Dragon Ball: Shackles of Life

Chapter 139 Rose is born

"Uncle Wu Ling!"

"Master Wu Ling!"

Sun Wuhan and Bidili quickly ran over and helped Sun Wuling, who was covering his face and afraid to see others, up.

Bidili asked: "Master, what's wrong?"

Sun Wuhan then asked: "Why are you lying on the ground? What happened?"

Seeing the worried and concerned looks of the others, Sun Wuling waved his hand to indicate that he was fine, used the gas bomb to control the slippers to float, and handed them to Bidili.

"No. 18, put on your slippers quickly. The ground is very cold. Bidili, go and help!"

"Okay, Master!"

Bidili trotted over quickly and helped the now shy and blushing No. 18 put on.

After putting on his slippers, No. 18 slowly stood next to Sun Wuling, lowering his head, like a little girl who had done something bad.

After Sun Wukong and others learned the truth of the matter, they were shocked when they looked at the disappeared moon in the night sky.

They knew that she was pregnant on the 18th, and they had a huge reaction, but they couldn't agree with each other. No, it should be said that they blew up the moon just because it didn't go their way. They all thought it was weird!

The dark history of No. 18 cannot be erased, and Sun Wuling will be even more careful in the future, even if he vents his anger on him, for fear that No. 18 will do something crazy if things don't go his way!

In the final analysis, there is only one sentence in No. 18's heart, it is all the moon's fault.

She was pregnant in October, and on July 7, she was pushed into the delivery room on the 18th. Outside the door, Sun Wuling was walking around nervously. Every minute and every second seemed like a needle was piercing his heart.

This feeling of becoming a father made Sun Wuling think about whether his father in his previous life was like him now!

Sun Wukong, Sun Gohan, Piccolo, Broly, Krillin, Yamcha, Tianjin Fan, Satan, and Videl all came together, and even Vegeta came.

Sun Wuling and others attracted some nurses and doctors who came and went. They were excited. If it weren't for the rules and regulations, they would have almost come over to ask for autographs from these Z warriors.

"Wulin, don't worry, you will be fine. I was the same as you when Gohan was born."

Sun Wukong smiled at Sun Wuling.

Sun Wukong took a deep breath, and finally forced himself to calm down. He looked at Piccolo, Sun Wukong and others, as if he had thought of something, and smiled lightly.

"When we found out that No. 18 was pregnant with a daughter, No. 18 and I thought of many names. What do you think would be a good name for my daughter?"

"Hey, haven't you decided on a name yet?"

Vegeta looked at Sun Wuling in surprise. He understood that this could not be his character, so there was only one possibility! Scamming them.

Piccolo also understood, but now there was no need to hide it, so he said directly: "Just call her Qiangwei, how about that!"

"Rose, it's really Rose!"

Sun Wuling pointed at Piccolo, Vegeta and others, especially looked at Klin, and said: "It turns out that it was really my daughter Qiangwei at that time! No. 18 and I have already decided, although there are some guesses , but I’m still surprised to hear you admit it!”

Bidili muttered: "As expected, I couldn't hide it from Master, but Junior Sister is finally born and everything is fine."

Sun Wukong smiled and said: "Yes, we all thought it was unbelievable at the time. Qiangwei will be terrifyingly strong in the future, and what else..."

"It's better not to say it, brother!"

Sun Wukong directly interrupted Sun Wukong who wanted to speak, looking very determined and serious.

"I don't care what Qiangwei will be like in the future. I won't force her, just like we didn't force Gohan to practice martial arts before. I will watch her grow up healthily. Those things in the future will always be rotten in your stomach. I I think, I’m afraid the future Qiangwei doesn’t want us to know too much about the future!”

Vegeta, Sun Wukong and others stopped talking when they saw this, and it was true that talking too much would not be good for everyone.

As the baby cried, Qiangwei was born on July 7th. Mother and daughter were safe!

Looking at the little life sleeping soundly in his arms, he looked very small and plump, like a ceramic doll that would break into pieces at the slightest touch.

No. 18 lives in the VIP ward with the highest standards. A faint smile appears on his face. The complexion on his face has recovered a lot. Even his slightly bulging belly is gradually recovering now.

A pair of blue eyes trembled slightly at this moment, looking at Sun Wuling and Qiangwei. With the birth of Qiangwei, a connection called home connected their family of three.

"Wu Ling, Qiangwei is sleeping, don't wake her up, or she will cry again."

The voice of No. 18 was also very gentle. During her pregnancy, she really had no image of being tortured. She was extremely uncomfortable. After Qiangwei was really born, she now has a subtle and indescribable feeling in her heart. Except for Sun Wuling, There was one more important person in her subsequent life.


Sun Wuling smiled sheepishly and carefully placed Qiangwei in the baby basket.

No. 18 looked sideways at Qiangwei, who was sleeping in the baby basket, and asked: "How is it, Wu Ling, Qiangwei's future is so powerful, you have to teach her well!"

Sun Wuling replied with a smile: "The future is a matter of the future. It is now. She has her own choice, but I will definitely teach her in the future. In addition to martial arts, what is etiquette and what is good and bad? What is right and wrong.”

Looking at Qiangwei in the baby basket, Sun Wuling said resolutely: "I don't ask Qiangwei to grow up to be a chivalrous and righteous woman, but she needs to have the ability to distinguish right from wrong and the power to protect herself."


No. 18 nodded, and she agreed very much, but suddenly she lowered her head and looked at her two proud and charming curves. After giving birth to Qiangwei, her breasts seemed to be bigger than before. If She said that she was C before, but now she may have E. She has entered the lactation period.

After everything was completely fine, Sun Wuling teleported back home with No. 18 and Qiangwei.

Although Qiangwei, who has slowly grown out, still has the roundness of a baby, blond hair, and face shape that looks more and more like No. 18, her eyebrows and chin look somewhat similar to Sun Wuling.

Two months later, Vegeta and Bulma's daughter Bra was born.

Compared to Trunks, Vegeta obviously loves his daughter more, and some daughters control her!

After Vegeta saw Bra, he also thought of what Sun Wuling said before, to follow the wishes of his children so that they can grow up healthily. Therefore, in his heart, let Trunks, Bra The desire to chase after Rose is not as strong as before.

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