In the sky, Sun Wukong and Trunks stood opposite each other, and the manic aura burst out at the same time, and the heavens and the earth could not stop trembling.



Immediately afterwards, Trunks roared angrily and launched an attack directly at Sun Wukong, and the manic aura condensed in the palm of his fist, attacking Sun Wukong like a violent storm.

Sun Wukong's face was solemn, his hands defended against the other party's sharp attacks, and the next moment, Wukong stretched out his hands and directly grabbed the opponent's fists.

Chuckled, "Not bad!" Trunks, a lot more powerful than I thought!

For Sun Wukong's appreciation, Trunks was not happy, but lightly bit his teeth, and said with a solemn face: "But even so, I am still not the opponent of Black Goku!" And he can keep getting stronger every time he fights!

"Is it? Then I only have..."

Speaking of this, Sun Wukong paused, and then roared, golden light bloomed around his body, and the powerful aura skyrocketed again, and the next moment, it directly became Super Saiyan 3

"So what now?" That's enough to beat him! Seeing

the transformation of the Monkey King, Trunks was not too surprised, because under the teaching of Raditz, Trunks studied martial arts every day, and now he is not as simple as it seems.

"Uncle Goku, I admit that you are indeed a little stronger now than before, but it is not enough to defeat Black Goku!"

Trunks shook his head and said lightly

, "Huh?" This time, it made Sun Wukong a little surprised!

"Next, I will use all my strength and no longer keep my hand!"

As soon as the words fell, Trunks pulled out the long sword behind him, and a strange energy gradually revealed between his eyebrows, and the heavens and the earth trembled again, and the strong aura continued to converge towards Trunks.

"This is..." Feeling

the increase in Trunks' power, Sun Wukong couldn't help but feel a little surprised!


With Trunks' roar, the golden light on his body instantly faded, a blue-green light continued to bloom around him, and his combat effectiveness was increasing exponentially!

"This is the new realm that I have comprehended these days in order to fight against Black Goku, Uncle Goku, you have to be careful"

Saying that, Trunks' body was enthusiastic, and the long sword in his hand fell from the sky, slashing fiercely towards Sun Wukong!

Sun Wukong's face froze, his body quickly dodged, and he dodged Trunks' attack at the moment of a shot, but his hair was also inexplicably cut off by the other party.

"So strong!"

Goku's pupils widened, looking at Trunks incredulously at this time, but he didn't expect that the strength of the other party at this time had completely surpassed his Super Saiyan 3 form?

"In that case, then I have to use all my strength!"

Sun Wukong chuckled, and then faded into the state of Super Saiyan, and at this moment, blue ripples appeared around his body, directly transforming into Super Saiyan blue.

"This... What is this transformation?

Trunks asked with a confused look.

Sun Wukong smiled lightly, did not answer Trunks' question, and his body instantly disappeared in place!


The next moment, I saw Trunks scream in pain, and his body fell straight from the air, smashing a huge deep pit on the ground.

"The strength of this future young man is indeed good, and being able to cultivate to this point on his own is indeed a forgeable material!" Weiss watched the battle between the two and commented lightly.

"Cut, isn't there still no way to fight back in front of Super Saiyan Blue!"

Beerus shook his head and said disapprovingly.

"Hey, Trunks, are you all right? Am I starting too hard? "

In the sky. Sun Wukong shouted towards the deep pit in the ground.


Trunks coughed dryly, then jumped out of the pit, patted the dust on his body, and said lightly: "I'm fine, Uncle Goku!"

"Haha, does Trunks seem to have practiced very hard over the years, and he actually reached this point alone!" Sun Wukong said with a smile.

"Hehe, but still not Uncle Goku's opponent!!" Trunks touched his head and said with some embarrassment.

"You're already pretty good. By the way, now you can tell me how strong Black Goku is!

Hearing this, Trunks fell into deep thought again, and after thinking for a long time, he shook his head and said with a humble face

: "I'm sorry Uncle Goku, maybe Black Goku will be slightly stronger!"

"This way! That's nerve-wracking, Super Saiyan Blue is already my strongest state! Sun Wukong shook his head and said a little helplessly.

"But Trunks, you don't have to worry, my brother is much stronger than me. Even Lord Beerus may not have won him, it should be enough to solve that black Goku

" "Yes, and Mr. Raditz!"

Trunks' eyes lit up, as if he saw a savior again, turned his head to Raditz, and said in a respectful tone:

"Mr. Raditz, this matter is up to you, you must save the future!"

"Messing with things..."

Before Raditz could answer, Vegeta on the side cursed directly at Trunks.

"If you can't beat it, find someone to help, it's really a loss of our Saiyan face!" Don't say that you say Uncle Ben's son in the future!

"Father, I..."

Hearing this, Trunks lowered his head a little ashamedly!

"Hey, Vegeta, Trunks, he's also thinking about the big picture, you don't have to be so harsh!" Sun Wukong said a little unconvinced.

"I'm teaching my son, does it have anything to do with you? Kakarot," Vegeta said directly angrily.

Then he aimed at Trunks, and said with hatred that iron is not steel

: "You listen to me, I will train you well in the next days, I want you to avenge your mother with your own hands, do you hear?"

"Yes, Father!"

Trunks nodded and immediately agreed!

At this moment, the sky suddenly became cloudy, and then a huge black scratch appeared in the huge sky.

"What happened!"

Everyone's eyes were attracted by this sudden scene!

"Huh?" Beerus frowned, and a trace of coldness flashed in his eyes.

"It seems that more than one person has moved time and space!" Weiss said coldly.

"What a terrifying power!" Sun Wukong said with a solemn face.


"It's him, he's coming"

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