Rena Er's face was very wonderful, and after being stunned for a full ten seconds, she asked in a trembling voice.


"It's Sark, right?"

Sark looked at the excited Rena and smiled.

"It's me, but it seems."

Sark looked around at the scenery, the whole hall was empty, but it was very similar to Vegeta.

"It doesn't seem to be getting better."

The planet Sharada has long been destroyed, and now it reappears in its original position, and there will be no big trouble.

The original Saiyans were not good people, and there could not be a race around that could threaten the Saiyans, not even necessarily.

With no foreign enemies, Rena is fully capable of leading the development of Saiyan survivors.

Now it seems that this is not the case at all.

The situation of the Saiyans is not to be described as miserable, but it is also definitely not good.

Rena Er's little face blushed.

She used to be an ordinary combat saiyan, not even a squad leader, and she didn't know anything about management and the like.

Now to manage more than a hundred people at once, she will not at all.

It will only copy the previous one, or it will not be the same.

If it weren't for her strong strength, the group of people selected was quite reliable, plus most of them were Saiyan children, and there would have been a problem a long time ago.

Today, Saiyans are like free-range wild men.

"I'm sorry, me."

Sark stepped forward and rubbed her head fondly.

"Nothing, blame me, delay too long."

Rena Er's small mouth deflated.

As a combative Saiyan, she rarely showed such a look.

If it weren't for the energy exhaustion, extreme grievances in his heart, and dependence on Sark, he would definitely not show his little daughter posture.

"It's okay, I'll take over, your strength is a little too much, just improve your combat effectiveness."

Rena nodded silently.

"Do you want me to summon them?"

Sack's eyes wavered.

"See you!"

Rena turned and went out.

Sack was puzzled, and then he knew the reason, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

He is still to blame for this.

No one in the Saiyans is tech-savvy.

He left Rena Er and a group of people halfway and tried to solve the problems in his body alone, without thinking about anything else for them.

In his mind, Rena Er also has more than 40,000 combat power, as long as he does not encounter Frieza's group of perverts, it will definitely be no problem to take this group of thousands of Saiyans with hundreds of them.

The result is that they have a huge clan here, and they don't even have technology.

The spaceship that came has long run out of fuel, and they can't get out at all.

To communicate, you can only rely on human flight.

The figure flashed, and the person disappeared directly into the hall and appeared beside Renaer.

With a move of his hand, the powerful qi turned into an invisible big hand, grabbing the Saiyan who flew away.

At first control, the Saiyan looked alarmed.

"What's going on?"

Sack Qi saw clearly and was even more helpless.

These guys have slackened here, and the basic guard has disappeared.

"It's me, don't panic."

After Sack finished speaking, the Saiyan stumbled and fell.

Guarded looked at Sark, took a closer look, his brows furrowed deeply.

If it weren't for Rena Er by his side, he would have a tail, and he might have erupted.

"Tate, this is King Sark."

Rena Er didn't look at it, and shouted in a deep voice.

Only then did the Saiyan named Tate come to his senses.

"But, Queen Renael, no spaceship has come back lately."

Sark had seen this guy, he just wasn't familiar with it.

I didn't expect such a shaft.

"Why, the queen will teleport, do you think I won't?"

He naturally will not lose Renna'er's face, others say so, he naturally follows the honorific title.

Tate then figured it out and hurriedly got down on one knee.

This was the case in Vegeta's time, and it didn't change when Rena was in charge, and he was naturally used to kneeling.

Sack frowned, casually raised his hand, a strong force on Tate, he couldn't help but get up.

Tate looked at Sack dumbfounded.

How strong is this king in front of him, who only has a few faces.

They had only heard about it in Rena Er's mouth, and they had never seen it except for the wave of themselves and others improving their strength.

"Well, there is no need to bow down in the future, those degrading things, our planet Sharada will abolish all the clansmen."

After speaking, he didn't give Tate a chance to speak.

Huge Qi fills the whole body, using special techniques to connect the entire planet qi, and tremble regularly.

"All the Saiyans of the planet Sharada listen, I, Sark, the king of the new Saiyan clan, now come back, all come to the palace of Queen Rena to assemble, can not arrive in two hours, obliterated."

The reason why Sark gave so much time was because he sensed the existence of more than two hundred low-energy beings with combat effectiveness, and if the time was too tight, that part of the people would probably not be able to catch up.

Sark now has a huge amount of qi, and with the knowledge of Adrath and Namek, it is simple and easy to do these little things.

Sark's hand, not only Tate, but even Rena was shocked.

What means is this?

Unpredictable and incomprehensible.

How strong should Sack be now.

Tate was surprised and left with worship, endless worship.

He only felt a vast qi appear from Sark's body, peaceful at first, instantly violent after spreading to heaven and earth, and then peaceful again, and then the loud voice began to come out.

Tate didn't know how far it could spread, but he was sure the Saiyans could hear it.

That's a big deal, that's at least a thousand kilometers in radius.

The strength of the king is terrifying, so can they also be in the future?

After all, Queen Rena is selfless, and King Sark has also selflessly improved their strength.

Sark retracted his breath and stood quietly in place.

It's only 2 hours, which is not a big deal.

The stars gradually shift, and the sky is covered with a twilight color.

Saiyans began to appear.

Sark looked at it with satisfaction.

Within 2 hours, all the Saiyans on the planet Sharada had arrived.

Seeing everyone looking at him curiously, Sark mercilessly released his huge qi.

Except for Rena'er, all the Saiyans couldn't bear it, and Dragon Fang fell to her knees with a grin.

The strange thing is that as long as he kneels respectfully and does not have the heart to resist, he cannot feel the pressure, and once he has the idea of resisting, boundless pressure immediately arises on his back, as if a giant mountain is overwhelming.

The Saiyans looked at Sack like gods.

"Who I am, some may have forgotten."

"But Frieza's destruction of Vegeta and the total destruction of our people's hatred should not be forgotten."

The Saiyans were silent, staring feverishly at Sark.

"This is the last time I will make you kneel, in the future, the Saiyans see that I don't have to kneel, see the queen does not have to kneel, Saiyans, stand up and behave uprightly."

Saiyan eyes were feverish.

They are hot-blooded and naturally submit to the strong.

Sark's action is much more useful than quiet reasoning.

After a brief silence, they erupted in shocking cheers.

"Yes, King Sark."

Seeing the blood of the Saiyan people, Sark chose to dampen their enthusiasm.

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