There is no suspense, at least in the eyes of Raditz. Kritz winning Puy is a matter of certainty.

Pui, who was crushed and devoured by the flow of Kryz’s energy, did not even have a single residue left. Only a little green smoke slowly drifted into the sky.

The audience in the audience was all stunned by this rapid, brutal offensive and defensive battle. It wasn’t a minute until the end of the game that he didn’t react.


“It’s enjoyable! Again! ”

“Creez! Creez! ”


The crowd shouted Chritz’s name, like a groupie chasing star.

As for the killed Pui, who cares about a loser.

Raditz nodded in satisfaction.

Kriz is a leading figure among the second generation of freshman Saiyans.

Maybe he will achieve more than his brother in the future.

“Everyone take a break for fifteen minutes, the second game is waiting for everyone!”

In fact, the game can start immediately, but then the whole game time is shortened.

In order to gain more influence, Raditz decided to extend the time interval of the game a little.

The number of viewers of the exciting game on the interstellar network has also skyrocketed because of the wonderful game just now. Various revenues continue to flow to the Space Business Alliance 777.

At the same time, the name of the first battle race in the Saiyan universe began to be gradually recognized.

I believe that waiting for the end of this conference will definitely be recognized by all.

Time passed quickly, and fifteen minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

The second showdown began.

“Kurdemon from Moro Star vs. Randy!”

Kul Demon, a very rare cosmic race.

Nearly two meters and twenty meters tall, with a pair of horns curved upwards on the top of his head; On the gray-brown body grew a large humanoid bull’s head, dressed in coarse clothing; Leather clothing made of unknown animal skins only wrapped around vital parts; There is a small bulge at the joint of the huge fist, and even the hoof-shaped soles of the feet are wrapped with a thick stratum corneum.

Like the Namek, there is no gender distinction between their races.

The Kuhl are good at fighting but not fond of war, and they rarely clash with others unless necessary. And once you provoke the other party, it will be an unending war.


With Raditz’s order, Randy bent slightly and rushed to the opposite Kurmo!

The clenched fist flung out fiercely and slammed into Kurmo’s abdomen.



Unsurprisingly, the tentative attack was firmly caught by Kurmo. It can even be said to be imprisoned.

Randy couldn’t even take it off anytime soon.

Immediately afterwards, a sharp hiss that cut through the air slammed into Randy’s face.

As if Randy was hit hard, the whole person flew backwards.


A forced turn in mid-air stopped Randy from spitting blood. The momentum on his body suddenly increased several times, and he once again rushed towards Kurmo with an even more rapid attitude.


The giant combat power detector on the field showed that Randy’s combat power had reached 3 million at this moment.

“With such a powerful race, this battle will be very interesting.” Randy’s eyes sparkled with excitement.

Just as soon as he defended and attacked, he sensed that the Kur Demon on the opposite side was extraordinary.


Seeing that Randy was able to reach each other with both hands, he could attack; And Kuhlmo’s right hand retracted slightly.

Randy’s momentum came to an abrupt end, and his body forced a sharp turn in the air. An arc was drawn from the top of Kurmo’s head and flew to the opponent’s back.

“Hehe, big man, your body is not flexible enough!” Randy smiled proudly, and his iron fist slammed into Kuhlmo’s broad, sturdy back.


A dull crash sounded, as if striking on solid rock.


Swoosh~ Randy was still sighing that the other party’s body was strong, and suddenly there was a sound of babe wind in his ears.

Bang! In the next second, he was already beaten down by the other party again.


Resisting the pain in his back, Randy jumped out of range of his opponent with a few back jumps.

It wasn’t until he jumped dozens of meters away that Kurmo finished turning.

“Damn it! He was obviously not flexible enough, why was he able to hit me. Randy loosened his muscles and looked closely at the other person.

Raditz in the sky saw through Kurmo’s moves.

Because my body is not flexible enough, I know that I can’t dodge the attack, but fortunately I don’t dodge. Know the position of the opponent’s attack, attack the route the opponent has traveled in advance, and exchange injuries for injuries. It’s not easy. ’

The battle continued on the battlefield, although not as fast and colorful as before.

But this pure hand-to-hand combat is still full of highlights.

Randy has been changing his methods to attack Kurmo, and dozens of tactics have all been cracked by the other side.

“Hu ~ Hu ~ ” Ten minutes passed, Randy’s physical exertion was very large, and his body was even more blue and purple.

On the other hand, the other party was as silent as ever. The face is not red and breathless, and it is no different from the beginning.

Even the opponent did not leave the initial position on the field by five meters.

‘Since close combat is not good, what about using a long-range attack? Randy tentatively blasted out an energy bomb.

Kurmo dodged the attack slightly clumsily.

Randy’s eyes lit up: ‘It works! ’


Dozens of energy bombs slammed into Kurmo like a rain of bullets.

After barely dodging two, Kurmo was unable to dodge the others and was overwhelmed by a succession of energy bombs.

Bang! Bang!

Booming sounds surrounded Kurmo.

In this way, Randy circled the jousting field around Kurmo. Energy bombs are constantly blasted out from a distance to attack the opponent.

Kurmo, on the other hand, could only resist the attack in vain, and did not see him counterattack with energy bombs.

“So that’s the case, this guy won’t use ‘qi’ to attack!”

As if discovering a new continent, Randy happily attacks his opponents with energy bombs from a distance.

Raditz also realized this, and asked people to gather all the opponent’s battle information.

‘Sure enough. Even in the melee just now, the other party did not use energy attacks.

It seems that he is indeed a guy who can only use physical attacks.

It’s a pity that the opponent’s fighting skills and sense of battle are quite clever. After it’s over, see if you can recruit your subordinates. After all, a good sparring fighter. ’

Finally, after being bombarded by the energy attack for nearly ten minutes, Kurmo fell down unwillingly.


There were few applause in the audience, but there were constant boosing.

Embarrassed, Randy quickly trotted to the lounge.

(End of chapter)_

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