Looking at the ravines and corpses after the fierce battle around him, Raditz knew that he was one step late.

After checking the corpses in the next four weeks, most of them were from the Adrath Star, and there were also many from the Demon Clan.

However, it is good news that I have not seen Kurban and the tanuki man.

But almost all the demons brought by Shrag died, but Kurban survived. That’s a bit of a problem. ’

Although Shrag is a moody man who likes to torture and kill his own subordinates. But it doesn’t mean that he will let the people of the demon race die in vain.

Raditz found the node of this space, and after a moment of thought, the ‘qi’ filled his body.

In this way, even if the opponent sneaks up, he has time to defend.

He then activates the node to teleport to the next space.


As soon as he appeared, before Raditz could see his surroundings, he heard a deafening explosion.

A raging stream of energy came towards him from all directions!

Instinctively, he induced the qi that had already been ready to launch to form an energy shield around him!

A crackling sound sounded outside the energy shield, but it could not shake the slightest. Only then did Raditz have time to look around him.

Compared to other spaces, this one should be the largest. There is almost no end as far as the eye can see, and the earth and sky are even more expansive.

There were still many remains of buildings in the distance, and he was surprised that there were still some greenery here.

Several powerful warriors in the sky are fighting to the death, roaring and colliding. Occasionally there are some energy cannons, and the rays ripple around.

Presumably, what just hit Raditz was the aftermath.

Of course, the most noticeable thing in this space is a sphere in mid-air, which exudes a silver glow.

At this moment, it is floating more than ten meters above the ground, constantly scattering light around. Let people unconsciously approach it.

Raditz ghostly used his mental power to probe, but there was a tingling pain in his brain.

That trace of spiritual power was actually cut off!

However, he also saw clearly the body of the luminous object. It turned out to be a slap-sized strange fragment, which burst out strange energy all around.

Those who see the brilliance are the afterimages of the space annihilation, collapse and recovery caused by these energy excitations!

“Then it should be the fetish of the star of Adrat, which can destroy and repair space so quickly. It’s better to be careful. Raditz thought to himself, and set his eyes on the battle in the sky again.

Judging from the ‘qi’, the five warriors who besieged Shrag should be the warriors of the Adrath Star Warriors who performed the second merger.

Below them, several fat or skinny men guarded an old, well-dressed man.

It is clear that they are fighters who have failed to fit together and can only wait for the end of time.

“Lord Raditz! Hurry up and save Kurban! The tanuki man, who came out of nowhere, flew in front of Raditz and shouted anxiously. Looking at his anxious appearance about to cry, it is clear that Kurban is not in a good state at the moment.

Glancing at the two sides still fighting, Raditz followed the tanuki man and flew towards Kurban’s hideout.

Shrag, who fought with the warriors of the Yadrath Star above, saw this scene and sneered in his heart:

‘It really betrayed me!’ Damn mess, I’ll let you guys get rid of these annoying bugs when I’m done’

It didn’t take long for the tanuki man to land on a hillside, and after removing a rock, a small hole appeared in front of him.

Raditz could detect a faint ‘qi’ inside, which was Kurban.

When she saw him, Raditz could barely recognize him.

Kurban, who was originally physically strong and full of strength, is now skinny. All kinds of scars on his body were intertwined, and blood flowed all over the place.

And the third eye, which had been open on his forehead, was completely closed, and there was even some blood on it.

“Uh… Yes! Kurban suddenly roared in pain, his body twisting and convulsing.

Raditz frowned, took out a fairy spirit from his waist and gave it to him, then put her left hand on his forehead and began to examine his body.

“Sure enough…” After a while, a look of clarity flashed in Raditz’s eyes.

“Did Slug find out about attacking you?” Raditz asked.

“Slag? Oooh! Yes, he suddenly attacked us. If it weren’t for Kurban protection, I’m afraid I would have died by now! ”

Now that Kurban’s external injuries have begun to recover, the trouble is the spiritual power of Shrag flowing through his body!

The other party obviously sensed his betrayal and wanted him to die in pain.

‘You’re lucky to meet me!’ Raditz put his hands on Kurban’s temples

“Ah…” the unconscious Kurban suddenly shouted, and his body began to convulsing violently and struggling. If Raditz hadn’t suppressed it with his powerful combat power, I’m afraid he would have jumped up a long time ago.

The struggle lasted for more than a minute before he suddenly quieted down.

Raditz breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead.

This clash of mental forces can be described as extremely dangerous, and if you don’t pay attention, Kurban may become an idiot.

“Okay, I’ll give him another one later.” Raditz threw a fairy spirit to the tanuki man.

‘Luck is really good.’ Before leaving, Raditz looked at Kurban, who was lying unconscious on the ground. Especially the third eye on the opponent’s forehead.


The battle outside had reached its most intense moment at this moment, and the warriors of the Star of Adrat were almost at their limit.

“Hey, hey… It’s time to end too! Glancing below, Shrag suddenly smiled at the warrior on the opposite side and disappeared in place.

The Yadrat Star warriors quickly gathered around and guarded all around.


As two rays of light flashed, the two Adrath Star warriors fell to the ground. In their chests, the hollow with the big mouth of the bowl seemed to tell the unwillingness in their hearts.

The rest of the people were shocked and quickly dispersed.

Without giving them much chance, Shrag flashed into the position they had just had. His hands stretched out abruptly, like nimble vipers, and quickly grabbed the necks of the two warriors.

Click! With a crisp sound, the two warriors also fell.

“Damn bastards! Natsu come! The remaining warrior roared and blasted a powerful energy cannon at Shrag.

“Stupid! At this time, energy cannons are also issued. Slug snorted coldly and calmly dodged the attack. Then easily kill the exhausted Adrath Star Warrior.

After solving his opponent, Shrag slowly fell in front of the old patriarch.

“How? Have you thought it through? Now it’s time to hand it over! ”

“Hugh, you demon! How can there be such an evil person as you among the people of Namek! The old patriarch supported his weak body and scolded the other party.

A cold intention flashed, and Shrag just wanted to make a move, but he sensed a killing intent to lock him, and immediately dodged and dodged.

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