"Kakarot, you have a good eye, it is indeed quite cute, you can beat it and then take it home to be a pet"

For the alarmist words of the realm king god, Raditz naturally did not pay attention to it, but joked with the Monkey King next to him.

After Buu, who was the focus of everyone, fell from the air to the ground, he glanced at the surrounding people and did not pay attention to it, but played with himself in everyone's eyes, like a child who did not grow up.

Buffidy looked at Majin Buu in amazement at this time, feeling that this guy in front of him was like a retarded mind, if it weren't for the terrifying aura exuding from his body, he felt that he had put the wrong person, he really couldn't connect this very ridiculous guy now with the terrifying Majin Buu in his father's mouth.


Although Buffidy felt that the fat man next to him was somewhat unreliable, he had no choice but to tentatively shout at him in the face of the situation in front of him.

However, what he didn't expect was that Majin Buu turned a blind eye to his greetings, completely ignored himself, and was still bouncing and playing there.

Seeing that the other party ignored him

, Bafidi was also a little angry, so he suddenly put down his cruel words and said: "Majin Buu, you listen to me, you were created by my father, and I liberated you from the seal, from now on you must obey my orders"

At this time, Majin Buu also stopped moving when he heard Buffedi's words, and looked back at Bafidi, as if he was looking at a fool, and his narrowed eyes unexpectedly revealed a meaningful look

"What are you, why do you care that I still let me listen to you, who do you think you are

" Although Majin Buu did not speak, but Bafidi also saw the meaning of mockery from the other party's expression, and warned in a very unkind tone:

"We can seal you again if we take you out, and you don't want to continue to sleep in that dark eggshell"

Hearing Buffydi's warning words, Majin Buu endured it although he was a little angry, With a grin, he walked to Buffedi's side and nodded obediently, indicating that he obeyed his orders.

Seeing that Majin Buu was finally willing to listen to his words, Buffydy's uneasy mood in his heart was also completely relieved, and then pointed at Sun Gohan and the Realm King God, and ordered Buu:

"Buu, I order you to go and kill these two hateful guys for me, let them see how powerful you Majin

Buu" Hearing Buffydy's order, Buu did not hesitate, a funny face also showed an evil slightly terrifying expression at this time, and the evil aura was continuously released, Aggressively walked towards Sun Gohan and the others.

In the face of Buu's attack, Sun Gohan was not careless, understanding that the strength of the Realm King God was weak, he directly blocked in front, and said: "Lord Realm King

, be careful, this guy handed it over to me, I will deal with

it" "Swoosh", before everyone could react, Sun Gohan rushed out and came to the front of Majin Buu!

"Gohan is too impulsive, he is not Majin Buu's

opponent" Sun Goku couldn't help frowning when he saw Sun Gohan rushing out, really this unconscious child can only wait for him to make his own move when he is not an opponent.

Sun Gohan, who rushed above, did not hesitate and directly burst out his maximum strength to attack, but what he didn't expect was that the other party just dodged his full force with a simple dodge.

"So fast"

Sun Gohan's eyes widened, he didn't expect that the other party's fat body could exert such a terrifying speed, and he also dismissed this idea when he thought of using the advantage of speed to make a sneak attack.

After seeing the powerful Majin Buu, Sun Gohan was ready to get up and retreat, but he didn't want the other party to give him the slightest chance, and once again he came to his body in a flash, and a simple fist blasted out and hit his body firmly, Sun Gohan shouted in pain and the whole person flew out directly upside down, the whole person was lying on the ground like a dead fish, and the body did not maintain the form of a super Saiyan.

"It's terrifying, Majin Buu is really terrifying"

The face of the Realm King God was already full of despair at this time, such a powerful existence as Sun Gohan could not hold a single move under his hand, and his heart had fallen to the bottom!

Seeing that Son Gohan, who could defeat Dapura, was defeated by a punch, Buffidi showed a smug expression on his face

, laughed heartily, and couldn't help but praise this funny Majin Buu: "Majin Buu you are so powerful" Majin Buu

also enjoyed Buffydi's praise very much, the whole person showed a cute expression, there was a silly smile, and he couldn't see the horror of the Majin at all, But his strength really no one dares to underestimate.

"Gohan, are you okay?"

Seeing Son Gohan Bic who was severely injured, he walked up with a worried look and helped him up, and asked with some worry.

The Realm King God and Jebit looked at each other, and both shook their heads helplessly, and then said to everyone:

"Majin Buu is too powerful, let's run away quickly

" "Hmph

" "Just your face and face to say that you are a god, it really makes people laugh off their big teeth, what shit Majin Buu will make him a man today"

Vegeta felt very shameful about the escape behavior of the Realm King God, snorted coldly and scolded the Realm King God, and then clenched his fists, the golden light directly shone on the earth, surrounded by lightning, and directly transformed into the form of Super Saiyan II, and his eyes showed a sense of confidence and perseverance.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong quickly grabbed Vegeta, and said in a somewhat arrogant tone

: "Vegeta, how can you be like this, didn't you say okay, let me strike first?"


" "Kakarot, you guy is really naïve, you also believe the nonsense that lied to you"

Vegeta did not give Sun Wukong face at this time, Majin Buu's strength has ignited his passion to do it!

"You two stop arguing, this guy is handed over to me"


End of this chapter

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