Dragon Ball: Shackles of Life

Chapter 137 After Marriage

At this time, Baozi Mountain seemed to be covered with a layer of crystal gauze under the light of the full moon.

In Sun Wuling's apartment, Sun Wuling and No. 18 discovered a major problem with each other!


Yes, they won't!

Sun Wuling was almost embarrassed. Although he had seen a lot, when he applied it in practice, he realized that although he had seen a lot, actual operation still required work experience.

The same goes for No. 18, and she won't do it either. She is now convinced of Sun Wuling's words. No matter how smart he is, no matter how sharp the Qi Yuan Slash is, he still can't change him from being a simple fool.

"How about we learn how to do it. If this continues, we..."

No. 18 said speechlessly, and Sun Wuling even nodded in agreement!

It was really embarrassing and embarrassing, but the result was so embarrassing. In his previous life, he also focused on his work and his parents, and he was still working until the last day before his death.

Perhaps it was also because of his ascetic practice in his previous life that he was able to calm down in any situation!

Sun Wuling, after studying for a period of time on the 18th, he gradually became able to work and finally finished the work with more than 1,000 words.

Through online learning, after gaining some work experience, at least embarrassing things like today will not happen again in the future. In the end, Sun Wuling and No. 18 each fell asleep.

Time flies, three months after Sun Wuling and No. 18 got married, Qiqi and Sun Wukong’s second son, Sun Wutian, was born! Similarly, on the 18th, Bulma and I both found out they were pregnant.

Vegeta was stimulated by Sun Wuling and No. 18's future daughter Qiangwei, which caused Bra to be born early.

This daughter, who Vegeta has high hopes for, is now pregnant with Bulma. She is more attentive than before when she was white Nanx. She is not much different from Dragon Ball Super in Sun Wuling's memory.

After five months of pregnancy on the 18th, her belly was already very obvious! Even his temper began to change in various aspects, and sometimes he would lose his temper for no reason.

In the haze of sleep, Sun Wuling suddenly felt as if his face was being licked by some kitten-like animal, as if it was being coquettish.

After Sun Wuling gently touched his cheek, he continued to sleep without opening his eyes!

Buzz buzz...

Suddenly, a sound of mosquitoes flew around him, which made Sun Wuling's consciousness unnaturally concentrated. The moment it flew past his face, he subconsciously slapped him on the face.

Sun Wuling also woke up. He was suddenly woken up. He felt an inexplicable anger and irritability in his heart. He saw No. 18 duck sitting on the bed at this time, holding a smartphone in his hand. The mosquito sound just now was from his smartphone. He made a dissatisfied look on his face, looking very angry.

The loose nightgown she wore couldn't cover up the graceful figure of No. 18, and her belly looked bigger now due to her pregnancy.

Sun Wuling glanced at the clock in the room. It was past one in the morning, almost two o'clock, and he was completely disturbed by the 18th.

Sun Wuling was a little bit tired of waking up and slept soundly. Then he was woken up by No. 18. He yawned with some dissatisfaction and asked: "I said how could there be mosquitoes in the house? What's the matter? No. 18 is still very hot." Do you feel uncomfortable or nauseous? Or do you want to vomit?"


No. 18 grabbed Sun Wuling's collar, almost venting his anger.

"Sure enough, men don't have a good thing. I feel sick and want to vomit. It's all your fault. Wow woo woo... Sun Wuling, do you dislike me and don't want me anymore? Wow woo woo..."

After No. 18 finished speaking, he burst into tears. He punched Sun Wuling with both fists without much force, just like a little girl.

Sun Wuling's expression changed instantly. He held No. 18 in his arms, patted No. 18's back gently, and comforted him softly: "It's okay. How could it be possible? No. 18, how could I not want you anymore?" Did you have a nightmare?"

The pregnancy reaction on the 18th was huge. Neither Chichi nor Bulma had such a reaction as the 18th, and this was not the first time.

"You just had a nightmare. Huh, if you dare to abandon us, I will destroy this earth and die with you."

No. 18 stroked his swollen belly, his tearful eyes trembled slightly, with a mother-like softness.

Sun Wuling couldn't help but mutter in his heart: "It seems that I won't be able to sleep again tonight."

Because he was pregnant on the 18th, his time for practice was shortened, and he became particularly prone to losing his temper. If he said something wrong, he would get angry directly.

"I want to eat barbecue..."

No. 18 raised his head slightly at this time, pouting angrily, with tearful blue eyes, looking pitiful, like a little animal about to be abandoned.

"Wha, what..."

Sun Wuling, the boss with his mouth hanging open, pointed at the clock which was almost two o'clock in the morning, and said helplessly and about to collapse: "You have already eaten all the meat in the house tonight, and it is almost two o'clock in the morning now. It's midnight, where can I find a barbecue for you?"

"I want to eat!"

No. 18 stared at Sun Wuling with his blue eyes, full of determination, and tears were ready to burst into his eyes. As long as he disagreed with her, he would cry immediately.

Seeing that Sun Wuling was still indifferent, No. 18 grabbed Sun Wuling's collar with both hands, acting like a coquettish child, and kept pulling Sun Wuling.

"I don't care, I don't care, I want to eat barbecue, do I want to eat barbecue? Please cook it for me, wuwuwu... I want to eat barbecue, especially spicy barbecue, wuwuwu... You give it Shall I do it? Do it for me? I want to eat barbecue, woah woah woah..."

Sun Wuling almost collapsed from the torment, and his spirit was about to weaken. He swore that he would never have children again, and he would do this every few days and nights.

Sun Wuling stretched out his hands, with a gentle smile on his face, and said: "Um, on the 18th, didn't you want to eat dumplings last time? I even made a lot of them in advance and froze them in the freezer. How about tonight? How about eating dumplings first and then having barbecue tomorrow?"

No. 18 looked at Sun Wuling's serious and gentle look at this time, loosened Sun Wuling's collar with both hands, put his hands on his eyes, and sat on the bed like a duck.

"Wow ah ah... I want to eat barbecue, I want to eat barbecue, wow ah ah..."

Sun Wuling dragged his dazed body and slowly got out of bed, and quickly replied: "Wait, on the 18th, don't cry. Don't cry. If you cry again, you will wake up my sister-in-law and the others. I will go hunting right away. , I’ll make spicy barbecue for you right away, okay? Be good, wait for me!”

After Sun Wuling put on his slippers, he looked so sleepy that he swayed in the aisle. He opened the door and was about to go out when his head hit the door frame, which made him exclaim, and he became more energetic.

Covering his head, Sun Wuling looked at No. 18 on the bed and said with a smile: "Wait for me, there is no more meat at home. I'm going to go hunting. Don't cry. Be good and don't wake up my sister-in-law and the others. My sister-in-law gave birth to Goten not long ago, so she needs a good rest!"

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