Dragon Ball: Shackles of Life

Chapter 224 Jilian and Ryan


Sun Wuling and Ryan rushed towards the second universe, using only their feet to fight the people of the second universe without using their hands.


Librian was kicked away by Sun Wulin, and then Ryan jumped into the air and kicked Librian away again. Just when Sun Wulin was about to catch the ball, No. 18 and Qiangwei came over and lifted him up together. .

"Asshole, you dare to call my husband ugly!"

After No. 18 kicked Librian away hard, Qiangwei formed a wave of Qigong and hit Librian.

"My dad is not ugly, you guy, go down, you are ugly to the core of your soul!"

Rose blasted Ribrian out of the ring.

Ribrien's tears kept flowing at this time, and he cried wildly in the stands.

"Wow...this is not beautiful at all."

The arena was already in chaos due to Kaier's previous rampage. Ryan glanced at No. 18, Queen Rose, and came back at a speed that was almost as fast as teleportation.

Caulifla, Kyle was seriously injured at this time, and No. 21 showed no mercy.

"You are finally willing to come back, Ryan! I thought you forgot that you didn't want to come back."

Zhai Kou joked towards Ryan,

"Sorry, I just had a chat with my father for a while. It's much better than before. My father is not as hostile to me as before."

Two halos of silver energy condensed in Ryan's hand, soft and full of warmth, and blended into the unconscious Caulifla and Kel.


Caulifla and Kyle have completely recovered from their injuries, and their strength has returned to its peak state.

"That's great, Caulifla and Kel have actually recovered. I didn't expect His Majesty Ryan to have such a move!"

Gabe looked at Ryan in surprise and said.

"Just call me Ryan, I'm not much older than you."

Ryan's calm and easy-going demeanor makes people feel unnaturally friendly.

"Thanks, Ryan!"

Caulifla moved her body politely.

"Thank you, thank you!"

Kaier looked shy and said weakly.

"Hey, Caulifla, don't be so presumptuous! Mr. Lane, no, Mr. Lane, I'm sorry! Caulifla"

Gabe quickly apologized to Ryan.

"It's okay. Miss Caulifla's straightforward personality is quite cute!"

Ryan smiled, waved his hand, and responded politely.

"Yes, cute..."

Caulifla's face turned red for a moment. This was the first time she heard someone say she was cute. Her character was like a tomboy, and she was not liked by other men at all. Moreover, the Saiyan character respected the strong, which made Ryan even more Not ordinary people.

"You, you, do you really think I'm cute?"

Caulifla felt her heart beating so fast, a feeling she had never felt before, as if the girl's heart that had been hidden had been awakened.

"How many people are left in our sixth universe!"

Ryan looked around and saw that only fifteen minutes had passed. Except for the previous ninth universe, there were no destroyed universes yet.

Hit also stood aside and explained: "In addition to the six of us, there is also a Frost..."

Before Hit could say anything, Frost was knocked out of the ring by Piccolo's blow and landed on the stand near Xiangpa.

Hit put his hands in his pockets and asked: "There are only six of us left now! Ryan, what are your plans?"

Ryan explained: "Father, they may have some trump cards to deal with us. Now except for the seventh universe, oh, no one from the eleventh universe has been eliminated."

Ryan glanced at the stands, where Universe 11 was, with some surprise.

"Hmph, there's no need to waste time with those guys in Universe 11. The most important thing is here in Universe 7."

Zhai Kou snorted coldly, not paying attention to Universe 11 at all.

"Mr. Lane, people from Universe 11 are here!"

Gabe's exclamation attracted everyone's attention. In Ryan's sight, a strong and burly man came over, with a round and smooth head, big black eyes, white complexion, and a tight-fitting black and red suit. Wearing white boots and gloves, his angular muscles look full of strength.

In the stands, the God of Destruction from Universe 11 was smiling slightly, as if he was in control.

"I didn't expect Jiren to actually want to take action. This is not in line with his character at all!"

At this time, Xiangpa was also holding his stomach and laughing wildly: "Hahaha... there are people who want to challenge Ryan, hahaha... Ryan, eliminated the big-eyed guy from Universe 11."

“It’s delicious, sir!”

The angel Markarita of Universe 11 is an angel with a twin-tailed head. She is tall and looks somewhat similar to Bados.

"Sorry, that human named Ryan from Universe 6 feels better than me."

Markarita lost her usual smile, and she felt a pressure from Ryan's body.

"What did you say?"

The taste changed his face, and his clown-dressed face was filled with disbelief.

"Ho ho ho... Markarita, how do you feel when you see a mortal surpassing you? Ryan's power is about the same as mine, dear!"

Bardos deliberately ended with a tone that Marcarita liked and said teasingly.

Markarita didn't speak, feeling very depressed because her strength was actually not as good as a human being.

"Did Jiren also feel the other party's strength and go there?"

It was so delicious that he lost all the confidence he had at the beginning. He felt indifferent now, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

There were gravel and dirt everywhere on the arena, and the arena was completely damaged.

Just when Zhai Kou was about to rush forward, he was stopped by Ryan.

"You guys stand back and let me do it. This guy named Jiren is very powerful. Don't waste too much energy on him."

Ryan asked Hit, Zhai Kou and others to step back and walked towards Jilian.

"Is it Jiren? Looking at you, your fiery aura has a hint of loneliness and the coldness of grief?"

Ryan felt the energy coming from Jilian and said calmly.

The seventh universe was reunited at this time. After Sun Wuling and No. 18 eliminated the last person from the second universe, they noticed the meeting of Jilian and Ryan in the distance.

"Well, is Ryan going to really take action?"

Sun Wuling is no stranger to Jilian, but now he no longer feels the same sense of depression towards Jilian.

Qiangwei lightly patted the dust on her body, stood next to Sun Wuling, No. 18, opened her spiritual eyes, and said: "The one named Jilian has a very strong soul. Sure enough, the world is very big, and there is such a powerful person." Guy."

"Hmph, let the guy named Jiren help us test Ryan's power first!"

Vegeta folded his hands to protect his chest and snorted coldly. Now everyone in the entire seventh universe has maintained most of their physical strength to deal with the upcoming battle.

Not only Sun Wuling and others, but the surviving warriors from other universes also turned their attention to Ryan and Jilian.

The high priest's majestic and indifferent voice sounded again.

"All contestants in the second universe are eliminated, and the second universe is declared to be destroyed!"

The King of Quan raised his palms high, and Sava, the angel of the second universe, fell into a deep sleep due to the disappearance of the God of Destruction, Hyles.

call out!

The disappearance of the second universe was like a signal. Jiren clenched his fists, jumped up, and attacked Ryan.

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