With the start of a new round of trials for the world's first martial arts conference, the host walked to the ring with a microphone in the warm eyes of everyone, only to see him put the microphone to his mouth and slowly said:

"The guests have made you wait for a long time, let's enter the first match now, first of all, the duel between the Klin player and the Puta player."

Hearing the host announce the start, Sun Wukong patted Klin's shoulder to encourage him:

"Come on, Klin

" "Don't worry, this kind of opponent doesn't have to worry about me, I'm going to play"

Said, Klin put his hands in his pockets and walked into the ring with a confident look on his face, as if the match had been won.

"Little ghost, what kind of expression are you, believe it or not, I'll tear you to pieces right now

" Klin looked at the guy in front of him who didn't know how many times larger than his own body seemed to be unconcerned, waved his hand and yawned:

"I know, I can see a lot of your vain appearance, so hurry up."

Pta looked at the mini "little cutie" in front of him and actually dared not to put himself in his eyes, and the anger in his heart also spurted out, and he rushed towards Kling, but unexpectedly, the other party dodged his own attack with a dodge, and he fell to the ground fiercely after losing his center of gravity, raised his head again and his nose was bleeding, and even his front teeth were lost twice, which looked very embarrassing, causing everyone in the audience to laugh.

"Abominable little ghost, I will definitely kill you"

Pta who felt that he was extremely embarrassed did not hesitate, got up again and rushed towards Klin, but saw that he jumped up slightly, and his feet that left the ground kicked directly on Puta's body, and Puta's direct blow was like a hundred-pound iron hammer smashed on his body, and the whole person flew out directly upside down under the pain, falling under the ring, and the whole person was unconscious.

"Are you okay, it seems that your hands seem to be a little heavy"

Seeing the fainting Pta under the ring, Klin directly stretched out his right hand in his pocket, and then raised it above his head, indicating that this match had been won by himself, and Klin also slowly walked down in everyone's warm eyes.

With Klin's victory tryouts also came to the second round of competition, the second round of the first match was by Bick impersonating Malayia against the Eastern Realm King Shen Xin, not surprisingly, when the two stepped into the ring at the same time, Vic had no desire to do anything about the pressure of the Realm King God, and could only hastily admit defeat.

"Since the Malayan player admitted defeat, then I declare that the winner of the second round of the tryouts is Xin, and then the third match begins, with the masked contestant facing the Spobic player."

"Wutian Wutian don't eat, it's time for us to go and change clothes, be careful not to expose"

Hearing the host announce the start of the third round, Trunks directly grabbed the food in Sun Wutian's hand, urging him to change clothes with himself.

In everyone's warm eyes, the masked man pretending to be Trunks and Sun Wutian also waved enthusiastically to everyone, and walked to the center of the ring

: "Wutian, the adult match is really interesting

" "Yes, yes

" "Okay, let them know how powerful we are today, so that we can be ashamed in the previous match

" "Let's go on"

Saying that, Trunks and Sun Wutian no longer hesitated, and directly disappeared in place in a flash, and before everyone could react, the two had already come behind Spobichi, and as Trunks fired a fatal blow to his vital point, the other party's whole person flew out directly and lay on the ground.

"It's really not interesting, it's so simple to win, isn't the adult game so powerful,"

Trunks, who thought he had won, proudly gestured into the air ✌ and said excitedly to the Monkey Sky below him.

But what they didn't expect was that just when they were about to celebrate their victory, they saw Spobbitsch, who had just fallen to the ground, stand up again in the surprised eyes of everyone

: "How is it possible, how can you still stand up after such a serious attack from us

" and "Abominable fellow, you hurt me, I'm going to kill you"

Seeing the other party's fierce and vicious appearance, Trunks was not afraid, and once again rode Sun Wutian and rushed up, with the fists and feet of the two plus Popo Beach has no room to fight back, can only let the two beat on their bodies, and Trunks and Sun Wutian did not have the slightest mercy, until they felt that they were tired of fighting before they stopped their hands, the two wiped the sweat on their faces, and said breathlessly:

"This guy should not be able to do it now, Wutian we won"


As soon as Sun Wutian finished answering, he saw that Spobbich stood up again, the other party's whole body was full of scars, but he didn't seem to feel pain, no matter how he hit the other party, it was like a nobody.

"How so, what kind of monster is this guy

" "Abominable, Goten, let's turn into a super Saiyan, directly solve this guy at once

" "Good"

As a golden light flashed inside his clothes, two huge energies scattered in all directions, alarming another companion of Spobichi on stage at this time.


" and "Trunks" felt each other's breath, and Sun Wukong and Vegeta shouted their names at the same time

: "I said how come I haven't seen the two of them since the competition in the Junior Division, it turns out that they came here to participate in our competition disguised as masked people, what two mischievous imps

" "But their opponents seem to be a little unsimple"

While Sun Wukong and

Vegeta were discussing, The Eastern Realm King God suddenly walked over at this time, and said with solemn eyes

: "Mr. Sun Wukong, Mr. Vegeta troubles you to hold on for a while, no matter what happens

, please believe me, please" "Why

" Sun Wukong asked suspiciously

, "Please believe me this time, this is related to the safety of the earth and even the whole universe

" "Lao Sun, the Realm King God will not harm the heavens, there must be something very important."

Hearing that Vic also came to persuade himself, Sun Wukong thought about it, nodded and agreed

, "cut"

Vegeta saw that Sun Wukong agreed, did not speak, but cut to indicate that he acquiesced.

And at this time, in the ring, a person who was much the same color as Spobbić's body but much smaller than the other party jumped into the ring, only to see some special M letter graphics on his forehead, and those strange instruments in his hand, and said loudly:

"Energy passes, catch that guy, Spobbić"

Hearing the words of his companion, Spobbich did not hesitate, and directly pounced on the masked man pretended by Trunks and Sun Wutian, The two who were about to dodge suddenly felt that their bodies seemed to be given by something, and they couldn't move

, "Oops"

Because the Eastern King God secretly sat down his hands and feet, Spobic also successfully grabbed the masked man, only to see his hands clasp Trunks' neck, his legs clamped Sun Wutian's waist, and then his companion directly inserted the tentative breath in his hands into the bodies of the two.

"Ah, ah

" With two screams of pain coming out, Vegeta only felt that the breath in the bodies of the two people continued to drain


" Vegeta cursed secretly and was directly ready to rush in to save his son, but he didn't expect to be blocked by Sun Wukong

"Get away, Kakarot"


End of this chapter

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