Sark hugged his arms and watched coldly.

Rena Er is stronger than him, and as a mid-level warrior, it is impossible to control his violent thoughts and become a sane giant ape.

After defeating Neru, the tyranny in her heart will still support her to continue to destroy.

The reason why Sark did not choose to stop it was because he knew that Rena Er now had a grudge in his heart.

This breath, not sending out, is not good for her.

It didn't matter if it exceeded his plan.

As long as he keeps suppressing Rena Er, he will find a way to let her understand her state of mind in the future.

The information borrowed from the Adrath Starman gave him a lot of inspiration.

Combined with the Qi control of the Namex people, he would definitely be able to find a way to break through.

Sark is confident that within half a year, he can continue to break through.

Even if Rena Er is a giant ape, if she does not have 30,000 combat power, it is impossible to defeat him.

Sark reunites the gods, and his progress will be unstoppable.

A divine elephant, but 30 combat power.

With the speed at which he absorbed the Yuan Qi, the breakthrough behind would definitely come naturally.

It was almost impossible for Rena to surpass him.

Rena'er's body gradually expanded, and thick hair began to grow all over her body, but fortunately, the combat uniform was powerful, and it was expanding closely.

This is not gone.

The cheekbones are high, the beautiful face is elongated, the teeth in the mouth are elongated into fangs, the chin is bulging, and the face becomes a hideous orangutan.

The palm of the hand is ten times larger, extremely rough, and the tail is more than ten times thicker, and when it is waved at will, it makes a piercing sound of breaking the air, like a century-old tree trunk, but it is soft and flexible.


Lifting the soles of his feet, which were larger than a millstone, he stirred the air and made a whimpering sound, and stepped on Neru fiercely.

A sound of qi powerful enough to tear the space locked Neru.

Panicked flashed in Neru's eyes.

This qi increased at least ten times, and he couldn't resist it.

The female monkey in front of her left a hand.

Seeing that the left and right were blocked, Neiro hurriedly chose the most suitable path.

The body did not retreat, but advanced, and the thrill passed through the soles of Rena'er's feet and through her crotch.

Turning around and coming behind Rena'er, her body turned sharply to face Rena'er's back.

His body was highly mobilized, condensed in the palm of his right hand, and fierceness flashed in his eyes.

Open your mouth wide and roar hard.

"Qigong wave!"

Sark was so embarrassed that his toes were about to poke through Namex.

Fight when you fight, why shout moves?


The qigong wave accurately hit Renaer's huge body.


Rena was in pain, and her thick tail swept towards Neru.

Neru changed color and hurriedly landed towards the ground.

Rena Er is huge, but her flexibility is not low.

The tail just now blocked all his retreat again, and he could only avoid it by landing on the ground.

Fear flashed in his eyes, and his palm charged again, hitting the ground with a blow, blasting out a hole more than 2 meters deep, and smoke and dust were everywhere.

Again rub your tail and lie in the hole.

"Damn, such a huge body, why is it so flexible, and the qi can be increased tenfold, what kind of perversion is this."

Panting and breathing in the murky air, Neru cursed hatefully.

He couldn't understand at all how there could be such a perversion in the universe.

Sack watched calmly, and before Neru ran out of ammunition, the lesson was not enough.

Sure enough, during the battle, Rena Er's huge body had already turned, leaned down, and grabbed Neru with her left palm.

Neiro was shocked, and he couldn't continue to rest, his anger erupted, and he rushed out sharply.

Aiming at the side of the orangutan, the qigong wave was used again.

Sark shook his head as he saw it.

The Nemesis has a super high control of qi, and until now, Neiro has released two qigong waves, and the qi in his body is still sixty percent.

However, they are too neglectful of fighting, and the development of combat functions for qi is not strong.

When encountering an unreasonable and powerful opponent like Rena Er, he directly lay down on the dishes.

Anger flashed in the orangutans' eyes, and he opened his blood basin and mouth to meet Neilu's qigong waves.


A thick red pillar of light greeted from his mouth.

Neru's cold sweat dripped and he didn't want to hide to the right side.

This movement is directly tragic.

Rena'er's left hand was still in the pit, and she hadn't reacted so quickly.

On the right, her right hand is empty.

Subconsciously wave your arm and grab it.


Neru's green muscles burst out, his face was full of pain, and sweat continued to flow towards Rena Er's palm.

It can be seen that Rena Er wants to pinch this little ant to death.

His eyes were filled with scarlet blood, and his arm muscles were even higher.

Rena Er is not rational, the lesson mentioned earlier, this will be full of killing intent.

"Child, let her stop, Neru has recognized her mistake."

As Sack looked at it, the pleading voice of the Great Elder sounded in his ears.

Sark was stunned.

As long as the head is not broken, the Nemesis will not die.

The orangutan that Rena turned into did not hold Neru's head.

So urgent?

Sark complained in his heart, but his body acted honestly.

Next, I have to trouble the Nemesis, and I have to live here for a while, and it's not good-looking.

The divine elephant in the body hissed up to the sky, stretched out its long nose, and the pure and huge qi spread into Sark's body.

With a wave of his hand, a restrained qigong bomb flew silently towards the artificial moon in the sky.

That's the source, don't interrupt, he doesn't know how to recover Rena'er.

His own figure flickered and came to Rena Er, who had turned into a giant ape.

The red light in Renna'er's eyes skyrocketed, and she opened her mouth again, and the thick pillar of energy light shot straight at the energy bullets sent by Sark.

At the same time, the tail was raised, and it whipped towards Sack.

Sack was speechless.

He was still thinking about where to start, and Rena sent weaknesses herself.

Qi wrapped around the palm, and suddenly expanded into a huge Qi palm, grabbing Rena'er's tail firmly and steadily.

Qi gushed out wildly, and after controlling the tail, it lifted it vigorously.

"Sober me up."

As Sark drank, Rena used her tail as a fulcrum, and the whole person left the ground on all fours, her eyes were dizzy, and most of her strength was leaked.


A weak voice came out of her mouth, her right hand weakly released, and Neru fell limply to the ground.

Sark glanced at it, controlling the air cushion under Neru to prevent him from falling to his death.


The energy projectile that Sark shot at the beginning rushed through the pillar of energy light emitted by Renaer, hitting the artificial moon and sending a violent explosion.

As the moon explodes, the reflected Bruze light waves also weaken until they disappear.

The tail in Sark's hand shrank, and Rena's body began to recover.

Rena opened her eyes in confusion and said weakly.

"Where is this?"

He flicked her head a little, and with a little force, he hugged her waist in Rena Er's pain.

Qi stretched out to grab Neru.

In this way, Sark held one and flew towards the Great Elder's house with a gas grasp of the other.

"Thank you, kind child."

Sark twitched.

The other party has a child and takes advantage of him.

Turning back to the other party's lifespan, I am afraid that this guy in his hands is older than his grandfather's father, so he acquiesced to this behavior.

The Great Elder's next words made him completely let go of the entanglement in his heart.

"Don't worry, I have informed the seven elders that they are coming here with the Dragon Balls."

Throwing away Neru, Sark smiled.

"Then thank the Great Elder, the future crisis of the Namex you said was brought by Frieza, and I will help the Namex people."

The Great Elder's face was calm, and he didn't seem surprised that Sark agreed.

"Thank you very much, well, they just came, I have already told them, Second Elder Muley will help you."

Sark bowed his head and walked out of the room with a happy look on his face and closed his eyes and sleepy.

Outside the house, the Nemesis saw Sack, an alien, and directly used the Nemesis to summon their divine dragon Borenga.

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