hoods on their heads, and arbitrarily treat people of other races as slaves. Enjoy all privileges, and in case of offense, the admiral of the Navy headquarters must devote all his military power to maintenance. It’s a bunch of guys who think they are great, and are called the biggest garbage.

Male Draco will add a “holy character” after their name, while female Draco will add a “palace” after their name to show their greatness. ”

“I can’t imagine that there are such people in this world?”

“There will be garbage in every world.”

“Forget it, don’t talk about this, let’s go eat soon.” Vegeta couldn’t help but say.

“Oh, let’s go.”

“Look, look, there’s a restaurant ahead.” After walking for a few minutes, Klin shouted in front.

“Okay, here it goes.” After saying a group of people, they walked in.

“The boss is about to order food, and he is starving to death.”

“Here it comes” Hearing Klin’s words, a middle-aged man came out of it.

“How many of you can eat?”

“Anything, hurry up.”

An hour later.

“Wow, those guys are so good to eat, it’s been an hour, and they’re still eating there.”

“Hey, it’s almost there, we don’t have money to eat less, we already knew that Vegeta should grab more money.” Looking at the mountains of plates on the table, Liu Xuan said with a smile.

“Hey boss, serve.” Suddenly a strong man came in and shouted.

“I’m sorry our dishes are already sold out, otherwise you can go and see it elsewhere.” The boss came over and said.

“What kind of restaurant do you open without food?” The strong man said.

“We have finished their dishes, but there is really no more,” the boss said, pointing to Liu Xuan and his group.

“Are you guys pigs? You guys eat everything, what do we eat? The strong man saw Liu Xuan and his group, came over and said to them.

“What did you say?” Vegeta heard the strong man’s words and said angrily.

“Why is the kid still not convinced, we are a thousand-faced fox pirate group, and our captain is a sea pirate with a bounty of 500 million Baileys, a thousand-faced fox Hux.”

“What, is that phantom beast species demon fruit thousand-faced fox fox Hux? Now the gang is unlucky. “yes, yes.”

Hearing the discussion of the people around him, the strong man said triumphantly, “How about the smelly boy? Do you want to hit me? Come on. Do you dare? ”

“me.” Before the strong man finished speaking, he was punched by Vegeta, smashed the wall and flew out, and he had been sliding on the ground for hundreds of meters before stopping, looking miserable, obviously unable to live.

“Hey, let’s go, that man is a subordinate of the thousand-faced fox Hux, they won’t let you go.”

“So what, let them come, we won’t be afraid.” His words Vegeta did not take to heart.

“Okay, let’s go.” Seeing that everyone had finished eating, Liu Xuan said after paying the money.

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