Dragon Ball: Shackles of Life

Chapter 226 The Nature of the Conference of Power

Jiren was breathing heavily at this time, his clothes were in tatters, covering his arms, and looked at Ryan stubbornly, he was the only one left in Universe 11.


Ryan, who was about to make a last-ditch attack and kick Jiren out, stopped thinking about it.

"My name is Ryan, and I am an Earthling. Mr. Jiren, in addition to protecting your Eleventh Universe, you may have other purposes for participating in this conference. Do you have any wishes in your heart that need to be fulfilled by the Super Dragon Balls? "

"What does this have to do with you? I am not your opponent. I admit it. There are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. However, there is no way you want me to join forces with you. With your strength, you will definitely win in the end. Even if you plan Use the Super Dragon Balls to fulfill my wish, and by that time I would have disappeared with Universe 11.”

Jiren gritted his teeth, seeing through Ryan's intention at a glance, and refused without hesitation.

Ryan smiled and shook his head and said: "Sorry, I will not give you the Super Dragon Ball wish this time. I also have a wish. I hope everyone can still live as usual. This is my reason for participating in this power conference. The reason is also the wish that Sir Xiangpa, my friends and I have promised.”

"What did you say?"

Jilian glared at the boss, looking at Ryan at this moment, with an expression of disbelief.

"This is a wish I need the Super Dragon Balls to fulfill, so I'm sorry, Mr. Jiren, but I can't give you the Super Dragon Balls wish."

Ryan's elegant and gentle smile allowed Jilian to take off his guard. Coupled with Ryan's angelic power, Jilian's inner pride, coldness and arrogance were melted away.

"I have just been paying attention to you, the Pride Troopers, the warriors who maintain the peace and justice of the Eleventh Universe. Mr. Jiren, please give me a little of your pride and justice, so that I can win the Tournament of Power."

After saying that, Ryan bent down slightly and stretched out his palm towards Jilian.

"Holy shit..."

Vegeta, who had been observing, immediately cursed.

"Ok, Kakarot, let's go quickly and find Sun Wuling and the others. Jiren is going to join forces with Ryan."

"Ah good!"

Sun Wukong and Vegeta quickly rushed to Sun Wulin.

On the way, Vegeta shook his head. Even he was almost convinced by Ryan's words just now. Even though Ryan didn't use any moves or abilities, he, the Saiyan prince, had the idea of ​​​​helping Ryan win immediately. .

"Damn it, he is so powerful and has such a high status as the Human Emperor, but he actually bows and bends in order to win over others. Sun Wuling's cheap son really doesn't look like a king at all."

Vegeta murmured in his heart that if he had the pride of a Saiyan in his heart, he would never do such a thing to someone weaker than himself.

"Ah, there's a fight, Vegeta! Wu Ling and the others are fighting with Hit, Zhai Kou and the others."

Sun Wukong's voice brought Vegeta back to his senses. At this time, Sun Wukong became a state of freedom and restraint. Zhai Kou was unable to parry and was retreating steadily.

Hit was also restrained by Son Gohan, who turned into Super Saiyan IV and completely crushed Hit.

"Wow ah ah..."

I saw that Gabe, who had turned into a Super Saiyan at this time, was hit by Rose, No. 17, No. 18, and Piccolo. He was knocked away with the minimum cost, fell from the ring, and sat in the stands.


As Kaier roared, his breath exploded, his grass-green hair lost his pupils, and he collided with Broly frantically.


Broly roared wildly, in a grass-green state of madness, maintaining his sanity while remaining wild.


The primitive and wild collision between Super Saiyans, Kyle used his fists, and Broly also used his fists. It was so violent and crazy that even the God of Destruction in the stands felt numb.

"This is human beings! Barbaric and worthless, Miss Kesi, I always thought my idea was right."

Zamasu, who was hiding in the dark at this time, saw the appearance of Broly and Kale, his eyes filled with hatred and disgust.

call out!

Suddenly, a sense of danger came. Zamasu crossed his arms in front of him to protect him, and Piccolo kicked Zamasu away.

Zamasu spun backwards, stabilized his body, shook his arms, and looked at Piccolo coldly.

"Humans from the seventh universe!"

Piccolo's battle uniform was taken off before participating in the Tournament of Power.

"You have been watching us from the dark. What are your plans? If I remember correctly, you were the one standing on the side of Universe 10 when the Conference of Power began."

Piccolo stretched out his palm, pointed it at Zamasu, and said.

"Hmph, my name is Zamasu, a Namekian from the seventh universe? Twenty minutes have passed since the start of the Tournament of Power, and no one from your seventh universe has been eliminated. Warriors from other universes We’ve all noticed you, it seems like someone from Universe 7 needs to be eliminated.”

Zamasu revealed his hand knife, his purple aura condensed, and he showed a bloodthirsty and crazy smile. Piccolo smiled, put his index and middle fingers on his forehead, and charged up the magic piercing light killing cannon.

Boom! Boom!

Just when Zamasu was about to swing his knife and attack Piccolo, he suddenly kicked him in the lower back with a huge force, and his body flew out uncontrollably.

"Rose, Piccolo!"

No. 17 and No. 18 are artificial humans. They have unlimited energy of their own, and they cannot sense Qi like others. Zamasu did not notice it at all and was sneak attacked by No. 17 and No. 18.

"Turtle Style Qigong Wave!"

"Devil Penetrating Light Killing Cannon!"

Rose and Piccolo, who had been hiding and waiting for an opportunity, were released together and hit Zamasu.

"One hundred times the world..."

Zamasu was about to use the Kaio Fist, but the figure had already reached the stands. He was attacked by a sneak attack and was knocked back to the stands before he could even use the Kaio Fist he had learned for a long time.

"Zamasu...how could you be eliminated like this!"

Rumsey looked crazy and shouted towards Zamasu.

Kesi covered her face with a look of regret.

"Oh, I originally wanted to observe the Tournament of Power for a while. I thought something super interesting would happen, but I didn't expect it to end like this!"


Zamasu looked at Rose on the ring, clapping her hands in celebration, No. 18, No. 17, Piccolo, they really understood the rules of the Tournament of Power.

"Okay, Kesi!"

Suddenly, the great priest came to the tenth universe.

"Father, no, Lord High Priest?"

Kesi raised her head in astonishment, looked at the great priest, and said doubtfully.

"Great Priest!"

Rumsey, Kaioshin, and other contestants from Universe 10 were startled, and even Zamasu's heart was beating very fast.

"Kesi, Master Quan Wang allows you to temporarily become an angel of the seventh universe to watch the next game."

The high priest spoke.

"What? Thank you, Mr. Quan Wang!"

Kesi was surprised and said in astonishment.

The high priest showed a smile, returned to his original stand, stood upright, and solemnly announced the demise of the tenth universe.

After Kesi, Rumsey and Gervase said goodbye, they came to the stands on the Seventh Universe side. Therefore, they did not fall into a deep sleep because of Rumsey's death.

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