After Beerus

and Ves left, the earth once again entered a peaceful life, and due to Beerus' disturbance of Bulma's birthday party, there was no interest in holding it again, and everyone left after a simple dinner.

At this time, Raditz was looking at the magazine in his hand in his courtyard, and there was a fight not far away, and as the cry of pain reached Raditz's ears, Raditz also put down the magazine in his hand and walked in that direction.

"Damn, why can't my grand Prince Vegeta even beat this monster" Vegeta's

clothes were full of cracked marks, his whole body was scarred, his eyes were full of unwillingness to kneel on the ground, and the fist in his hand also fell violently on the ground.

"Oh, lying groove, who do you little dwarf call a monster, I have the third appearance in the world, you actually dare to call me a monster, looking for a fight"

The originally triumphant face of the Majin Buu who stood in the sky above suddenly became a little unhappy when he heard Vegeta's words, clenched his fists and rushed over.


" With a voice came, interrupting the movements of Majin Buu, making him suddenly a little angry, and his head did not turn around before he shouted:

"Which bastard dares to disturb Lao Tzu's Yaxing, is it alive"

Vegeta in order to challenge Raditz, these days one after another on the island, in desperation, Raditz wanted to use Majin Buu to send him, but did not expect that Vegeta actually lost once and again, came and lost once, And the demon Buu became arrogant because of his daily abuse of vegetables, and his arrogance also became arrogant.

"Oh, little fatty, you are very brave now, even the master dares to scold"

Hearing Majin Buu's words, Xiaojin frowned, and said in a somewhat unkind tone.

"It turned out that the master and the boss came here, I said how the voice just now was so good, it simply fascinated me,"

After seeing Raditz and Xiaojin, Majin Buu changed his original face and said to the two with a grin.

"Oh, weren't you very arrogant just now, I don't know, I thought you were going to betray the master,"

Xiao Jin looked at the Majin Buu, who had become more and more arrogant recently, and also wanted to hit him, and said with some yin and yang strangeness.

"How is it possible, my admiration for my master is simply like a gushing river, endless, and like the brilliant river of stars, guiding the direction of my progress..."

The fierce Buu, who had a strong desire for survival, knelt directly to Raditz, raised his hands above his head, and said the boastful words he would know in this life at once.

"Who the hell did you learn this shameful thing,"

Raditz covered his head, wondering how such a tall image could appear around such a lewd subordinate.

Then Raditz ignored Majin Buu, and went straight to Vegeta's side and said:

"Your Royal Highness, aren't you ready to give up, you can't even beat my best subordinates, if you want to challenge me, it's better to wait until the next life."

"Damn, Raditz, you bastard actually dares to underestimate me, I'm

Prince Vegeta" As Vegeta stood up with difficulty, he then summoned all his strength to hit Raditz's body without pain.

"Why, is this not eating? There is no strength to hit people.

Raditz teased, and then his body shook slightly, and Vegeta's whole person flew directly out tens of meters away.

Seeing Vegeta in the distance standing up again, even though the wounds on his body had caused severe pain all over his body, he still did not speak.

"I heard that Kakarot followed Weiss to the God of Destruction Realm to practice, and the price was that Sun Wukong took out a bucket of instant noodles, right"

Looking at Vegeta in front of him, Raditz asked with some curiosity.


I'm curious, why didn't you choose to go with him and came to me?"

For this point, Raditz is really curious, according to the plot of the original book, Vegeta and Sun Wukong should be in the God of Destruction realm at this moment, but Vegeta actually came to me.

"Raditz, tell me how to become Super Saiyan Four,"

Vegeta said as he covered the wounds on his body and slowly walked up to Raditz.

"So you are

for this" Raditz also completely understood the reason for this, and continued:

"But you should already know the strength of Ves, he is the master of Beerus, if you have his training, maybe you will become very strong, and now Kakarot is probably far ahead of

you" "I know, but since the moment you fought Beerus, I told me in my heart, As a Saiyan prince, Super Saiyan Four is the way I want to go.

Vegeta's face was full of determination and said.

"Well, for your sake, then I'll teach

you, but I have a request" "What request, you say quickly

" Raditz thought for a while, looked at Vegeta who couldn't wait in front of him and said:

"Well, I heard that Bulma recently built a spaceship, you can give it to me"

Hearing Raditz's request, Vegeta agreed without thinking, and now for him, Nothing is more important than becoming Super Saiyan Four.

"Haha, I have to say that His Royal Highness the prince's ability to eat soft rice

is really powerful, I am a person who has a bad stomach since childhood, the doctor does not recommend me to eat hard, let's discuss it another day"

Raditz also teased Vegeta at this time, and I have to say that ridiculing Vegeta is really interesting.

"Raditz, stop talking nonsense, hurry up and tell me the way to become a Super Saiyan"

Seeing Vegeta who was so anxious, Raditz told Vegeta the method of Super Saiyan Four, and also let Xiaojin take him to the Spirit Time House to cultivate.

Seeing the two who left, Raditz also took Majin Buu back in the direction of the villa, at this time Majin Buu suddenly came over and asked with some curiosity:

"That master, what do you want the spaceship to do

" Raditz glanced at him and said:

"I have almost visited the earth with the 18th, so I plan to take the whole family to travel to outer space this time"

Majin Buu heard, His eyes immediately lit up, and he quickly said excitedly:

"The master is too wise, I will go to pack up immediately, we will leave immediately

" "Wait, our family goes to travel what you are making fun, let me stay to see the family"


End of this chapter

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