When Bulma heard that the other party actually humiliated Vegeta like this, as a wife, she naturally couldn't bear it, and directly stood up and reprimanded Beerus.

Seeing this, Vegeta quickly stepped forward to pull Bulmar back, and then quickly bowed to

Beerus, saying, "Lord Beerus, my wife does not know your identity, please don't meet her in general."

Beerus spread his hands and said a little indifferently

: "I am a god with a big heart, so I will not meet this ugly and fierce old woman, Vegeta, you can't pick a woman's eyes."

Hearing Beerus's verbal curse, the hot-tempered Bulma immediately exploded in anger, directly pushed Vegeta away, pointed at Beerus's nose and scolded:

"You wild cat without a tutor, you actually dare to come to the old lady's birthday banquet to spread wild."

"I actually dare to say that the old lady is old, and the old lady fought with you."

Vegeta couldn't help but cry a little when he saw this uncontrollable situation, but he didn't expect that things had actually developed to the point where it is now, helplessly, he could only pull the irascible Bulma back first

, "Bulma, you say two words

" But the mentally explosive Bulma can't care so much at this time, whoever stops her will scold whom

, "Vegeta, are you a man, your wife has been bullied by others, you still look like you don't care, Usually see you say that you are fighting nation, noble Saiyan prince, how come now your wife is bullied do not dare to care

, you this bitch" "you this bitch"

The words deeply stimulated Vegeta's heart, at this moment his pride and his self-esteem were all awakened by Bulma.

"Yes, my grand Prince Vegeta, what's wrong with this, what shit destroyer hasn't fought yet, how do you know that you can't beat it," Vegeta's

gloomy face was a little more self-deprecating.

At this time, General Beerus was also extremely dark, and I saw this purple light surging all over his body, although no one could feel the breath on his body, but the momentum that the other party burst out made everyone dare not underestimate.

Seeing this, Weiss on the side also quietly retreated to the side, covering his face and snickering

: "Oh, Lord Beerus is really angry this time, he hates others to cat him the most, but he didn't expect to be called twice in one day, and this time it is more ruthless, even if the realm king god has a good temper, I am afraid that he will be angry

" At this time, Beerus's gloomy face was already a little more hideous, and his voice was low and a little scary

: "Wild cat, wild cat without tutoring, very good

." "No one dares to call me that for a long time, I'm angry

" "Ah"

The dark purple light burst out instantly, and the whole earth was filled with the smell of destruction at this moment, the sea roared, the mountains and rivers trembled, and the whole world was like the end of the world.

On the other side, Vegeta was also deeply stimulated by Bulma's words at this time, and golden light emerged, surrounded by dense thunder and lightning, like the god of thunder descending into the world.

"Vegeta, this guy's strength has improved again, and the terrifying power seems to have surpassed Lao Sun"

Vic saw a gloomy Vegeta at this time, and he couldn't help but be a little surprised in his heart, how long has it been since Vegeta has reached this point, Saiyans are really a terrible race.

"Beerus, I want you to double the humiliation you just gave me, I want to tell you that I Vegeta is not a bitch"

Beerus's face was gloomy, with a dark purple light all over his body, and disappeared before everyone could react,

"Do you know what death feels like?" Today I will tell you"

suddenly a voice sounded behind Vegeta, Vegeta quickly turned his head and saw that at this time Beerus's fingers had touched his chest, as a white point of light appeared on the other party's index finger, Vegeta's chest was instantly penetrated, and the blood in Vegeta's mouth slowly flowed out, covering the chest that had been penetrated for a few steps, and then directly lying on the ground without a sound.

The moment "Vegeta" and "Dad"

saw Vegeta

fall to the ground, Bulma's whole person was directly frightened and fainted, and Yamucha saw this and quickly hugged her to prevent her from falling to the ground.

Looking at Vegeta lying on the ground, everyone's hearts were full of anger, especially the tears in Trunks' eyes dripping down, and the tall and majestic figure of Vegeta in his mind gradually disappeared.

"Dad, you killed my dad"

The furious Trunks directly used all his strength to transform into a Super Saiyan and rushed towards Beerus, and Sun Wutian, who was a good friend of Trunks, naturally could not let him fight alone, and followed at the moment Trunks rushed up.

Xiao Ye and Xiao Linger also had a chill in their eyes at this time, since the end of the last world's first martial arts conference, the four children also quickly became friends, seeing Trunks so sad, the two also rushed up at the same time regardless of it, even Xiao Linger, who has always disliked the super Saiyan state, did not hide this time.

Seeing that the four children had surrounded Beerus, the others who were adults would naturally not be idle, and the 18th was the first to be among them, and then Tianjin Fan, Bick, Klin, Sun Wuhan, and the Turtle Immortal were present and everyone except Yamucha who knew martial arts and launched an attack on Beerus.

Although there are many people, they are a little inadequate, and they all have different scars on their bodies in the face of the absolute strength of the god of destruction Beerus, who defeated everyone in less than a minute, and everyone suffered scars of different sizes.

"Damn, what kind of guy is this, actually strong and so perverted"

Vic gritted his teeth, this person can almost be said to have no effort to deal with so many of us, and to deal with Vegeta can be said to be a second kill, such a powerful force has exceeded his imagination.

"I am a god with a big heart, but there is one thing that I absolutely cannot tolerate, and that is disrespect for the gods

" At this time, Beerus flew into the air, opened his pair of deep purple cat's eyes, looked down at the entire earth, and as a dazzling dark purple light condensed in his hand, he muttered in his mouth:

"There is no need for

this planet to exist" "Wes come here, destroy this planet, I'm going home to sleep, What a super Saiyan god I don't want to look for anymore.

However, when Beerus finished speaking, he found that the other party did not pay attention to him, and then looked at the position of Weis, and suddenly his eyes were almost glaring, and he shouted loudly:

"Hey, Weis, what are you guys doing

" "Please wait for Lord Beerus

" "I found that the food on the earth is so delicious, do you want to taste it too."


End of this chapter

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