"Isn't there still Mr. Raditz when Goku is defeated? Don't worry, Lord Beerus, we have won this game in the seventh universe,"

Weiss said with a relaxed look.

"Hehe, that idiot like Pa thought that finding a Hitt would win us!"

Beerus glanced at the smug elephant pa, chuckled, and teased.

Above the ring, Sun Wukong and Hitt stood opposite each other, staring at Hitt tightly!

I saw that Goku was ready to fight, but did not transform into a Super Saiyan, looking at the expressionless Hitt, Sun Wukong touched his nose and said lightly

: "I'm sorry Hitt, I've found your weakness

" Hit: "???

"Find Hitt's weakness? Haha, I'm not afraid to flash my tongue when I talk big, and Hitt quickly kicked out this group of fools from the seventh universe for me!

Sun Wukong's words made Xiangpa sneer coldly.

"Qualityless thing, shut your mouth!" Beerus gave Xiangpa an angry look.

"Don't talk nonsense, let's get started!"

Hitt couldn't wait to listen to the nonsense of the people around him, and directly made a starting move similar to Wing Chun, and said lightly.

As the voice fell, Goku's face became solemn, and then his feet stepped towards the ground, and his figure quickly rushed towards Hitt!

Hit's face was calm, there was no movement in his hand, and when Sun Wukong's fist was 0.01 cm away from him, the figure suddenly flashed like a ghost, and then a punch was thrown.

Under the pain, Sun Wukong stepped back several meters in succession, his palm gently massaged the position of his chest, and the pain in his body made Wukong marvel again and again, "Such a strong force, Hit, you are really strong!" "


Hitt snorted coldly with an expressionless face, and then prepared the posture of battle!

"Come again!"

Sun Wukong grinned, the feeling of pain made his desire to fight more and more excited, and his body instantly rushed towards Hit!




However, Goku's attacks were not much stronger than Vegeta's, and all of them were dodged by Hitt, and Hitt's attacks fell on Goku's body one after another!


Goku's body flew out instantly after receiving Hit's heavy blow, his body streaked across the ring, and with the help of the power of his palm, he successfully stopped at the edge of the ring!

"You are not my opponent, admit defeat!"

Hitt put his hands in his pockets and said lightly.

"Not necessarily!"

A weird smile appeared on Goku's face, and then he slowly stood up, put his eyes on Hitt's body again, and chuckled: "Although I am a little injured, I can already see your movements clearly, and the game has only really started now!" "

What?" Wukong's words made Hitt stunned, but then reacted and said coldly: "Sun Wukong, I have no weakness, less alarmism here!"

"Is it? Next, I'm going to get serious! Goku smiled confidently.

"Cut, pretend to be a ghost!"

There was a little more fluctuation on Hitt's calm face!

"Damn, this guy Kakarot was picked up by him again!" Vegeta clenched his fists and said a little unwillingly.

Now that he knows the origin of Hitter's flashing skill, he has already been carried away by anger and lost his rational judgment when he was in the game just now, if he knew the opponent's routine, he would definitely be able to defeat him!

"Ha, ha!"

With Sun Wukong's shout, a powerful force burst out from within his body, and the blue light instantly bloomed, directly transforming into Super Saiyan blue.

Seeing the transformation into Super Saiyan blue, Hitt's face became more solemn, and he was immediately ready to fight.

I have to admit that the power in this form is very strong, and even he will be very jealous!

"Sun Wukong, you said that you found out my weakness when flashing, let me see, what are you capable of!"

Hitt put on a very serious fighting posture and said in a solemn tone.

"Woosy, I'm coming!"

Sun Wukong smiled faintly, and then formed a wave of qi around his body, and in the next second he was already in front of Hit.

"Insect tricks!"

Looking at the Monkey King who repeated his old skills, Hitt sneered, and then still used his own trick, flash!

Suddenly, the space seemed to stand still, and Hitt sneered, and then threw a punch.


However, what Hitt did not expect was that his attack was actually blocked by Sun Wukong!

"How is that possible, how did you do it?"

Hit's face was full of disbelief, he couldn't have imagined that Sun Wukong actually cracked his flash.

"Blocked, blocked, Goku is too powerful!"

Klin said excitedly.

"Lao Sun really has yours!"

Vic smiled softly and sighed.

"How is this possible, he... How could he possibly block Hitt's attack!

Xiangpa's mouth opened wide, and he said in the same disbelief.

"Hitt's flash time can stop time by 0.1 seconds, and Kakarot also took advantage of this gap to predict his prediction, it can be said that this game is not only a contest of strength, but also a sense of battle is the key to their victory!" Raditz explained lightly.

"Mr. Raditz is right! Don't have fun, this game is only now really starting!

Weiss nodded gently, then glanced at Raditz, and said with a complicated look in his eyes:

"I really can't imagine that there are so many people besides me who can manipulate time!" Are you right? Mr. Raditz. "


Raditz chuckled and didn't speak!


In the ring. Hitt looked at Sun Wukong with horror on his face, he could not imagine what Sun Wukong was when he cracked his flash.

"Hehe, it's successful

" Sun Wukong grinned and said lightly:

"Hitt, let's continue"


Without waiting for Hit's reaction, the fist in Goku's hand swung directly at Hitt's face.

Hit's face froze, and when he cast a flash again, as the space stood still again, and Hitt did not have any hesitation, his body gently shifted to avoid Sun Wukong's attack, and at the same time, the fist in his hand hit out again.


However, not surprisingly, Hit's attack did not work against Sun Wukong, but Hit's hand was caught by Goku!

"Not good!"

Hit's face froze, and before he could react

, Monkey King's right leg kicked fiercely, and Hitt hurriedly used the flash again to defend!


I don't know when, Sun Wukong's other left foot kick has already kicked Hitt in the stomach fiercely.


Hitt was kicked, and his body instantly retreated several meters away.

Looking at Sun Wukong with a solemn face, his flash time was really cracked by the other party!

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