When Beerus saw the demon Buu who was slashed by a thousand cuts, the anger in his heart gradually disappeared, and the strong killing intent in his eyes gradually faded.

However, what made him a little strange was that this guy's body was obviously dead, but he had not seen the other party's soul so far, yes, Beerus did not intend to make his soul better at this time, but the strange thing was that there was still some breath of life left on the other party's bloody flesh.

"What's going on"

Beerus's doubtful gaze stared at the body of Majin Buu, but saw that the breath on the thousands of corpses of the other party was slowly gathering, all gathered into a piece of blood-red something similar to a heart, directly with the gathering of the breath is expanding in cultivation, in just a few seconds of kung fu, a brand new Majin Buu reappeared in front of Beerus.

"Oh, it's a little interesting, this nasty guy's strength seems to be much stronger than before

" "Boom"

With the rebirth of Majin Buu, an evil aura rushed straight to the sky, and Zhou Shen spread out in a raging wave of qi, and the terrifying aura burst out in an instant, shrouding every corner of the earth, and even emanating towards the universe.

"Ancestor, Majin Buu seems to have become more powerful than before, but I haven't heard that he can improve his strength when he was resurrected before."

Feeling that the Demon Buou Realm King God was getting stronger and stronger, he couldn't help but ask the Old Realm King God next to him with some doubts. But he saw that the other party shook his head, indicating that he was not very clear.

At the same time, Sun Wukong, Vegeta and others also had strange expressions on their faces, feeling that his strength was constantly increasing, and even surpassed Sun Wukong, who was the god of Super Saiyan, which surprised everyone.

At this time, Majin Buu had returned to his original appearance, covered with blood-red skin, and slowly opened his eyes for a moment, and the sharp energy directly rushed into the sky.

"Interesting, you can actually be resurrected

, but" Beerus looked at the revived Majin Buu little by little, and couldn't help but be interested, looking at the other party playfully and said:

"You should be punished if you offend God, but if you can remember my trick, I can't let you go

" "Destruction"

only listened to the simple two words from Beerus's mouth, a black purple destruction energy condensed, Destruction This is a strange energy exclusive to the God of Destruction, which can destroy all people and things in the world, and Majin Buu is no exception.

"Master, big brother, save me"

Although Majin Buu had experienced a resuscitation and used the characteristics of Raditz Saiyan blood to improve his combat effectiveness a lot, he understood that he was definitely not the opponent's opponent.

But he has always been arrogant because of his own undying characteristics, and now in the face of the energy suddenly condensed by Beerus, he can clearly feel that death is beckoning to him, and if he is defeated by that thing, he will basically die for the rest of his life, so he quickly opened his mouth to call for help.

"It's time for Xiao Jin to make a move, Beerus's destructive energy is not vegetarian"

Raditz saw at this time that Buu really couldn't hold on, and if he didn't make a move, the thug he had cultivated would be gone.

"I take this energy of yours,"

Hearing Raditz's order, Xiao Jin did not hesitate and immediately rushed to Beerus's body and said to him.

"Oh? If you are really not afraid of death, then I will fulfill you"

Beerus smiled faintly, and with a gentle wave of his palm, the energy full of destruction was thrown in the direction of Raditz and Xiaojin.

"Xiao Jin, you step down, you may not be able to take the

energy of destruction, leave it to me" Raditz knows that Xiao Jin's current strength is not what it used to be, but at most it has only reached the dark blue state of the original Vegeta, although the strength is enough to block the energy of destruction, but this energy is condensed by the strongest destruction god Beerus, there are still some risks.

"Master, you believe me, I feel that his energy seems to have no effect on me"

After speaking, Xiaojin's body came to the front of Raditz, only to see that he stretched out his hands without the intention of dodging and resisting at all, allowing Beerus's destructive energy to hit him.

As the strong light flashed, I saw that Xiao Jin was shrouded in that black-purple energy at the moment, but what made everyone strange was that there was no abnormal performance of pain on Xiao Jin's body, as he said, the destruction did not have the slightest effect on him.

"How is it possible"

Beerus looked at this scene and the whole person was a little surprised, even Weiss did not dare to say that the energy of destruction did not work on him at all, who is this guy with the breath of God.

"Oh? It's a little interesting, this person is indeed a little mysterious, it seems that you need to report it to your father"

It was not only Beerus who was shocked by this scene, but even Weiss was a little surprised.

In all the universes, there are only a few people who are completely unaffected by the destructive energy, and their strength is beyond the five god turns, and this little gold strength has not even reached the second turn, which is really a little strange.

Because of Xiao Jin's performance, Beerus, who was originally not calm, looked even more uncalm, and now he looked at the monster in front of him who was not as strong as himself, but was not afraid of destruction, he thought that this trip to the earth was an instant effort, but he didn't expect to encounter so many twists and turns.

"Who the hell are you"

Beerus wanted to break his head, and he couldn't figure out what the identity of this person in front of him was, and he could not be affected by destruction at all, unless he was also a god of destruction or his strength was several realms higher than himself, but when did such a god appear in the god world.

"My name is Xiao Jin, the master's slave, that's all"

Facing Beerus's soul question, Xiao Jin only said lightly. However, this sentence caused earth-shattering waves in the ears of Beerus, and after truly seeing the other party's divine qi, he could actually say that he was a slave without a sense of discord, which was simply a loss of God's face.

"What a mean bone"


End of this chapter

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