Dragon Ball: Shackles of Life

Chapter 134 Damn husband and wife team

"That's great, No. 18, you sang so well!"

Taisi, Qiqi, Sinuo, etc. clapped their hands and shouted to No. 18.

At this time, Sinuo leaned on the wall, propped up his body, and said lazily: "On the 18th, how did you and Wu Ling decide to get married on August 17th?"

No. 18's pretty face turned red at this time, like a child, sitting on the floor, pouting.

"Humph, that bastard Sun Wuling, he originally wanted to set the wedding date on August 18th, which is my birthday!"

"Wow, so romantic!"

Taisi looked envious.

Qiqi asked doubtfully: "Then why do you have to move one day in advance?"


No. 18 puffed up his mouth angrily, drank the beer in his hand, and complained a little: "What a romantic, this bastard put his wedding day on the same day as my birthday in order to give him one less gift every year. A man’s mouth is such a liar, it makes me so angry.”


Taisi, Sunuo, Qiqi, etc. were all shocked. Is there such a routine?

No. 18 complained angrily at this time: "So after my wedding anniversary, I have to celebrate another birthday. That bastard Sun Wuling, I will never forgive him in my life!"

The first ray of sunshine in the morning illuminates Baozi Mountain!

The bud-like grass and trees on Baozi Mountain seem to be welcoming a new day!

Suddenly, a shrill scream broke the early morning tranquility of Baozi Mountain.


In the Budokan, Vegeta looked at himself in a bikini, with his Saiyan tail wrapped around his waist. The original clothes had been taken off for no apparent reason, and then thrown into a corner far away. The bedding on his body was It was covered by Sun Wufan.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that someone was about to wake up, Vegeta picked up his clothes and hurriedly ran to the bathroom in the Budokan. While changing his clothes, his lips were trembling with anger. The last vague impression he remembered was that he was being raped. Sun Wuling sang as a microphone, and then dreamed that he returned to the time when he was wearing women's clothing. He put a bikini into his clothes and avoided the fate of social death.

But the reality was completely opposite to his dream. What did he do after he fell asleep drunk? Why was he stripped naked and put into a bikini?

At this time, on the other side, Bidili and Sun Wuhan were hiding in the training ground, holding cameras with each other and showing excited smiles.

Vidili smiled and said: "It's so interesting, Gohan, last night Master No. 18 held Aunt Bulma and sang Red Lotus, hahaha..."

Sun Wuhan replied in surprise: "Oh, so did Uncle Wu Ling. He held Uncle Vegeta and sang to the sky for another five hundred years. Later, Uncle Vegeta was killed by his father, Uncle Wu Ling, Uncle Piccolo, and Tianjin Fan. Uncle, Uncle No. 17 and the others stripped off and put on bikinis!”

"Damn it, I'm wearing women's clothing again, show me quickly, show me quickly, Gohan..."

Bidili glared at the boss and swore in surprise. Are boys actually so aggressive? Pulling Sun Wuhan's arm, he begged.

Sun Wuhan played the video, and Bidili snuggled on Sun Wuhan's shoulder, looking very natural. The two of them watched the live video together!

Sun Gohan complained: "Uncle Vegeta, is Aunt Bulma really unlucky? Both husband and wife were poisoned by Uncle Go Ling and Aunt No. 18."

Bidili hugged Sun Wuhan's arm and said softly: "Later in the middle of the night, Aunt Bulma got up to go to the bathroom, but she ran into Master Wu Ling's bedroom in confusion. As a result..."

Bidili's face changed drastically. She had already imagined that Sun Wulin was going to explode next, and continued: "Finally, Aunt Bulma ran to the bathroom in confusion, hugged the toilet and sang, "I am gradually attracted to you!" and then fell asleep directly. I took her back to her room."

Sun Wuhan felt like his head was getting big at this time. He had already thought that Baozi Mountain would explode next. But looking at Bidili at this time, any fear or fear disappeared. Although he was not very old, he Now he is the strongest, even his Uncle Wu Ling is no match for him.

"So Vidili, you let that guy Bulma go to my bedroom on purpose, right?"

Bidili laughed and said: "Yeah, hahaha... I didn't expect Aunt Bulma to use Master Wuling's room as a toilet. I thought Aunt Bulma had found the wrong room, and then I wanted to take care of it." I can’t stop it, hahaha…”

Suddenly, Sun Wuhan and Bidili froze for an instant, their smiles suddenly stopped, and two cold killing intentions made them swallow unnaturally.

The two of them turned their heads mechanically. Sun Wuling and No. 18 were now crossing their arms to protect their chests with playful smiles, causing the video recorders in their hands to fall to the ground.

"Teacher, Master, Master, why are you walking in the corridor so silently?"

Bidili was about to cry at this time, and her petite body was trembling!

"Okay, Bidili, you called me unlucky in the chat group before, but now I'm bolder! Sure enough, I've grown up and my wings have become hard."

"No, Master, I didn't, Master Wu Ling, I was really wrong."

At this time, Bidili was holding Sun Wuling's thigh, looking coquettish and cute, and kept rubbing her little face, like a kitten.

"You...oh, okay, Bulma told me just before she left, Videl, today you and Gohan will take out the carpet and bed in my room and burn them. Then go to the warehouse, get a new bed, and move it to the empty room at the other end of the second floor."

Sun Wuling gently rubbed Bidili's little head. He and Bidili were like father and daughter, and Bidili had grown up a lot now.

"Yes, Master, we will go there immediately!"

After Bidili made an OK gesture, she grabbed Sun Wuhan's hand, handed the video recorder in her hand to Sun Wuling, and left quickly on the 18th.

Sun Wuling and No. 18 were slightly lost in thought while looking at the video recorder in their hands. They looked at each other and smiled lightly.

We had so much fun yesterday that we could say we were really embarrassed, and so were the two of them, but they didn't feel bad either. They let themselves go completely, and they even felt much more comfortable.

Bulma's house!

Compared to the aftertaste, Sun Wukong, who can be clichéd even after many years, No. 18, Vegeta, and Bulma seem to have lost their faith at this time, and they are confused.

Bulma locked herself in the bedroom and couldn't come out. Even Trunks was directly handed over to the care of Dr. Breeve and Mrs. Breeve. She was absolutely black yesterday.

Vegeta is the same, locking himself in the gravity chamber and practicing without saying a word! His face was also humiliated!

"Sun Wuling, you bastard, how can there be someone like you in this world!"

Vegeta let out a roar of grief and anger. He had completely given up his plan to take revenge on Sun Wuling. He couldn't defeat him, but if he had the chance, he would never let Sun Wuling go.

At this moment, Bulma in the bedroom and Vegeta in the gravity room said at the same time: "Sun Wuling, No. 18, you two damn husband and wife team!"

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