"You know me?"

Raditz's face froze, his eyes stared at Black Goku tightly, and asked with some curiosity.

"Hehe, you don't need to know this!" Black Goku sneered and said in an indifferent tone.

"It seems that this guy is a little different from what I remembered!" Raditz whispered.

In the sky, Black Wukong was surrounded by white thunder and lightning, his body shone with black-purple light, and his powerful aura had surpassed Sun Wukong at this time.

"Come again!"

Sun Wukong shouted, the blue light flourished, and his strength soared again, attacking towards Black Wukong!

Facing the Monkey King at this time, the dark man did not hesitate at all, clenched his fists and greeted him, but at this moment, a violent wind suddenly appeared in the sky, and a black vortex suddenly appeared in the clear sky.

Immediately afterwards, a mysterious suction force burst out from it, enveloping Black Goku's body and instantly devouring it.

"Damn, the time is up!"

Black Wukong's face sank, and then his gaze swept towards everyone, and he said coldly: "I am waiting for you in the future!"

As soon as the words fell, driven by the mysterious force, Black Wukong disappeared in a blink of an eye, and the sky once again returned to its previous tranquility, as if nothing had happened just now!

The strength of Black Goku made everyone feel a little afraid, Bulma let out a soft breath, walked to Beerus's side, and said with some incomprehension: "Hey, Lord Beerus, why didn't you destroy that nasty guy just now!"

"Why should I shoot? He didn't mess with me again! What's more, I still have to eat delicious ham sausage, I don't have time for him! Beerus pouted and said without care.

"Having said that, he is indeed a little mysterious, and even makes me feel a little familiar!" Weiss touched his chin and said lightly.

"I feel it too! That guy seems to be able to master a little of the power of time and space, which seems to be an ability only available to the Realm King God! Beerus's eyes froze, and his voice was a little heavy.

"Is that guy a god?" Sun Wukong landed from the air, with a feeling of unending on his face, and spoke up.

"Impossible! He definitely can't be a god! He's a demon, and I will never let him go. Trunks' eyes were full of anger, and he said with a resentful expression,

"But that guy is really good!" It is really enviable that he can constantly become stronger in battle! I really want to fight him again! Sun Wukong clenched his fists, with an unconcealed excitement on his face.

"But that guy has become stronger and stronger, and his strength seems to have surpassed Uncle Goku!"

Trunks gritted his teeth, a little regretful in his heart, at the moment when Black Goku arrived, his own strength was far above him, but because of a soft-heartedness, he had the opportunity to grow, resulting in him now becoming stronger and stronger.

"Don't worry, Trunks, Goku hasn't exerted his full strength yet, and we still have Mr. Raditz here, there should be no problem solving him." Looking at Trunks, who was close to collapse, Klin stepped forward and comforted him softly.

"Really? Is what Uncle Klin said true? Trunks looked pleased, stared directly at Sun Wukong, and asked curiously.

"Well, that's right! If I use the Out-of-Realm King Fist, I should be able to defeat him easily, but in this case, I will lose the fun of fighting!" Sun Wukong spread his hands and said with a serious expression.


Suddenly, Trunks knelt directly in front of Sun Wukong, his eyes filled with sincere tears, and pleaded: "Uncle Goku, please defeat him to avenge your mother and save the future humanity!" Please! "

Yaga!" With a slightly angry expression, Vegeta pointed at Trunks who was kneeling on the ground, and cursed angrily: "You stand up for me!" See if you still have the slightest bit of Saiyan pride! Hmph, what kind of black Wukong Laozi will naturally defeat him! Don't disgrace Lao Tzu here!

"That's right, Trunks! You stand up first, we can definitely defeat him!" Sun Wukong stepped forward a little embarrassed and helped Trunks up.

"Hmph, Kakarot, next time I have to go first! I will let him know that Lao Tzu is powerful! Vegeta folded his hands to his chest, and his tone smelled of a command.

Raditz stayed quietly on the side and watched Vegeta pretend here, just saying that now Black Goku's strength has surpassed him, and his talent is like a plug-in, if he does not have special means, he does not dare to guarantee that he can solve him!

"By the way, then when we leave, I can't wait!" Sun Wukong said eagerly.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes were on Trunks.

"This... This time machine has run out of energy, so if you want to go back, you must collect fuel again! Trunks said slowly

, "No problem, leave it to me!" Bulma made an OK gesture and said with conviction.


this time, Beerus coughed dryly, interrupted everyone's conversation, and said in a serious tone: "I can tolerate you this time, but not next!" After solving Black Goku, the time machine must be completely destroyed!

"Ah, don't! Is it bad to keep such great scientific research results? Bulma pouted, looking at the time machine with reluctance in her eyes.

"Woman, do you need me to remind you again, the danger of shuttle time?" Beerus's face became gloomy, and his tone was warned.


Bulma pouted, not speaking.

"What do you say is the origin of this dark man, I always feel that there are too many mysteries in him!" Weiss spoke.

"Is there a possibility that that Black Goku is Goku himself?" Raditz suddenly spoke.

"No way, Goku is not so bad!" Klin immediately retorted.

"Maybe someone in the future has taken possession of Goku's body!" Raditz reminded.

"Occupy Goku's body!"

Hearing this, the employee couldn't help but be stunned, and everyone's eyes were on Sun Wukong's body.

"He's really too much like Goku, but it's also incredible! God can't necessarily do it! Vic touched his chin and said with surprise on his face.

"God? I said how this breath is so familiar, I seem to know who he is! Beerus's pupils shrank, and he immediately felt a sense of empowerment.

"Who is it? Lord Beerus! "Monkey King came over like a curious baby!

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