North is furious and locks Sark to death.

More trying to give him invisible pressure.

Sark sighed in his heart.

The other party's shot, directly is a killing move, this is not going to let go of themselves.

The surface is arrogant and arrogant, and as soon as he strikes, he will open the mountain and crack the rocks with all his might.

It is a pity that North with a combat power of 3200, in his eyes, is like an ant.

With a cold snort in his heart, the god elephant ran his whole body vigorously, and the giant elephant swayed.

The air pressure surrounding him disappeared in an instant.

In this world, most of it is imposing and coercive, and mental pressure is completely incidental.

It can be said that there must be strength and power, and skill must have power.

To defuse this trick, even if he doesn't have the strength to calm the gods, he can easily rely on his own insight.

And North's killing move.

The punch infused with qi was not only extremely slow in his opinion, but also soft and weak.

With this level of attack, he can carry it hard in the flesh.

A sigh in my heart.

This world is mainly a competition between speed and strength, qi and qi moves.

The rest, it's simply unbelievable.

The overall practice environment is terrible.

The mind is spinning, and a palm meets it.

The performance was horrified.

"North, I'm not bad for you either, why did you sneak up on my waist and now take my life?"

As he spoke, his strength increased, but his face was panicked, and even his eyes were bloodshot after madness.

North laughed maniacally.

"Haha, why, of course it's for Rena'er.

With you guy here, Rena Er is focused on you, of course you deserve to die.

As long as you die, Rena is mine, mine, all mine.

Sark pouted disdainfully, and he guessed that this was the case.

This licks the dog.

Do you really think that without him, you can get Rena'er's heart?

North's fist style was like a steel knife, whistling on Sark's face.

"Go and die!"

Sark's eyes were full of cold, and his heart was fierce, and his strength increased by three percent out of thin air.

Can't drag!

There are 3 Saiyans left here, not to mention, the key is Frieza's detector.

That thing, you can spy and eavesdrop.



Sark hard to take North's blow.

Finding that he had nothing to do, he could only hurt himself and spewed out a mouthful of blood, and his whole body slid directly down, grabbing North's feet.

With a strong push of both hands, his whole body flew upside down, clinging to North's back.

North's muscles tensed.


Sark exclaimed at the same time.

"What monster? Help me.

Shouting in his mouth, his hands turned into fists and hit North in the back.

And that's not the end of it.

The fist had just hit North, and he didn't wait for him to fly forward.

The fist turned into a palm, and qi quickly gushed out of the body surface.

The light flashed, and a thick qigong wave directly penetrated North.

"Ho ho ho!"

North stared, unable to believe that he was going to die.


Sark's eyes were cold, calm like a deep pool.

When he opened his mouth, he expressed trepidation, resentment, incomprehension and unwillingness.

"What a monster, I would actually die here."

North's remaining breath glared.

Where are the monsters here?

Isn't this what you attacked?

You guy is completely crazy, right?

Before he could express his excess emotions, his body creaked and exploded.

The detector naturally cannot be avoided, directly scrapped, ablated, and stepped into the dust of the Sark detector.

Sark flew out of the spark.

"Solve a little trouble, now, I need to control my breath.

Fortunately, there is already a clue. Thinking

of this, Sark maintained 3200 combat strength and flew directly towards the sea.

The remaining three Saiyans.

After finding a brief fluctuation in the detection data, another 3200 combat power appeared.

Only then did he continue to slaughter the natives of this planet.

"Fortunately, it is the sea, and when they come, there is nothing here, even dead fish spread with the current."

I can't find a trace of me.

I don't know if acting can fool Frieza.

Sack's eyes were indifferent, and he flew towards the other side of the sea.

During the flight, he also controlled the qi in his body and slowly injected it into the giant elephant in his body.

Just now, when he subconsciously controlled his combat power, some of the qi swallowed by the giant elephant could be perfectly integrated into the giant elephant.

The outside world was unable to detect those gases.

Sack knew he might find his way.

If all the Qi in his body entered the body of the giant elephant,

neither the Frieza detector nor the martial artist's Qi perception would be able to detect him.

It is more thorough than the earth martial artist to suppress qi.

Once in battle, he can control the amount of qi at will, catching the enemy by surprise.

This makes others unable to understand his specific strength

, like a black hole, deep, strange, and terrifying.

If you don't know the combat effectiveness, you can't fight at all.

At any time, the unknown is the most terrifying.

Sark still lacks strength, but in performance, he has become the most terrifying person.

Two-thirds of the way through the sea,

Sark finally controlled all the qi in his body and poured it all into the giant elephant.

Sark usually flies in the air.

Clench your fists.

"My physical strength is also good, not reaching 3500, at least 2000.

This makes my overall combat effectiveness extremely powerful.

That's the key to how easily I can fight North.

Muttering, Sark fell straight to the bottom of the sea, and the whole person swam quickly forward.

Finding the bottom of a cliff by the sea,

Sark began to practice like crazy.

In any case, strength is fundamental.

The huge pressure on the bottom of the sea made Sark's flesh tense and absorb vitality more than ten times faster.

During the practice of the god and elephant Zhen Hell, he continued to temper and strengthen his physical body.

The progress of the flesh drives the absorption of vitality;

A large amount of vitality, the cultivation of the god elephant and hell is getting faster and faster;

Shengong practice is fast, and the physical body is constantly improving.

This forms a positive cycle.

Until 200 mature giant elephants and a young pink elephant condensed in Sark's body.

The combat effectiveness of gas reaches 6000.

Sark rushed out of the ocean floor and brought waves with him.

The body fills the whole body, like a horse galloping in the prime of life, full of vitality.

Just stand in the air, close your eyes and carefully feel the power that is constantly generated in your body.

As soon as you hold it, the space fluctuates violently, as if Jiao'er is unable to withstand the attack.

The physical body has been strengthened, and the tail as a weak point has been greatly improved.

Stretch behind you at will, and with a wave and a split, the air crackles.

It is clear that Sark's tail has also become powerful and is no longer his weakness.

The comprehensive combat strength is at least 10 thousand or more.

Fighting alone, with the advantage that the flesh is not afraid of consumption, maybe he can turn over King Vegeta.

In this world, if the gas is gone, then it is really out of gas.

He is different, the qi is gone, and the flesh can still continue to attack.

"My body is like iron and not iron, practice for a while longer, find an opportunity to leave this planet"

Sark opened his eyes.

God shines.

An old voice stuck in phlegm.

The face was dark, stunned, puzzled, dazed.

From him, directly ahead is the coastal cliff.

A young girl dressed in a Frieza uniform, one meter six five meters tall, and wheat-colored skin was equally stunned, surprised, excited, and teary.

On the side, the thick tail that was originally dancing with the wind stood frozen in the air motionless.

The girl has long hair and waist, picturesque eyebrows, a pair of danfeng eyes, and Qiong's nose is twitching.

The Saiyan girl standing on the top of the mountain is one of the members of their squad, Renael

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